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Log Haulin

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Everything posted by Log Haulin

  1. By the end of 2022 season, JD will want nothing to do with Miami. If anything, I see a few blue-chips verballed elsewhere flipping over to Oregon. This is going to be an epic year in so many ways.
  2. Thanks DM, always enjoy your thoughtful post. I think the unknowns give Ducks an advantage early in the season. It's probably what frustrates Smart the most as he game plans the opener.Lanning has played this well with all the secrecy. By the start of conference play, with two competitive games played, much more will be known. looking for the play on the field to match the talent on paper by WSU game. If this happens, look out because this just might be the start of something special. If Oregon can execute at a high level on the field and sideline, Oregon could find itself top 3 or 4 by the end of season.
  3. A deep dive into the Georgia football showdown against Oregon DAWNOFTHEDAWG.COM The No.3 ranked Georgia football team will take on the No. 11 Oregon Ducks in one of the marquee games of the... I think UGA fans that have spent some time here on OBDF realize the obstacle Oregon poses to start the season. I think Oregon has two unknowns that will give UGA fits. Bo (if starter) and Flowe. Nix has all the skills to be a great QB. Between his ears under pressure is what concerns me most. It Bo figures out how to slow his head under pressure he could be very dangerous. Flowe is an absolute animal. Very little game experience or tape to confirm this. If JF goes out and plays to his instincts, Flowe will give KS fits all afternoon. Going to be a great match-up for week one. Ducks have nothing to lose. To quote Jack Black: "loosey-goosey baby"
  4. Great post OD. I love football nerds. The depth of Georgia might not be as big an issue in game one as perhaps game 5. I think Oregon hangs with UGA. Win or lose, this is going to be a great game.
  5. I hope it's competitive between the :00s on the clock. If it takes a field goal to win it last minute. No matter who wins I'm dancin. Be a huge statement by this Duck prog'rm.
  6. Dan Lanning is the aspirin kicking in after a very long headache. Sweet relief is bliss.
  7. I think CG was clocked at 23mph. Huge top end speed. 6'2" 210lbs. with great length. Has all the tools to shutdown his side of the field. Dudes played a lot of football. Safeties will have a field day knowing that side of the field is protected. Opens up a ton of options for Lanning defensively.
  8. Cornerback Christian Gonzalez helping guide Oregon Ducks secondary on and off the field WWW.GOOGLE.COM One of the most important additions to the No. 11 Ducks this offseason, Gonzalez was one of the top cover... Gonzalez could have a big year. Big and fast. Looking for him to be a hawk. Shut down half the field. Really open up the rest of the D.
  9. Cornerback Christian Gonzalez helping guide Oregon Ducks secondary on and off the field WWW.GOOGLE.COM One of the most important additions to the No. 11 Ducks this offseason, Gonzalez was one of the top cover...
  10. I like Harry Dog. One of my favorite. Top two mascots in college-football, Puddles and Harry Dog.
  11. Yea, Vanderbilt. Didn't Dawgs win that 60 something to nothing? Not a great example but dude is a beast nonetheless.
  12. This has been a rough off season with portal and conference realignment. The bright spot has been Dawg fan and Duck fan talking football. It has rekindled my Dawg fandom from when I was a kid. Being the start of game week, I will have to put that on hold for a sec. On the 4th I will be rooting for Ducks and Dawgs the remainder of the season. Well done Georgia fan
  13. Sure... I have given many examples for months now on OBDF but will give a few more. Mariø's teams were highly undisciplined. MC is the high water mark on this one and he failed miserable. Unsportsmanlike called at key moments. Third down efficiency on defense was ranked near the bottom of all of college football. Redzone was also some of the worst in college football. These examples are discipline related 100%. On top of that, the incident with Hudson to close the half of AZ game shows MC himself lacks self discipline. Discipline in your craft is a direct reflection of your ability to lead and teach. Huge fail on MC's part. I have a thousand more examples. Mariø failed to teach his players to be better across the board. You only have to look at Herbert and Brown, what they are doing in NFL, to confirm this. This is just my opinion, you can agree or disagree. I make no apologies for it. Every claim I have made here and on previous post have not been disputed. I am not a fan. In my mind he hurt the Duck brand then quit on them mid season. Take it with a grain of salt, it's just one mans opinion.
  14. Great article Alex. I am intimately aware of the "half measure" philosophy. It's been burned into my skull for the past 27 years. Oregon has the "Dudes" on this team at almost every position. Maybe not the depth of the Ga or Bamas of the world. But definitely enough to make a solid run at the CFP this year. Get into the CFP and anything is possible. I put Duck failure (I say failure because I know what I saw) over the past years squarely on MC and his staff. I am not shy about my opinion of MC. I do credit him for the outstanding recruiting. He deserves that. Brings me to another thing that has been burned into my skull the past 27 years. "Be careful of your teachers". I am hoping that the new staff knows what good teaching is. MC did not. Lanning and his staff seem to put "teaching" at the top of their priorities. At every level, from football to how you respond to everyday life, this staff has constantly talked about being a teacher of young men. There are two types of people in the world. Those that show you what to do and those that show you what not to do. Both are equally important. I and hoping Lanning is one that shows you what to do.
  15. Oregon could really use good tackle play. It is encouraging to hear JC jr getting a big shout out by the HC. I have no idea if he is Sewell good but this is a great development.
  16. Oregon won 10 games last year in spite of Mariø. Drawing a conclusion on the strength of Oregon football based on last years results is a grave error. Everybody that has any clue about football knows it. Watching games last year was almost unbearable. I know what I saw and it didn't look right every week. Mariø Cristøbal is a horrible head football coach, Miami fan will find out soon just how bad Mariø is. Prove me wrong. Horrendous game day coaching, injuries, poor player development, quiting on your team with 2 regular season games remaining. All of this lands on Mariø's shoulders. Yet the raw talent of Duck players still won 10 games. If Lanning is even slightly better that that other guy, Oregon in at least headed to a NY6. I hear a lot of people point to the Utah losses as doom for Oregon's hopes. All of it, every single shred lands on Mariø. Drives me crazy when people use those losses to prop up their argument. It's crap. Oregon is stacked and if Lanning is who Dawg fan says he is, who Duck fan hopes he is... watch out. I have huge hopes for this season. Ducks are going to wreak a lot of teams and polls. It starts next Saturday. Trojan Man can kick rocks. They will never be good enough to meet Oregon on the field in Vegas this year.
  17. 6 interceptions in 2010. Dude was scary on punt returns too. Absolute lock down corner. Harris and Ifo are my top 2 corners. Too bad he got caught up with drugs and crime. It happens to a lot of us. Some of us get to turn it around and participate in society again. Hope Colts gets to climb back up that mountain and stand with us. Tough climb that so few of us find success making it back to the top of.
  18. Also to your point. If anyone here has never heard this, put on some earbuds and enjoy. One of my all-time favorites
  19. Oregon owns this one. Nice to see you "Southern Boys " are using it correctly. Ducks have never won a Natty but... Oregon has left its mark on college football and its fans in significant ways. From the word "Natty" to the speed offense is played. And the world loves the Oregon Ducks for it. "During the 2010 season following a 48-29 win over Arizona Oregon cornerback Cliff Harris told reporters, "We're looking at the 'Natty' now, you know?" Harris coined the term "Natty" and it has stuck with Ducks fans ever since." By the way, Harris intercepted that ball!
  20. Heck, Ducks have never won a NC and I have been on here throwing darts at defending champ Dawg fan. It's always a good time for smack. It's the sport within the sport. I try not to be a jerk about it. I also think egg gives the beard a nice sheen.
  21. I buy Duck gear, game tickets, concessions and watch every game of the season. Thats plenty. Usually watch 3 or 4 games each week plus channel surfing. I am a working man, blue collar. I will not be giving to a collective. Donations to places like OBDF... sure, done it a few times. Giving money to a collective? Imo, it won't take long for corruption of some form to seep in. Yea, no thanks
  22. I am delusional as a Duck fan. Why wouldn't Dawg fans be as a Dawg fan? Love to banter back and forth with opposing teams fans. I have respect for Georgia but they might want to stock up on the puppy pads, they are going to need them.
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