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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Agreed. If you want to get players ready for the NFL...
  2. I miss the two Duck-Buddies I banned, and will for a very long time. Thanks to everyone for your support, and your kind words written. It helps me get through the tough-stuff.
  3. An addendum to what is above: The decision (above) changed how I deal with new people who join and immediately give me grief, as well as multiple violation offenders. Since I cannot monetize...and we currently have as many people as I need to have fun discussing OBD...I realized I don't need new members. Now I do welcome new members who post well, and blend in with this community, but I do not have to suffer those-who-demand-special-treatment-right-out-of-the-gate. I banned two new people in one weekend, because of that new short hook. I've learned over the years that those who argue the rules and push-back in the beginning--will take more of my time in the future. And I don't need them! Hence the shorter hook with multiple offenders, and with new members who fight me on the rules. BTW...consider yourself lucky to not have to read the stuff they send, and deal with them. I would not wish that on anyone, and hence why I do not notify anyone in public about post violations. It can get ugly...
  4. An OBD member here wrote in public and to me privately that, "unless you loosen up...you will never achieve the critical mass needed to monetize some day." He has made a fortune in the web-publishing business, knows what he is talking about, and I believe him. That meant I had a choice....and I reflected upon it for a long time. I decided that to have the safe place to post--I must forgo the potential he referred to, because that safe place that does not exist anywhere else. That is my decision, and I am OK with it.
  5. In the distant past....I was a Troll, and a very good one. I changed my ways when it all caught up with me, and those experiences have helped me to see through what some people are trying to claim to me in emails, versus what their actual intent is. Been-there-and-done-that.
  6. I've received quite a few emails that share your sentiment, and I completely understand--and don't disagree. But if any of you walked my shoes on this one--you would feel differently. When I began over 10 years...we had no rules. I mean, why would we need rules? We are all adults, right? Everything in the rules, everything I do from the rules is based upon experiences; hours and hours of emails and phone calls with hundreds of people. I could give a Master-Class on human behavior in a group situation, and how to moderate a forum. Tons of things I never would have thought true before this OBD experience... And I certainly admit to stricter rules to create something different/better than all the other forums. If I loosened up to be like the others...why have this one? In the end...I just want a safe place to "Banter-with-my-Buddies."
  7. While I wish an Oregon-boy would stay home, I am not sweating this as I would in past years. I believe very much in the recruiting savvy of this coaching staff, and thus I think we will get ours! You don't want to waste time chasing unlikely outcomes... I do love my Cat-GIFs!
  8. I think the Baseball Bucket story is stuff of life, of passing it forward. And I think the Oregon State offensive line coach is one of the best out there, and dramatically underpaid relative to talent available and his results. Canzano: Summer begins with laughter -- and a reminder WWW.JOHNCANZANO.COM Cherish the times.
  9. I may have misunderstood your post, as the rules say nothing about us deleting posts because they were ignorant or uniformed. I want all opinions from everyone on every topic, as only then do I learn from others. This means I end up reading stuff on occasion that makes me shake my head and mutter under my breath how a particular post is, "stupid-as-hell." That is the price for seeing all views; you see the dumb ones too. And I admit to how hard it is at times to stop myself from replying...."good-grief, pull your head out!" But we cannot get nasty or personal, and the absence of that is what makes us all feel safe when we post. It is not a perfect system, but the only one I can arrive at that encourages more discussion from the great people of this forum. So many have told me that this is the first forum they've ever posted on...because they feel safe here.
  10. I was never a big fan of having Texas teams join the conference because travel there is not just an hour or two--but a whole day. I never really thought about the Colorado situation in terms of current benefits until this article, but felt they fit the Big-12 better than the Pac when joined. The point to many of us is....we already blew our opportunity to expand. I think our best chance for higher revenue is via the Alliance now. Great stuff David!
  11. I remember the recruiting luncheon in Eugene the year that Ifo was signed. Chip told us that he watched the film of Ifo for just two minutes, turned it off and told the assistant coaches, "he can play."
  12. That is precisely what I told them; everybody loses in this. But the end result is worse if I do nothing.
  13. For those who do not have a subscription....and yep, this sucks. Riley Williams, No. 2 Tight End, Is Down To 3 Schools - The Spun: What's Trending In The Sports World Today THESPUN.COM Riley Williams will soon pick from one of three college football programs. On Tuesday, the 6-foot-6, 230-pound tight end revealed Alabama, Ohio State, and
  14. In the thread about "Four Keys to Beating Georgia" was a comment by a Dawg fan being concerned about the "crazies" in the Georgia fanbase showing up here. Yet we certainly have our own "crazies" among Duck fans, and because of the superb work of the moderators--you almost never see one of the crazy posts, and if you do--it is not up for long. We hide violating posts immediately, and it is so refreshing to have a clean forum. With great sadness--I had to ban two long-time OBD/FishDuck members in the past month. They were not crazy, but simply could not apply consistent "impulse-control" when posting. These are handles/names you would recognize in a moment, and while I will not discuss their names/situations in public--it was a sad day, and it makes me sad every time I think about it. Both go a long way back with me... Our post deletion rate is less than half-of-1%, and thus if someone cannot operate within the 99.50%+ of the others, then the problem is not with the rules or Charles Fischer. Now, ALL OF US mess-up once in a while, including yours-truly, but we recognize it, learn from it and move forward. It is the multiple violations that take up too much of my energy, hence a short hook is now being used, as I do not have the time any longer. I am not concerned with occasional slip by the good people on this forum, but one of the fellows had nine violations in one three week period, and the other had six violations in 40 days....which got him banned for the fifth and final time. That many violations? That is crazy... But that does not pertain to any of you reading this; I mention it because there is a difference between a crazy fan, and an undisciplined fan. And I mention it because these guys were my friends, and repeatedly put me in a tough spot that I am still sad about. I've lost friends before from those who wanted "special" treatment, and it happened again. Preserving the culture of the forum is always the top priority for me, but it can be costly on a personal basis. I knew the day-of-reckoning was coming with both fellows, but had tried to stave it off. I know at least a few moderators thought I gave them far more slack than they would have, and these wise moderators were correct. The good news is that the last of repeat-offenders are now thinned out, and we have 25 new members during May/June...sign-ups even during this incredibly slow time! I kinda thought I needed to address the elephant-in-the-room, and express my sadness about it. One thing it does--is make me grateful to the massive majority who are so fun to banter with, including the fans of other schools. It is going to be an incredible fall! Banter-Buddies
  15. He will give us stats like Thibs in 2022…without the hype.
  16. Hey...you are not the only one who does not think it makes sense. Think of it...they put Miami's future offense higher than Oregon or Utah? At least he is wearing the right color...
  17. “I’ve have time blocked out on my calendar for pondering. I’ve built blocks of time to read, view things, consider stuff. More often than not, that turns out to be some of my most valuable time of the day.” Sounds like he would fit in with this community just fine! Canzano: George Kliavkoff's first year on the job was a doozy of a win WWW.JOHNCANZANO.COM Commissioner officially hired last July 1.
  18. Was this skill refined because he was running for his life so often?
  19. Richard Young would be the equivalent of another Jonathan Stewart--big and fast. Come to Oregon!
  20. Oh that's right! Someone asked me in your forum if we had a thread about 2026 recruiting, as a measure of intensity of interest. I pooh-poohed it, but clearly...I was wrong, as it is a thing. You Georgia fans sure have been fun to have here with your thoughts--great people. (And yes...I will feel that way if you kick-our-butt, as I enjoy the Utah fans who kicked our butt this last year--twice)
  21. George is working on the Pac-12 Media rights deal already? Cool! Canzano: What I learned over the weekend... about the Pac-12 and more WWW.JOHNCANZANO.COM Monday musings...
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