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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. What if the ref caught it? Would that count for Oregon? Would Washington defenders need to tackle him?
  2. Yep, and the worst part of it? Most people don't read it, or think it applies to them!
  3. Sunshine Larry, you have the right handle name, and your thoughts come to us at a time when we need it. THANKS! Despite last night--Oregon fans are going to see a ton of WINNING in the future, and it will be great fun.
  4. Many sportswriters have moaned about how a Stanford receiver dropped a pass that would have spelled doom for Washington, and the Huskies actually could/should have lost to the 'Furd? We all know how they need the officials help to get past Arizona State, and barely beat Utah and Oregon State--unlike the decisive games we had with common these common opponents. Yet when Washington plays us? We get their best shot. I was stunned at how well Washington played. How well they blocked, ran, and played defense. I assumed the fantastic passes and catches, but the other components missing in prior games? Not for us. The Huskies looked like a great playoff team last night, and I will have to turn and spit after I write this, but they have a great team, deserved to win, and have the tools to play with anyone and win. Oregon is great, but the damn Huskies are a touch better.
  5. I lined up all the games today, and was going to bask in the glow of an Oregon victory, and check out future opponents with all conference championship games taking place. So much for that! I will record them anyway in order to check out the losers later, of which one will be our probable NYD opponent. So instead--I will go to the office to work on a bunch of FishDuck and Our Beloved Ducks Forum stuff, as there is always tons to do in the background to make it all happen. One project is an entirely new registration process for those who sign up. The objective is to learn more about our new members, and to sort out the Trolls and Spammers before they ever get into the forum. I will have to manually approve everyone up-front, but if I get enough information from them--it becomes easier and the bad-guys are unlikely to answer all of my questions. It Got Me to Thinking... When I was responding last night and dealing with some unpleasantries associated with keeping this forum a GREEN REFUGE, I had written in the Pinned Post at the top about how it was an honor to be in this community. Now, that sounds pretentious-as-hell, and considering the ego I have--I loved the sound of it. Yet, when you consider what we have....how rare it is, how it is truly a safe place from the nastiness of the rest of the world, and all the familiar people you see posting and the comfort that comes with that--maybe it is not a stretch? Considering all the work and time it takes to "keep this Duck Pond clean," and what it takes to stay on top of the technology, and this is all offered for free? Yep, writing this out has convinced me to include in the new registration process that it is an honor to be among this fine group. I really love and care about the Men and Women of this community, as they too, want civility. Done rambling. But this was instructive for me. Charles I Love my Ducks!
  6. No. You did not see what the doctor wrote because of the great Moderators we have here who quickly hid his two posts and banned him. I checked and approved it because he violated 31a, 31b, and 31d. If you have any doubt....READ THE DAMN RULES right here, you know, like nobody does? Be "polite and respectful" and you'll be fine. If you were in my position? You would bail out in three months; why would anyone do all this for NO MONEY? You have not dealt with thousands of people as I have. I was chill...the FIRST HUNDRED TIMES. Then, anyone would become a bit more strict.
  7. I mean it. I am a Duck-to-Death, and our best days are ahead of us with Dan Lanning. If you choose to violate Rule 31a, 31b, and 31d then you will be banned, as a doctor was tonight. Discussing negative is fine, but if you going over-the-top and venting on us? We are not your therapist's couch; go vent your toxic bile somewhere else. We don't want to read it. Last year when we lost to Washington--we lost some great OBD members because they lost their heads, and wrote crazy stuff. One was a GREAT writer for FishDuck and I banned him, and he is never to return. When Are People Going to Learn? I do not care how much you post, or how great your posts are....all I care about is..."is this person creating hassle for me? Do he/she take some of my time with dealing with them?" If you annoy me by breaking our rules--you are banned in a heartbeat like the Oncologist tonight. Yes, he had to go through 14 years of school and is the ultimate professional, but if he becomes insane when Oregon loses? I don't want him here. This is a free site. These are great people here. We have a civilized forum unlike anywhere else, and we do not need ANY new members who wish to give us issues. It is an honor to be among this incredible group of wonderful Duck fans, and everything here is geared to create a safe place for them to write and read posts. This site is not like the others who will put up with your crap for the hits. We are the few left who want civilized discourse, who wish to be "polite and respectful" to each other. Break our rules and you are gone. Mr. FishDuck
  8. This is the 19th 4/5-Star player to commit to Oregon for the 2024 class, and officially ties the all-time recruiting record ever at Oregon. One more for the record! Roger Saleapaga
  9. Yep, that view just before going into the commercials showed that Tysheem Johnson grabbed McMillan‘s right hand, thus the receiver could only put up the left-hand. I would be screaming interference if I was a husky…
  10. I have made an Executive FishDuck Decision: I WILL be imbibing Oregon Craft Beer IPAs during this game, but I cannot start until halftime. Normally, I will not because I am making notes during the game and charting things. But the pressure of having it all done for the next week with other games to come makes me get it done immediately during the season. Not this time. No more games for a month, so I have time when I am more sober to take those detailed notes. I am sure I will take some general ones, but I figure the brews will either ease the pain, or heighten the roaring that will come from the FishDuck ManCave.
  11. Here we are my Duck-Buddies, the thread for pondering the actual game as it happens. Let's discuss before, and during the game! The vast majority of you are GREAT in this thread, but you must remember that this forum is different, as we require civilized discourse. Discussion of negative is fine, but don't vent on us! Rule No. 31d covers GameDay Thread Conduct, and it is not hard for the vast majority of us--just a tiny few who need to reign it in when things don't go well for Our Beloved Ducks. Let's Have Fun Posting During the Game!
  12. First of all, I think Vernon Adams does have a relationship to Oregon State, as I believe his team upset Oregon State before he came to Oregon. Second, how could a mistake like an accidental published article happen? As a publisher of over 6000 articles, 600 written by yours truly, I, and the other writers of FishDuck can tell you that it is real easy to make a mistake like that. The damn “Publish” button is right next to the “Save” button in WordPress, the most common publishing platform used these days. I cannot tell you how many times that I have accidentally published an article that I was writing for the future, or for a “What-if?” And then it got published accidentally because I had a spasmodic moment! Or exhaustion, or momentary confusion, or just plain being as senile as it gets at my age. I have a lot of bones to pick with other members in the media, and how they write and report things, but an accident like that is something I completely understand.
  13. In some of our Simulated Pressures, we overload blitz one side, while the defenders on our other side will rotate back into the short hook zones. The speed of our No. 44, freshman Teitum Tuioti is superb, and he has been used as a Spy against running QBs, and has often rotated back--right into the middle of the hook zone where the hot receiver or TE drag routes will get thrown to. Great point, as that TE can be a 3rd down killer for them.
  14. We can still get pressure on him with only four rushing and seven dropping back with Lanning's Simulated Pressures, where they do not know where the pressure is actually going to come from. And we overload a side to create the pressure while have seven in coverage. We will see some of that today, because we will not worry as much about Penix taking off running. Simulated Pressures are a bigger gamble against a team that has a good running quarterback as North Carolina did, and as Texas Tech had. The most running yards we gave up all season was to the Red Raiders, and most of that was Tyler Shough. I don't see that threat tonight...
  15. For those who have a problem with hitting Penix hard early--see the video below. It is qued up to the play I am referring to... Did you have a problem with the hit in the video above when it happened? Why not? It put that QB out of the game?
  16. Wow. Great information, as it certainly seems plausible. That would mean the actual injury took place some time ago, and he is going through what your wife went through....which means that he will be very sensitive tonight?
  17. That is a massive point...just huge. Whereas the Husky offense has declined in the same time...
  18. My Duck-Buddies, You may have noticed an issue with a video popping up in the lower right area of your computer for a few days, and if you left the forum page up in your browser--a video would start playing! It would take me too long to find the damn thing and shut if off, and I did not want to do that every time and I certainly did not want the good people of this community to suffer through that nonsense. It took me a couple of days, but I got it all turned off from the advertising platform company. Oh, they told me how much more money the site could make with them, but again--I do operate by the Golden Rule, as I hate it when other sites do that to me. My philosophy on this is similar to your personal information shared in your membership profile. In 12 years of two sites--of thousands of readers, members and hundreds of writers and editors--I have never sold or shared that information with any marketing organization, and never will. I hate it when companies pass my data around, and I will not take part in that here. The sites make enough from ads to pay the costs of the site, thus they are 'hobby' sites for me. No amount of these other strategies are going to appreciably help my bottom line anyway. A New Problem I Am Working On... Over the last couple of days--when you come to the forum on a mobile phone--you would occasionally get a strange sight, as the form looked completely different. (See below) This is a new problem, and I am working on it with the Advertising Platform again, as it is their issue as well. And I just got the Spamming problem solved! Sheesh.
  19. Mike, I think you make an excellent point. The totality of physical AND mental superiority needs to be addressed, as there is no other coach-on-the-field as Bo Nix. It is massive impact on our success, and one that is overlooked by most doing the voting-I am sure. Thanks for the guest article!
  20. Hello My OBD FishDuck Forum Friends! What is your prediction versus Washington? Take your shot and let's have fun with it... Lets get these predictions started, and remember I look for the differential between your predicted points with both teams from the actual points. I will use the tiebreaker information when needed, so provide all the data below! Entries without ALL the information are invalid, and predictions on other threads don't count. Please follow directions, as I need all that is below for tiebreakers: --the winner --the score --the amount of turnovers Oregon creates --the number of sacks Oregon records on the opposing team --the number of passing yards by the Ducks. My prediction is: Oregon, 41-24, 1, 2, 378
  21. No thank you. We need more accuracy, although he would be an adequate backup in case of QB injuries.
  22. Yep, recruit tons to the position, and find out who is best. And then the others who are 4th team transfer out… Rinse and repeat.
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