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Washington Waddler

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Everything posted by Washington Waddler

  1. Didn’t they have a thing for purple as well? Oh well, so much for my historical expertise!
  2. Either way, you’re ending up on a throne? Interesting ‘tell’ that the video only shows the away package. Sending us a message? Apparently the bow-wow down crowd feels the purple hazy history of that color somehow rubs off on them, linking them to ancient Persia and King Cyrus whose identified as the first to reserve that color for royalty only. Persia? Weren’t they the ones who could barely handle 300 Greeks with an army of 300,000? Sounds worthy of being a Husky tradition.
  3. I like it on one condition: we ram it down Stanford’s throat until they never want to see the play again.
  4. As you pointed out FD, this is the only opportunity given DL and his OC to remain unknown prior to games putting them on display, so don’t look a gift horse in the mouth! Usually, withholding information earns better results than blowing too much smoke. Leave that for game time. At this time of year - as always - it helps to remember that every head coach standing before a microphone has numerous audiences in mind every time he answers a question; and, each one of those audiences imagines themselves to be the apple of his eye, and the most important.
  5. While not every OL who aspires to the head job stays mind-locked in the trenches, Mario seems to be a classic example of that. The more competitive a game became requiring tactical agility and creativeness, the more he would put his head down and plow straight ahead. Mario seems to understand and believe that one thing, and that one thing only. From what I’ve read, DL appears to ‘see’ the whole game, to enjoy the anticipation of tactics and strategy like a kid with a joy stick, but one who knows where he’s going, and how to plan to get there. Best of all, he sounds like he never stops being a student of the game.
  6. There seems to be this cross-over zone between guys destined to be either a safety or linebacker. While both positions require thriving on contact, body weight usually relegates the lighter ones to safety, unless speed and the urge to hit (and probably slightly less interest in coverage situations) can overcome a size disadvantage. We currently seem to have a group of those, led by Justin. I like those guys. They’re a passionate breed.
  7. Not sure if there’s any mesh with Dilly’s system, but from other systems at other schools, I’ve understood it to mean something similar to a QB’s capacity to audible at the line if a receiver sees something that can be taken advantage of.
  8. Sometimes I wonder if Cristobal’s affect on his QBs’ passing games could be simply explained as his own dislike during his playing days for pass blocking?
  9. Not having a good understanding of the SEC offenses DL dealt with, it would be interesting to know if he faced any ‘kitchen sink’ OCs while at Georgia.
  10. Love DL’s term, “controlled aggression”. It says it all: a combination of your head (playbook) and your body (embrace the strain).
  11. Yes, and my understanding is that a percentage of the gate is donated to that cause.
  12. In theory, yes. The problem is it’s not like every other position because how it’s played can and does affect every other offensive player. For me, that is the core problem with all these arguments: by focusing on only who or how many QB’s to play, it ignores the effect this has on the rest of the offense. You can’t replicate real game timing and intensity in practice. The will of an opponent’s defense and their players are not available beforehand. Two QB’s in live action simply mess with the rest of the team’s timing, and their ability to do the best job they can. In theory, I agree we need to develop younger QB’s with meaningful reps, but you also have to give yourself the best chance to win the game. It’s a conundrum: do you sacrifice the present to plan for the future? Tough decision no doubt.
  13. The guy has a reasonable take for Bo’s decision, but rather than focusing on Bo, he ought to be asking himself why his own conference sold itself to a cable tv giant’s demands for more and more which is what is really squelching whatever chance average to good programs like Auburn use to have in the SEC.
  14. Klemm’s relationship-building with recruits right now should pay dividends down the road. With his track record, no reason to think it won’t.
  15. Great article Charles. Thanks! The ‘right now’ LB group might even get some push from new comers Harrison Taggart and Devon Jackson who are already turning heads. And it’s nice to know we’ve two young studs in Ben Roberts and Sir Mells picking it up for the future with this DLGroup.
  16. That’s the way it should be right now: Dawgs concentrating on Dawgs; Ducks on Ducks. Don’t let it go to your head. That’s just anticipation flooding your brain, not reality. When it does gets here, let’s have a great game! Go Ducks!
  17. Canzano’s go slow approach for the PAC 10 seems not only right, but what most are thinking. But, how slow? Somewhere between a chicken little, knee jerk move and the geologic-age approach of David Shaw’s ‘it’ll all come back around to regionalism’ lays the answer. But, in the meantime, we don’t want to miss the boat. And, timing is everything. Living now on the Olympic Peninsula, I’ve learned that the hard way every time I’ve missed a ferry.
  18. I don’t recall anyone in Duckdom ever questioning MC’s ethical intentions towards those with whom (who?) he had personal relationships. I’m also pretty sure if someone did, someone else called them out on the carpet. No, this has less to do with MariU character assassination, and more to do with the fact that all’s fair in love and war and stealing college head coaches, and the fact that all football fans permanently live under the bus. You couldn’t script a daytime soap any worse than the drama lived-out by your average fan who powerlessly exists on the threshold of being a jilted lover 24/7. Being a football fan is the definition of deficiency.
  19. Now that I’d want a front row seat for, just to watch the Leach affect on Miami culture. The press conferences would be up for Emmys.
  20. Wow. If a writer ever made a case for removing his dead weight and giving up his chair to someone who knows how to research an issue, this is it. Lake was a homey. He walked in the door pre-ordained for success by that unbelievably delusional Seattle media and fan base. We actually got a lil whiff of that with Mark. To be fair, the guy never had a chance. It was a failure set-up from the get go - which I’m fine with! Lanning may be riding a wave of optimism, but he knows what’s sitting right behind that. He knows he’s new, and will have to prove his head coaching chops. Unlike Lake though, Dan’s confidence was built on the solid foundation of having been through the meat grinder of a championship season and coming out a winner.
  21. Spot on. One of the biggest ‘ifs’ for me are the neurons firing-off in Bo’s brain at that critical moment of decision. My image of how a QB processes and acts on that will always be Marcus, particularly his game against Florida State. That’s the homework tape I’d put in Bo’s mail box.
  22. Another great job DNC. Thanks! If all the ‘ifs’ surrounding Bo’s transition and ascendency to the Duck’s helm get checked-off, we might not only see Dilly’s pro-spread creating dazed and confused defenses, but a Bo free to use what may be his best weapon: his legs. A fully-engaged defense trying to cover all of our running and passing options leaves no one on Bo. His legs could create some pretty amazing explosion plays. Can’t wait!
  23. Humor and good advice all in the same bundle. Thanks Drex, and welcome! Always a good idea to take it a step at a time and enjoy the ride; let Dan take care of Dan and just maybe he’ll pass that driver’s test!
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