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Log Haulin

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Everything posted by Log Haulin

  1. Georgia scores here and put in TT. Concerning how the D is showing. 5 pos 5 td. Horrible
  2. I will be rooting for Georgia to go undefeated, B2B titles. And Oregon wins 10 plus bowl game.
  3. Oregon will be fine. This game they came out lost and scared. It first game against the defending champs. Everything is new for Oregon. Time mends all wounds. See how lanning handles second half will be more revealing than how the first half played out.
  4. See what Oregon can do with adjustments. Win the second half and get inside the spread. Super hopeful I know. Oregon came out scared and soft. Lanning did not have his team prepared at all.
  5. Wasn't expecting Oregon to come out scared. Not a good look.
  6. He catches that ball and its a touchdown. Nice touch by Nix in a tight window.
  7. Video is not showing up for me. If it's from Gameday, than yes, very well done by espn. Make even the toughest of men choke a bit.
  8. This guy was smart to begin his story with a qualifier that Oregon is hard to know anything about. Good thing the game will be played on the field. Oregon has top 10 talent nationally. Shows Oregon has some "Nice" players. But they are not Georgia. Sewell and Flowe are "nice" players, but they arent Georgia. And on and on. After reading this I need to change my predictions. Georgia infinity Ducks nuthin And for the tie breaker, every play is going to be a sacumblception.
  9. As a moderator, you almost got your post deleted SGD. Haha! But you have been a great contributor all summer so I will let it slide. Thanks, it's been fun having you here.
  10. I want to see if Ducks linemen can move, Seal the edge. Seven in the backfield. Trips left pitch right. Even bring Seven in motion. See how quick the linemen can get there and seal the edge. McGee turns on the burners for a first down first play. Establish the run early using the whole field. Even put another back back there to pick up the back side. Not that Seven would be caught by a D lineman from behind. Three plays later... TOUCHDOWN OREGON!
  11. I disagree that Lanning and Cristobal are equal. We will see if Lanning is as bad as Mariø on game day. My gut says Lanning will be better. Lanning has already proven he is better elsewhere. You can see it in the culture. These guys are having fun and enjoying football again. In my mind, "unproven " does not equate to a downgrade. Experience doesn't necessarily make you better than the next guy.
  12. In a couple years, when people name B1G teams, Rutgers will come to mind before USC.
  13. The comments are interesting. Seems a lot of Dawg fans have little respect for Oregon. This is not 2021, not for UGA and definitely not for UO. Oregon has upgraded this team across the board. From coaching to players. Minus KT loss, every position group seemingly has more talent. Including linebackers with Flowe on the field. The unknown here is QB. Nix got his hat handed to him three years straight by UGA. Oregon has more talent than AU and Nix has proven to be Favre tuff. I like Oregon's chances.
  14. Like JH that 1 player didn't need to be developed. He is an absolute freak on the edge. The players that jumped early with eligibility remaining, chased fools gold. Should have stayed another year and get a few lessons from some actual teachers.
  15. Oregon has nothing to lose. A lose to Dawgs by 17 or less hurts the Ducks not a bit. I say open up the playbook, have fun and see what happens. Vegas spotted Ducks 17.5
  16. Challenges and opportunities, it'll all get worked out. Hopefully by Saturday. If not, soon enough.
  17. Don't rule out JC Jr at tackle. If the kid can play I say play him. He wouldn't be the first true freshman starting at the LT position. I know I know... "do you really want a freshman with zero college experience going against the defending champs?" If he is the best play the best.
  18. Donte Manning is going to turn a lot of heads this year. He is my break out player of this defense
  19. Welcome Gat. Glad you are here. Got some great Dawg fans here so it should be fun. Civility is a must here but hope you enjoy OBDF.
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