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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Jon, I like your 16 team playoff—more games for revenue, and we would see an occasional upset. A No. 13 beats a No. 4?
  2. A really good point. The objective then for coaches is to "make the tournament," when none of those teams actually have a chance of winning the tournament. I cannot tell you how many times I see protracted discussions about teams making the tournament or not and I say to myself..."the tournament is to establish a national champion...and that team should not even be in the discussion." However this football year? We could have seen some VERY interesting games if we went to 12 or even 16 teams.
  3. You could have a comfortable 17 point lead for most of the game...and in three plays those bastards can turn the tables. Their QB and receivers are that good...
  4. This is the worst week for me in a very long time. I am much more nervous, anal, agitated, distracted, pissy, annoyed, and over-the-top-loud,...than usual. I banned a new member this week for twice being rude to me in public on the forum. Now I could argue that he should been at least reprimanded for simply being stupid...I mean, when you poke-the-bear...what do you expect? But I realized my reaction was over-done due to my anxious state. (I released the ban, explained what he did wrong, and now we forget about it and move forward--unless he does it again) This week is murder on my nerves. I've talked to a ton of people who are feeling the same because the stakes are so darn high in this game. The most since a 'Natty game nine years ago? How about for YOU?
  5. I am getting too nervous. I agree this is the most complete team, but Good-Gosh the stakes are incredible. What you win is amazing, and if you lose...it is more than just a loss. Whew!
  6. The good news about this? It is not real, so I can laugh my head off...
  7. There was even the possibility of two Pac-12 teams in the Playoff if the right things happen. Louisville beats Florida State, and Oregon beats Washington. It was suggested that Washington's resume would be better than Texas or Ohio State? That would be a cool finish to the Pac-12...
  8. The Athletic just had an article with 16 different scenarios with different teams winning. In fact that fellow thinks that Ohio State will be No. 5 this week, and Oregon passes them the next week if we beat the Huskies. There were EIGHT different scenarios that put Oregon at No. 3 in the Playoff if they win. All eight with Oregon winning had them moving past No. 4! Just to be having these discussions....
  9. Oregon has been ranked ahead of Texas all season, so if Ohio State, Alabama or Texas are ranked ahead of Oregon? Not good going into the final week. As it sits now--we are projected to be No. 5, and if we then beat No. 3 Washington--we are in. And I'd love to take their No. 3 Seed, because I'd like to play and beat Michigan, and THEN face that formidable Georgia team. Stay at No. 5 this week! Beat the damn Huskies!
  10. Fantastic video...so great to see what is said in the meetings. Any doubt now that Lanning knows what buttons to push? Crap...I'm ready to jump down into a three-point tackle stance. "Put me in coach!"
  11. Great observation and research David, and THANKS for the article!
  12. Yes, and this is new. You can PUSH a running back forward, but you cannot PULL him.
  13. For everyone: that TD by Nix was NOT a called play. It was a classic Inside Zone Read from the Chip Kelly days, that in this instance-the backside defensive end being “read” did not sit in the gap, but crashed to the running back. Nix saw that and the correct read is to pull the ball as he did. It rarely happens these days, but when it does, it is a good and safe run for him on the backside of the defense.
  14. Washington is No. 3, and Alabama was not. Not debatable. Be nice in disagreement. You are new here, and learn our rules.
  15. My many Duck-Buddies, I have been a very "Nervous-Nellie" over the whole Playoff scenario. Beating Washington would be epic, but would we be screwed in the end anyway? So I listened to a few "analysts" with the disclaimer that this is just their opinion...which in my view is no better or inferior to so many of the sagacious members of the Our Beloved Ducks forum. Yet is it wise to consider their reasoning since their voices may influence the committee. First, we have National Writer for 247 Sports, Brad Crawford, and CBS Sports Playoff Analyst Jerry Palm. (Damn...I need to upgrade the labels to my credentials!) Brad Crawford: "It's Washington of Oregon for probably that No. 3 seed." (Mr. FishDuck comment: Sounds good so far!) Question by Moderator: If Oregon beats Washington in the Pac-12 Championship,...it is pretty much a lock to be in final four? Crawford now goes in a Longhorn direction: "It's going to be interesting to see which team the committee puts into the Playoff between Oregon and Texas. The Longhorns needed the play Oklahoma in the Big-12 Championship instead of Oklahoma State. I still think the Texas win at Alabama holds water. Who is the committee going to take as a one-loss conference champion? Texas just beat Texas Tech by 50 when Oregon beat the Red Raiders by only eight. It is Oregon or Texas, who has played lights out the last few weeks." (Mr. FishDuck comment: Crawford does not mention how Oregon played the starter TT QB at their home, versus a backup QB at Austin, but the committee knows) Jerry Palm: "All the stuff Brad said about Oregon and Texas is true now, and Oregon has been ahead of Texas every single week. If Oregon beats Washington and Texas wins the Big-12, Oregon is still going to be ahead of Texas because nothing has changed that would change the mind of the committee." Now we turn to On3 Playoff Analyst J.D. Pickell: "Oregon had to feel the best about their path into the Playoffs as a one-loss conference champion. It really feels like if Oregon wins, they're in." "The committee (Playoff) has told us every single week that the resume of Oregon is good, but we love the eye-test with Oregon. Every single week the Playoff committee tells us that." "I don't think the committee is going to somehow pull a fast one on Oregon. I think Oregon at this time--given the scenarios on the table, has to feel the best about their path into the Playoffs as a one-loss conference champion." "Texas has the best win in America. Texas needs an Oregon loss if they want to find their way in." (Mr. FishDuck comment: Texas has the best win until Oregon beats the No. 3 seed this next Friday.) J.D. About Alabama: "Alabama is rooting for chaos, a Texas loss, which removes their head-to-head game, or a loss by Florida State. If they beat Georgia and end up as a one-loss conference champion over the No. 1 team in the country--they would have the best win in college football. Yet they would need a Texas loss to secure a spot." "The bottom line is...there is a path for all three of these teams, (Oregon, Texas and Alabama) yet it feels to me like Oregon has most direct path."
  16. ElPatoUO...if Oregon beats Washington, then we would have a better win than Texas. And the committee recognizes that Oregon played Texas Tech with their starting QB at their home, versus a backup QB at Austin.
  17. Ask fans of both schools..."would you rather have this next game as a win, or trade it for the two prior games as wins?" This is the one that counts, baby! I take this one in a heartbeat. We get into the Playoff, and keep Washington out? A double-win like that?
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