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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. As soon as I see it is "Axel" and the places to not retire at....I am already laughing and I haven't read it yet! Talk about training me to involuntary reactions from just reading! How about Lubbock, Texas or as one FishDuck writer described Starkville, Mississippi as "the backwater of the SEC."
  2. Well....you would be surprised at the number of Duck fans who do not share your values on this. Our moderators hide violation posts immediately, thus you rarely see the nonsense that some people feel is their right to say in this free forum. People in this community are great, but it took all of us a while to adapt, to pull the fangs in. Some newbies never get the hang of it, and take a lot of my time. So I am grateful that the wonderful people here operate as you wrote.
  3. And...I'm glad to hear that Coach Lanning is taking some family time...
  4. I am not a big fan of replaying the tapes of all we have been through as Oregon fans for fans of other schools, but if stormrider or any others truly want more information...the crux of it all is below. Saban says, OFFENSE WINS; is Mario Cristobal Listening? FISHDUCK.COM We all grew up hearing "Defense wins Championships," and the early Nick Saban National Championship teams at Alabama epitomized this mantra. Does Rob Mullens feel he got SNOOKERED by Mario Cristobal? FISHDUCK.COM ve often wondered what Athletic Director Rob Mullens was expecting of Oregon's offense when he announced Mario Cristobal as head football coach in his news... Cristobal's Problem? It's the Oregon Fans! FISHDUCK.COM Yes, you read that right; the problem for Mario Cristobal are the fans at Oregon. He runs a team under an old philosophy, an old way of winning. Were they Watershed Losses for the Team, the Fans or CRISTOBAL? FISHDUCK.COM Everyone is still reeling from unexpected losses to opponents that most would place in the bottom half of the conference. I actually wonder if the team truly...
  5. Some good stuff about a former Duck... Canzano: Getting to the NFL is one thing... staying is another WWW.JOHNCANZANO.COM A conversation with former first-round draft pick Alex Molden.
  6. I am copying the above, as it perfectly states my feelings as well. And it makes me relieved that so many people yearn for the same thing I do... Thank you Log Haulin!
  7. Up in the dashboard of the Posting Box is a symbol that looks like S and it is called "Strikethrough" and can be easily applied to any letter or word on a desktop or pad. Just highlight the letter or word then click on the S and you can create words like... Mario Cristobal I could not achieve what ICamel referred to above, but the strikethrough does make a point too. Fun stuff.
  8. And good on the coaches for seeing the upside and making him such a priority. He could be a key player in a future explosive offense!
  9. I like all the recruiting articles on 24/7, and am glad you, I and others post them. When it comes to ratings--I use Rivals for comparison in my FishDuck articles to overcome the built-in historical bias. You can learn more right here, and I welcome all articles being posted. To ALL: if you see something that hasn't been posted--do your part for this free forum and share it with us!
  10. So very true, and which forum set that trend years ago? The article below is well worth the read for discussion. Canzano: Sports world needs to remain an escape WWW.JOHNCANZANO.COM No politics policy? But he still doesn't get it! He admits that sports is an escape, yet he still injects his views into this and other articles. What part of NO POLITICS do other media not get? "I’ve had a shift of mindset in the last decade. I used to bristle when people told me, “Stick to sports.” Now, I understand that what they’re really saying is, “Man, what happened to my escape?” Right, John....RIGHT!
  11. And....by the end of the year--the Miami fans will be worried about him transferring out. I might know a team with an explosive offense and fast receivers that might fit him for transfer to? Wouldn't THAT set the world on fire!
  12. They say that the official bird of South Carolina is the mosquito!
  13. LSU is highly underated, and no Texas ATM? Of course, dysfunctional and delusional are different!
  14. Just barely made the list! You can't see it, but he is No. 48 on Farrell's list.
  15. Perhaps it is on Social Media...but not on this forum...our GREEN REFUGE.
  16. When people have a choice between the article above, or the FishDuck article today by Joshua,… I feel pretty confident that people will like the extra time and trouble we go through to create our articles. In fact, I should be grateful for those articles above, because they make FishDuck articles look good!
  17. Another great article that is well-thought and reasonable for Oregon fans. Like most of you--I see things for the 2022 team that if things turn our way--could be exciting. But the common sense of Joshua and Nevada Dawg above also resonates with me. Do I listen to my heart or my head? Now SHE is a fan!
  18. While I tell people to "hug a moderator today," we can't quite do that with your distance from us....but keeping the forum clean in the middle of the night is something we are grateful for when we check into the site in the morning. Moderators make the vision of a "No-Trolls" site possible, as they have our back. God bless those who help!
  19. I know a retired couple who moved to Jonesboro, Arkansas and they love it....
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