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Log Haulin

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Everything posted by Log Haulin

  1. Oregon owns this one. Nice to see you "Southern Boys " are using it correctly. Ducks have never won a Natty but... Oregon has left its mark on college football and its fans in significant ways. From the word "Natty" to the speed offense is played. And the world loves the Oregon Ducks for it. "During the 2010 season following a 48-29 win over Arizona Oregon cornerback Cliff Harris told reporters, "We're looking at the 'Natty' now, you know?" Harris coined the term "Natty" and it has stuck with Ducks fans ever since." By the way, Harris intercepted that ball!
  2. Heck, Ducks have never won a NC and I have been on here throwing darts at defending champ Dawg fan. It's always a good time for smack. It's the sport within the sport. I try not to be a jerk about it. I also think egg gives the beard a nice sheen.
  3. I buy Duck gear, game tickets, concessions and watch every game of the season. Thats plenty. Usually watch 3 or 4 games each week plus channel surfing. I am a working man, blue collar. I will not be giving to a collective. Donations to places like OBDF... sure, done it a few times. Giving money to a collective? Imo, it won't take long for corruption of some form to seep in. Yea, no thanks
  4. I am delusional as a Duck fan. Why wouldn't Dawg fans be as a Dawg fan? Love to banter back and forth with opposing teams fans. I have respect for Georgia but they might want to stock up on the puppy pads, they are going to need them.
  5. That's better than the Oregon song posted here the other day. That was horrible. My ears are still protesting. Liked the video tho.
  6. Oregon just landed, arguably, the #1 QB recruit in the 23 class. JH wasn't that long ago. MM won the Heisman, again, not that long ago. There is two 5* and a high 4* on the roster now. Poor coaching for 4 years doesn't mean Oregon hasn't recruited top talent at the position. Even AB is showing he has some chops now that he got away from Mariø.
  7. Yea, they are the champs. Going to be a huge challenge. I love it! Ducks have nothing to lose and the college football world to gain. As for the cajones topic. Samantha made me a hammock that velcro's mid thigh. Great for long road trips in the Lariat too.
  8. My rational mind says... nevermind, my rational mind has no place in this feed. I am completely jacked to get a healthy Flowe and Sewell on the field together against the defending champs. Huge respect for Dawgs. They were one of my first favorite teams when I was 11. They were champs then too. I am so ready to turn the page from last year, I can hardly contain myself.
  9. Some say the Duck LB tandem is the best in the country. Lanning was arguably the best DC in the country last year. Bennett is going to get wrecked. Might want to set up a tent specifically for Bennett. Make sure he knows where it's at. Maybe do a daily walk through game week. He might have trouble finding it come the 3rd Q. Love the Dawg fans here. You Have made OBDF more enjoyable. Hope you guys become life long participants in this forum. But... It's getting close to game day and Ducks have the defending champs week 1. I am gettin flockin salty. Intensity in my mood is ramping up for sure.
  10. The Pac-12’s 10 Most Intriguing Players of 2022 — No. 8 Justin Flowe SATURDAYOUTWEST.COM Justin Flowe lands at No. 8 on our list of the most intriguing players in the Pac-12 this season. Can Flowe stay healthy and dominate the field on Sept. 3rd. This man is an absolute beast that makes everyone around him better. Lanning has got to be excited to unleash this monster on his former team. I fully expect to see Flowe lead the team tackles and sacks. The limited game tape on this man has to make Kirby nervous. How do you game plan game 1 against Ducks? How is Kirby going to protect his QB from the violence and speed this man is going bring. Stetson Bennitt's life is about to change forever. The known commodity of Noah Sewell is more than any OC wants to game plan for. Flowe in the mix is next to impossible. It's going to be spectacular!
  11. Know Thy Enemy: The Oregon Ducks WWW.DAWGSPORTS.COM Georgia has twelve regular season football opponents in 2022. And you should know about them. Every. Single...
  12. Oregon Football: Judging Ducks’ talent vs. the Georgia Bulldogs DUCKSWIRE.USATODAY.COM Both Georgia and Oregon have a lot of talent on the rosters, but when you compare them side by side, how do...
  13. I seem to recall stories of Up Chuck Island during the Kelley years. Could be wrong but seems to be right.
  14. Oregon OC Kenny Dillingham wants speed to be back at the forefront DUCKSWIRE.USATODAY.COM Kenny Dillingham wants the Ducks to return to the up-tempo style of offense that put Oregon on the map. Most of us Duck Fans have been tortured by the pace of Duck football for a few years now. I am not expecting CK type of speed but anything would be better than watching Mariø's unimaginative bore of an offense.
  15. What is truly inspiring is the fact that we as fans get jacked up over bits and pieces, moments, that these men share with us. The players on this team practically live with them. The vibe these players have for the Duck family came out clearly during the spring game. Seeing how much fun they were having was amazing. Thats top down leadership. It starts with Dan Lanning and has spread throughout Duck Nation at every level.
  16. The speed and high motor of Flowe is going to be a huge asset as well. I think Flowe has the ability to drop deeper in coverage quicker then the rest of the LB room. Ducks should be able to mask the blitz coming frome the safety position and not lose coverage over the top. If Sewell can get coached up in coverage from 5 to 15 and mitigate the TE threat, Lanning will be able to bring heat from anywhere on the field. Ducks were super soft with defending that area late last year. The talent and scheme Ducks have should be able to compete with any offense in the country. It's my opinion that this D should be better than UGA offense. Hope I am right.
  17. LaDuke showed great patience on that play. Forcing the offensive lineman to commit to how they were going to block opened a lane straight to the QB. Well coached and executed for a spring game.
  18. I think both defenses dictate the score. 20-17 all Ducks all day!
  19. Congratulations . I am up at 1:30, get 8n a pinch maybe I can help, I like rocking babies
  20. With all the focus on family, becoming men, taking ownership of team and 1%. This staff seems to be creating a great culture in Eugene. Seems a great foundation to build "elite " on. When the staff is coming out of practice banged up I get excited. Shows a ton of passion and competitiveness. Coach needs some pads. Let's get it on! 2 weeks.
  21. Stay focused, back to Lupoi and the Duck defense.
  22. Oregon Football: DC Tosh Lupoi discusses growth after 12th practice DUCKSWIRE.USATODAY.COM Tosh Lupoi had blood dripping down his chin when walking up to the media on Thursday. “Full pads today,” he... Lupoi is a beast. Sounds like he is mixing it up out there, showing his players how to lead. Nice to hear leadership is starting to take shape on defense.
  23. Delayed blitz with the linebacker and safety talent on this team. Looking to see this defense destroy Pac opponents this year. Hold Dawgs to 23 or less. Ducks have a chance. If GA defense is anything like last year, Ducks gettin 23+ is a huge ask. I have a feeling Oregon's D just might be better than GA's O. I am hoping anyways.
  24. I will try and purchase things as needed from advertisers and sponsors of OBDF.
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