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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. (Press Release from Oregon Athletics) EUGENE, Ore. — Noah Sewell was announced as the Pac-12 Freshman of the Week on Monday morning after leading Oregon’s defense in the Ducks’ 24-17 win over California on Friday. Sewell paced Oregon with 12 tackles against Cal, reaching double digits for the third straight home game. The Malaeimi, American Samoa, native also added a sack, 1.5 tackles for loss, a pass breakup and a quarterback hurry. Sewell is the eighth Duck this season to earn a weekly conference honor, and he joins fellow linebacker Justin Flowe as UO players to be named freshman of the week. LB Noah Sewell – Pac-12 Freshman of the Week » Led Oregon with 12 total tackles, including six solo takedowns. » Recorded a sack for the second game in a row. » Leads Oregon with 3.0 sacks this season, and has 5.0 in his career. » Recorded 1.5 tackles for loss vs. Cal, and is tied for the team lead with 4.5 TFLs this season. » Double-digit tackles in three straight home games, recording 36 total in that span. » Leads Oregon this season with 54 total tackles, including 42 across the last four games.
  2. I do admire the players for being mentally tough and using the boos to inspire them. Not what I would want, as I want those boos directed at Cristobal...
  3. If we are a top-ten team...then yes, we should win out. But I am not making any bets on that...
  4. Haywarduck...I apologize for that. I got carried away, as I know you care very deeply about the program or you would not be in this forum as you are. You care about the results on the field, but we disagree on how to nudge Cristobal into improving.
  5. And like I said...easy for you to say. I do not want to lose my 35 year priority status, and thus am trapped. I do not know the big-boys, and suggesting that I rally them sounds good on a message board, but is impractical in real-life. Haywarduck...we are friends, but we are going to disagree on this one and that is fine. In my view--you are more concerned with our appearance as fans than you are with the results on the field. Something has to give to get the results we want, and booing will do more to generate change than any of the suggestions you have offered--in my opinion. Why is this so important? Because that offense is NOT going to take us to the promised land, and a critical mass of fans have realized it. Good discussion to flush out all these points for people to ponder... Don't these people who pay thousands to attend deserve better than winning on the last play to the 11th team in the conference?
  6. We don't want to be. You stressed patience with the coach, but if he had an offensive system....he would have put it in place in year one and year two....and we would be reaping the benefits in year 3.5 (now) and there would be no complaint. You assume he will learn and change, and my point in the article is that the majority of people were in that mode for the first three years and were "hopeful" coming into this season. The Ohio State game gave us hope of change, and now we are back to the "Prevent-Offense." The majority of fans have realized that he is not going to change, and the appearance of booing is something we would rather live with than watching this offense decline further. Yes...he wants to win a championship, but can you honestly say that his offense will do it?
  7. Nowhere in my article did I ask for the coach to be fired, you are assuming that direction and it does NOT represent my views. I want him to stay, but turn the offense over to the OC. We are booing the offense that Cristobal has chosen.
  8. Everybody Please Note: I was not at the game Saturday night; my seats were filled by someone else and I have no idea if they booed. But I agree with the sentiments of those who boo, and the helplessness we feel watching our brand die. Considering what Cristobal has done to the offense? He deserves to be booed...
  9. This sounds good and makes sense to most people...but for a 35 year season ticket-holder in Eugene....is it really practical? Once you cancel your tickets....your priority status for getting tickets again when the offense is more entertaining, and for other sports is destroyed. Here is the reality for people like me....we are trapped. We do not like this product on the field, but have to pay thousands for the tickets to retain our 35 year priority. In other words...I LOSE NO MATTER WHAT. A boring offense, unentertaining AND I have to pay the money each year. They bring in a new coach eventually that I want to watch? Back to the 5 yard line again Charles.... (I am on the 35 yard line now) The impact on me is greater than Oregon losing one season ticket holder among 30,000 and thus your suggestion is not as workable as many would think. And that concept of feeling trapped creates even more frustration with the coach...
  10. The most important thing to Cristobal...is "being tough" over everything. His second biggest value that he promotes is "loyalty" and because he preaches it so strong to the team--he has to stick to Brown. Cristobal now has to learn how to teach mental strength....to fight through the boos. Can he? The players have according to articles, but can they do that at every home game? Because Cristobal is not going to change, thus the reaction of a percentage of fans will not either, and they will boo. Cristobal's reaction? He is angry because the fans are being disloyal to him....the worst offense we can be guilty of. (In his value system) This will have big implications later in the season. I knew a ton of people would disagree with my article--and that's OK. I wanted to have this discussion, because it will truly be the start of it, the canary-in-the-coal-mine for Mullens and Cristobal.
  11. Thanks again to 30Duck for bringing us the news and a great article. Everybody....do your part here for a free-forum; bring us the news, start a thread, post your thoughts! If everyone does a little-bit, then we will have something supremely unique..
  12. This is the Troll (jega) that I banned at about 5:00 AM this morning...
  13. Ditto for me. My prediction record is as dismal as what my season record prediction would be.
  14. I am just concerned about how some may react to the-end-of-the-spectrum-views of others.
  15. Agreed, and our run defense has not inspired my confidence....
  16. I am thinking about posting a contest later in the week that would very difficult for all of us. It would be...."predict the final record of Oregon." We do it right now before the UCLA game, with the last half of the season and whatever postseason you believe will occur. But I think this contest could go south on us....with the amount of pessimism, of which would add to our down mood. Let's NOT start it yet, but I am asking you--should we do it? There are many impacts of it, as we may shock each other both ways. And this one could be considered easy to predict, or incredibly hard for a devoted Duck fan. It is almost like....I do want to know your prediction, yet at the same time--I don't. Give me feedback everyone...should we do it, and again... do NOT start giving predictions yet please. It's an itch that could backfire...
  17. And thank you Jon for posting it as being VERY important going forward. Washington State...with their passing attack could very definitely out-score Oregon IMHO. And they held Cal to six points in Berkeley. Jon's point is big.
  18. I think the majority of fans have the same gut feeling you do...
  19. Amen. Jon does great research and brings us great information for future pondering. Thanks Jon!
  20. And I told him your expression and he laughed out loud at how accurate and innovative that term is describing the current Oregon offense!
  21. Agreed. Under Cristobal it seems it is so much harder to score, and that Oregon has to work so much harder at it. Stats may disagree, but it is simply the view a fan has. I quoted you on the phone yesterday again and the Duck-Buddy certainly agreed...."Mario Cristobal has held the Oregon Offense down better than any defense since Auburn of 2010!"
  22. Aren't you having a bit too much fun with this? (I'm feeling snookered....)
  23. Thanks for participating and being a part of it. It has taken off much faster than when we opened it up originally, and I figured the majority posting would be the "regulars" who were here before. But we have had 68 new people sign up in just 17 days, and I did not expect that. If everybody jumps in and posts--it means we should have some good discussions in the future as well. (It would help if the Ducks did well!)
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