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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Meh. I think it is too easy to be negative right now and write off the team, the program and Dan Lanning after one game. Clemson only scored three points on Georgia last year, and we got surprised by the newly installed passing game of the Bulldogs, as reported by DazeNconfused. We will be much better....
  2. Explanations for the Jack, Money and Mac linebackers along with the Star are in an easy-to-read article right here. Yep...a Shameless Plug from the Shameless Beggar.
  3. The FishDuck Feed is the third leg of the FishDuck Oregon Sports Community within two free websites. To learn more about all three parts, read right here about them and the story of this unique community of Oregon fans. About the FishDuck Feed: Look for the Green Pinned Topic at the top of the forum, as that will be the day's Oregon Sports News and Articles, the FishDuck Feed. Can you help? Join our team of Duck News Hunters as anyone who wants to post an article is welcome to, but please do it in the reply posts below this first post. Just pop the URL of the article in the reply post and the article box should appear; if it does not...make sure there is a space above the pasted URL in the post. Please everyone...do not post any thoughts or responses about the articles in this thread as they will be deleted. We do not have room in this thread for all the articles, and the discussion that would ensue for many of the articles. We want discussion, but copy the URL of the article you want to discuss and start a new thread in the main forum area below. It only takes a minute to copy the URL of the article and paste it into a new thread, place a good title on it and put your thoughts in your post. (I've been told that people won't take the time to do that, but this is a very special community; do your part!)
  4. Ding-Ding-Ding! We have a winner! Who will be the first to predict Lanning's demise? It came after just the first game by Pac10again. That is what we will remember...thanks.
  5. Yes, as I wrote in my article on Thursday...you need a real freak at Jack--to be able to cover passes, rush the passer and set the edge. Funa is good for setting the edge only, and they really caught us in a bad matchup. Sewell is a Mac linebacker, but I agree that he needs to be pulled on obvious passing downs. I think Swinson is the best choice at Jack, but he is going to have trouble setting the edge... Your thought about switching to a defense that doesn't require a couple of freaks might be spot-on...because you need three freaks on the field all the time; at Jack, at Money, and at Star. And it would appear we do not have the right player profiles yet!
  6. Good point, and I'm sure you are quite right. It just struck me as so odd....
  7. You and me both. Your suggestions are spot on, and I welcome all such suggestions. The Pinned Topic about how to post will return every-so-often to remind everyone, and I agree we'll add this, and return it up there later today. Great idea... A number of our "rules" are there for the ease of the reader. For example I have to tell people a hundred times, to please put paragraph spacing after every three long or four short sentences. Continuous text is very hard to read, and usually people will skip reading those posts. Ditto for leaving tons of space at the bottom of their post...it makes everyone have to scroll that much more. I ask them to take ten seconds and tighten them up when writing a post. There are people who think I am a petty, anal tyrant for insisting they do these things, when it is just courtesy to their fellow OBD members. I remind them that, "fellow OBD members are being courteous to you--would you return the kindness?"
  8. That is a little dark. And it better not be correct, as that looks our best option at this point! We're stuck.
  9. The FishDuck Feed is the third leg of the FishDuck Oregon Sports Community within two free websites. To learn more about all three parts, read right here about them and the story of this unique community of Oregon fans. About the FishDuck Feed: Look for the Green Pinned Topic at the top of the forum, as that will be the day's Oregon Sports News and Articles, the FishDuck Feed. Can you help? Join our team of Duck News Hunters as anyone who wants to post an article is welcome to, but please do it in the reply posts below this first post. Just pop the URL of the article in the reply post and the article box should appear; if it does not...make sure there is a space above the pasted URL in the post. Please everyone...do not post any thoughts or responses about the articles in this thread as they will be deleted. We do not have room in this thread for all the articles, and the discussion that would ensue for many of the articles. We want discussion, but copy the URL of the article you want to discuss and start a new thread in the main forum area below. It only takes a minute to copy the URL of the article and paste it into a new thread, place a good title on it and put your thoughts in your post. (I've been told that people won't take the time to do that, but this is a very special community; do your part!)
  10. So...Oregon coaches had nothing to do with the butt-kicking?
  11. When Coach Lanning was asked about Bo's second interception.... "The second take-away is one that Bo would certainly want back. They were playing buzz coverage into a quads look and (he) forced a throw we don't need to force. Bo knows that. He knows that the minute he walked off the field." Are you kidding me? A graduate student with all those exalted SEC games under his belt and he has to learn that yet? So many of you know that one of my favorite management expressions that applies to FishDuck Volunteers, new employees, football players and football coaches is..."Greatness and Weakness Emerge Early," and "when it is weakness--you can never turn it into greatness; you will have to work very hard just to bring him/her up to average." So the key is not spend tons of time on Dodo Birds, but go find Eagles. Many say that, "I can turn him into an Eagle," but that never works. You cannot send Dodo Birds to Eagle School...it doesn't work that way. If you want Eagles....you have to go out and find them. Coaching Bo up is a waste of time because if he is making mistakes like this as a fourth-year starter,....he isn't going to change. You are better off finding an Eagle for the long-term.
  12. That would be in December after the season with the new rules. A lot can happen between now and then...
  13. You are very kind. In the end...we've assembled a group of very nice people who are also die-hard Ducks. Thank you!
  14. Sure...I mean we've played them for 100 years. I would assume we would continue it as a non-conference game if a conference change occurs. But as of today, our chances of being invited are...
  15. We are in a pickle; if we move to an inexperienced QB...you are already giving up a number of games as he goes through his learning curve. But if you stay with someone who cannot perform at the high level you target...
  16. In the end...yes he sets the tone, but he is the CEO, and I was stunned at this performance considering the level of expertise among all the assistant coaches. They have to get it together as well, IMHO.
  17. I did not see any problem with them. Negative is fine, and for me it comes down to a comparison to prior posts in other years that were truly dark and the former OBD member was unrelenting in continuously posting them. It looks like we had only one Drive-By Troll today, and his post was only up for seven minutes (thanks to the incredible moderator who caught it immediately!) and I think it was someone I've banned before. Some people are this way.... You gotta love our moderators!
  18. I am still sold on the Lanning and the staff, but I admit to being shaken. But they can turn this around immediately...
  19. Blown away. I am happy when we have 150 online at one time, and we actually had over 650 online at one time today. We have a lot to offer Oregon fans with great articles, the fabulous FishDuck Feed and a wonderful community that values civility. This was a great opportunity for the site to shine... Too bad the team shat the bed... And yeah...I've gotta charge up the bandwidth as loading was super-slow on mobile as well as desktop. I'm learning, as I've had FishDuck--the article site for 11 years, but the forum is not quite a year old yet. I will get this improved.
  20. Look, I know Georgia is good, but both our players and coaching looked deficient. One example: when UGA WRs were blocking, they sustained their blocks and allowed the flair pass to get great yardage. Our WRs allowed their blocks to be defeated for short gains is all. I could go on... But I will admit the talent on Georgia oozed on nearly every play. They were pretty impressive... I don't think Oregon knew what they were playing with....
  21. Okay, Let’s take this discussion out to the main area of the forum. You are all quite welcome to start new threads and we can discuss.
  22. It is typical to have 100 to 140 online at one time, and I just checked....and we had nearly 500, so yeah...we will need to grow some bandwidth. (Goody! More bills) Anyhoo....you will notice that I said nothing about giving up as a fan, throwing in the towel on Lanning, none of that. I am a Duck for life and loyal no matter what, and I will state my opinions often--even if severely flawed at times. I know when to hide my face...
  23. "The surprise of the conference will be Oregon's defense!" What a moron... "This will be a low scoring game." Yeah, good call, for one team... My FishDuck Friends, this is why none of us know nothin' and in the end, as we are all just giving our opinions. Some will assert greater knowledge, but we are all just guessing. Anybody need a late breakfast? I have a ton of egg on my face to share... I'd eat it myself, but I am starting a piece of Humble-Pie first. Let me explain the game of football to you...
  24. Wowsa. A lot of bad angles taken by our defenders!
  25. Oh good grief. Look at the stands… Is there any green at all? It looks solid red. And they wonder why we make fun of “Neutral City?”
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