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Dr Hilarius

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Everything posted by Dr Hilarius

  1. i have no idea what the confusion might be, but this didn’t happen. The ducks and Mariota played tOSU for the natty after beating Winston and FSU in the first ever CFP game.
  2. um, why on earth would ucla at autzen be a “probable” loss?? i do call that crazy. i also think byu at autzen is not a probable loss. yes, i think it’s an obvious diss. but i always prefer to be underestimated vs overestimated.
  3. we all have to admit… every spring break that we managed to get some sun, we all fantasized about just staying and not going back. such is life in the PNW. it is why i live in LA now. but my time in eugene was worth it.
  4. i have to say i am surprised by the self-awareness in that article. they actually acknowledged riley left bc he didn’t want to coach in the sec.
  5. i don’t think anyone who saw OK lose to Baylor would be impressed w riley. not that baylor wasn’t good, but riley and team looked whiney and undisciplined. it reminded me of a lot of past usc teams.
  6. riley underperformed at ok. the minute usc announced his hiring, i thought a) riley is a perfect match for usc, b) riley is good for the pac, and c) both usc and riley are going to continue to underperform. win-win
  7. it would have been a dereliction of duty if lanning had not gone after noah sewell out of HS. there had to have been prior contact.
  8. let’s not forget that it was DL who reached out to Mullens. DL wasn’t on RM’s radar. So while we can’t attribute _that_ much brilliance to RM, we can recognize (thanks to this new info re Wilcox’s conditions) that RM did have an uncompromising vision. and my guess is that the reason DL is such a good fit is bc he shared that same vision.
  9. this is based on pedigree alone, but i bet he’s a great blocker. maybe doesn’t get all stats.
  10. @Duck 1972 the only reason a miami player would be on your porch is bc he’s delivering your pizza.
  11. what a sweet and informative article. i have been a Kupp fan since he shredded the ducks the first game after the ducks lost the natty to tOSU. honestly, Kupp might have been ultimately responsible for Pellum’s demotion.
  12. personally, i think that the name “civil war” is just lazy and not very descriptive of the rivalry. even taking the politics and history out of it, it’s not a good name. the real disservice is how long it’s taking to rechristen the game “the platypus bowl.” now that’s a good name.
  13. don’t believe your lying eyes… all those games where KT single-handedly stopped the final drive by the opposing team—that wasn’t heart, just luck. all those plays where KT beat his man to the QB—that was just magic, not the product of hard work. all those shots on the sideline of KT encouraging his teammates, that was just show biz, not caring. you see?
  14. great article! i would love to know more about this quote, “there are so many NIL opportunities, a lot of which are team oriented, which I liked.”
  15. i am surprised but not surprised to see how bad MC’s rushing numbers were considering how much emphasis he put on offensive line play. i could see it on the field but somehow believed we were better than what I saw.
  16. i loved ifo, but both Terrance mitchell and troy hill played opposite ifo and started in the nfl. just sayin’ ifo had help.
  17. KT asked for trouble w that comment, but anyone w a quality education would recognize that he explicitly referred to “the stigmatism” of an Alabama education and clearly didn’t say anything about the actual quality of the school or its students. it was figurative comment. and if people from Alabama don’t understand that, then case-in-point. btw, the state of Alabama ranks 44th in public school education. (OR = 40, CA = 37) this is sad bc when i was in school on OR 25 yrs ago, we were #1.
  18. i don’t blame dye at all. i loved eugene but was def ready to try something else after 4 yrs. And don’t forget that Dye has a fiancé who has a say in the matter. that said, it’ll be a sad day watching duck football with no Dyes on the field.
  19. the injuries are a problem. it just seems like we should have this figured out by now.
  20. herbie makes coaches look better than they are, thus maintaining those coaches’ jobs longer than deserved.
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