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Everything posted by nw777b

  1. Ha! I just read he has been a 3rd and 4th string QB in Canada.
  2. Thank you. I did forget that and know there were most likely other player differences, but I believe the QB play had the biggest impact in that game than any other position.
  3. If MC is gone by then, it's a new dealer shuffling the deck. I think he stays, though.
  4. I'm not sure how you drew that conclusion based on the info provided. With a good QB, the Ducks thrived. With a bad QB, the Ducks tanked -- like last night.
  5. Agree. If this were a 3 game series, I would expect the same results.
  6. Alamo Bowl 2015 Excluding OT With Vernon Adams: Ducks 31 - TCU 0 Without Vernon Adams: Ducks 0 - TCU 31 Same O, same D...different QB
  7. I really like AB as a person. But I blame his lack of skill for the loss. He should have been pulled. No question. But I will miss his unshakable courage, tenacity, and classy behavior, etc.
  8. RumorNewsWire Last Updated December 4 2021, 06:55:00 a.m. PST First NCAAF Bowl Game Teams Identified The committee for the Everything That Is Wrong With College Football bowl has announced their team selections. The Washington Huskies will play The Oregon Ducks at a neutral site in Seattle Washington. Game time to be announced. No tickets will be sold. No media coverage will be available. There will be no parade.
  9. When a team has zero confidence in their QB, they begin to lose confidence in their ability to win. Same story as the infamous 2nd half of the Alamo bowl with Lockie at QB -- Nuclear meltdown.
  10. Utah playing with one foot on the gas and the other on the neck. THAT'S how winners finish off an opponent, not slow the game down.
  11. A win is more important than burning a red shirt. You play the best players. <---- PERIOD
  12. More rumors that MC has a lucrative extension offer in front of him.
  13. I'm sure coaches talk to schools directly, but if I'm in the million plus camp with an agent, I wouldn't be talking directly to a head hunter while trying to work very long days, 7 days per week. So I'm skeptical about the story, unless he has a brother like Billy Carter, who might say anything for a free beer.
  14. I'm not afraid of Scut Farkus, aka Slinky Riley.
  15. I would like the O to be put on the shoulders of T Dye! Give him the rock. "Run the £_(|>ing ball".
  16. What's Cristobal's record vs Kelly again?
  17. He needs another perspective from the person responsible for the offense. I don't believe he intervenes as much as some believe. From what I can tell, the backup QBs that signal the play ate getting the plays from Moorehead. How often was the pistol used prior to 2021? How often this year? I see that as Moorehead's influence. Even if I'm wrong about the play caller, Mario needs an OC. The Ducks must have the best OC they can get if Moorehead bails.
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