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Too Much Negative: The End is NOT Near for Oregon Football

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By now, you have read at least 100 times in the forum attached to this site, the OBD Forum, that Oregon and college football has a most dire future. Actually, I think it is much higher than that since we’ve had over 10,000 posts since the first of the year, and it feels like it has been much more than ...


By now, you have read at least 100 times in the forum attached to this site, the OBD Forum, that Oregon and college football has a most dire future. Actually...


I would highly suggest all forum members read this article to be informed of a major change taking place here that begins today.

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Two Sites: FishDuck and the Our Beloved Ducks forum, The only "Forum with Decorum!" And All-Volunteer? What a wonderful community of Duck fans!

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Charles, thanks for writing what I have been thinking about for a couple of weeks.  The whole list you stated at the beginning of your article have been excellent discussions. I totally agree with the negative posts!


Yet, I began to avoid reading these.  Scanning some to look for anything new.  Avoiding most because it has already been said.


I love football!  "I want to learn more about this exciting new staff, our players, what the coaches have planned, the practices, the recruiting–all of it!"


I love reading the excellent articles written by our OBD writers.  The links to other articles save me time!  I don't have to search the internet to gather info on OBD!


I love Spring practice.  I can't wait for fall practices to start.  This is going to be a great year.  Duck Football is back!

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I look at the negative stuff as slamming a door. I give Canzano credit for slamming the door about Larry and the Pac-12 leadership. His writing made everybody get their heads up out of the sand and look at the facts. It really startled many into thinking about Lavish Larry in context of the facts. There were many posts discussing this and some where additive, but many were just slamming the door again.


When you slam the door over and over it just begins to unsettle everyone. I would hope this isn't the focus of anyone on OBD. I look forward to anyone pulling back the shades on a subject, or even opening a new door, but we don't need anyone to slam the door that has been opened many times. I promise to do a better job on this.


I agree with Charles any many on here if we bring light to subjects we can all learn and ponder about our wonderful Ducks. If we just rehash the unknown potentially troubling subjects we all leave spinning in the wrong direction. I know I don't like to be in the dark on subjects, but I do like to move onto new vistas and ponder point which cast a brighter outlook on the future. With 5 months until kickoff it is a good time to reflect on how to  lightly close the door on topics, and illuminate the new with our wit, intelligence and insights.


Now a video from one of the worst actors at opening doors. How long can we last without rehashing the old negative. Hopefully we can last longer than Kramer, if you remember this one.


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I look at this rule a bit like people in Phoenix must think of the weather reports they get from their TV stations every day, "It will be another scorcher, 112, but it's a dry heat" After a while nobody pays any attention, some might even wonder why the guy is getting paid to say the same thing day after day.


Along with being, The Forum with Decorum" this is also a place where, with our rules and guidelines, great discussions take place. This is made easier because there is a lot for Duck fans to talk about. It was a rough weekend for the Bats and balls bunch, but don't let your feathers' get ruffled, the season is long, and the wins will come.


Football is King of course, and I can't even imagine an off season like this one! There is so much to look forward to about the season coming up, and no doubt there will be laughs aplenty to share about the school from up North!


I think we're on the doorstep of the best Oregon football ever, and I'm quackin' up


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The NIL, Pac 12 expansion, The Alliance, Media contracts/payouts, and ESECPN, etc. ships have sailed.  Occasionally I have felt the urge to drop a dime on some who repeatedly beat these dead horses to death to PETA (However, beating dead northern dawgs shall always be welcomed and allowed).
It is time to move on.
Objective discourse is one of the objects of this forum, but sometimes enough is enough.
By now we all know pretty much where everyone stands on these issues.
If Rip Van Winkle suddenly joins the forum, then I am sure Mr. FishDuck will bring him or her up to speed, otherwise he or she may go back in hibernation.
Onward and upward....
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Venting is the necessary relief valve that lets off steam when we are frustrated. The state of affairs in sports and beyond must have folks pretty darned frustrated because there seems to be a preponderance of unusually negative posts on the U of O sports forums that I frequent. Like many above have stated, I tend to quickly scan past them.


This is my favorite forum because the rules here and the thoughtful enforcement of them tend to greatly decrease the number of negative and mean spirited posts that serve to do little more than attack and incense. I have a great deal of respect and appreciation for Charles and the moderators here who are charged with the task of eliminating the trash, so to speak. Keep up the good work my friends.

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So it is written, so it shall be.


I also love Spring football.


I love the NFL draft.


I loved when practices were open to the public and I'd catch at least one in the Spring and one in the fall. Amazing insight to the team.


Here's hoping they return 🙏 


Here's hoping the team-fan connection is restored. 


Go Ducks

Huck the Fuskies 

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On 4/4/2022 at 10:13 AM, latracey said:

Venting is the necessary relief valve that lets off steam when we are frustrated.

It was suggested to me by one of my Duck-Buddies, that people are so frustrated with life at the moment--that any available avenue to blow off steam and vent is used to offset that frustration.  This forum is an easy one to vent on, and we have perfect topics to vent about.  (NIL/Portal/Pac-12 Incompetence, etc.)


My response?  The good people in this community are not your therapists couch; go blow off steam somewhere else because I cannot take any more of it.


Our moderators are not looking for negative, as negative toward all other topics is fine, but we are looking for the extreme negative in the aforementioned topics and we ask...."is this just another re-hash we've read so many times?"  


If it is...I don't want to read it again, and the post will be deleted.


And shawnski and latracey--thanks for your kind thoughts.

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Mr. FishDuck

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Good point FishDuck.

Will do my bestest to comply.


The real issue, no football and nothing really to see in spring practice yet.

As much as I like football, I dislike speculation and guessing. 


But onward and upward.

Let's go Duckfriends!

See you on the 23rd!

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Thanks Charles for your well articulated thoughts in regards to not accentuating the negative.


However, I am a bit confused. (Nothing new here.) Dye especially, and guys like Pittman entering the portal is 'news' that directly impacts on the strength of the Ducks roster. However, you made the necessary response; look at the guys Lanning is bringing in from the portal. I expect more players will transfer in and out before the May 1st eligibility deadline. I believe transfers are a viable and meaningful point of discussion.


I agree that the Pac-12 decided not to expand, next case. But I don't believe pondering about how the Pac-12 could expand to secure a better media deal and perhaps save the beleaguered network should be out-of-bounds? If the thought is presented in a non-hostile manner and if comments that disagree are also presented in a respectful matter. 


I along with many others am extremely excited about what Lanning and the new staff potentially bring to the table. But the proof is in the pudding and a large part of the proof has to do with the recruits Lanning wins and others that he loses; especially, if a targeted guy decides to play elsewhere in the conference. I think we want to accentuate the positive here, but also should not ignore the negative.


This August, CFB at the G5/P5 level may or may not radically change based on the what comes out of the Transition Committee's recommendations in regards to to how CFB should be regulated, free of NCAA involvement. I want to know what people on the forum think about how these changes will affect Oregon football? Why? Because I very much respect and value the opinion of those on this forum. And this is certainly not an issue that Oregon can (sorry) duck.


I also note that a $50K deal for each OL guy in Austin, Texas, has a ripple effect that riles the CFB waters from the Atlantic to the Pacific.


Make no mistake, the volatile condition of CFB today should not ipso facto prevent anyone from enjoying Ducks sports. The same playoff format is with us through 2025. The teams Oregon puts on the field deserve our support, as well as a responsible critical evaluation of how the teams, coaches and players perform. 


One thing I hope will not be eliminated from the forum is a topic akin to the discussions had on the board regarding Mario Cristobal. A number of folks felt that Mario in 1 more season, would  'get it' and Oregon would win a playoff title. A number of us believed that Mario was over his head as an HC and while being an excellent recruiter, his style of play was destroying the Ducks brand. Those of us who believed the latter were often criticized as not being 'true Ducks fans.' 


NIL and the transfer portal matter. How CFB is to be regulated in the future matters. The B1G deciding to stay at 9 conference games matters. The structure of the 'new B12' matters. And all of these and many other national issues matter to Oregon and the future of Oregon football and other Oregon sports.


While cheering on Oregon, I hope that in this forum responsible debate and discussion will not be quelled. Sooner or later 'your speech' is going to tick someone off and vice versa. 


In general I support the points in your article. No need to wear any subject out. But I for one do not want anyone who feels that a comment is not rah-rah enough in the Ducks favor having the right to call for such a comment to be deleted.


Censorship in regards to decorum I applaud. Censorship in regards to content is a very slippery slope.

Edited by Jon Joseph
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NIL has the biggest potential to make college sports more worserer than anything else.  And what the Pac-12 should have done was tell me to go skiing today.  I think Lanning and that staff will show recruits some serious player development on the way to winning the Pac this fall, and (gasp) superior schemes that could actually land us in the playoff...this year!  '23 will blow away MC's best class.  We'll have a really good QB this year.  Oregon football will be fun again this fall.  And as you said Charles, we are set up well for NIL advantages because of some stuff in Beaverton.  The grass is greener...and more yellowerer too.  I like it.

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Read your article, Charles. My reaction?


Yeah, but...

Yeah, but...

Yeah, but...


Okay, got that out of my system. I'm all in, baby.  Thanks for the opportunity, Charles.

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I think the obvious solution to this problem is to have a 12-month football season every year.

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Great point on censorship being a slippery slope. I don't think negative takes will be censored, hopefully at all. Seeing both sides, or all sides of an issue is an important part of open debate. I think we have open debates here.


What the censorship should do is qwell the rehashing of the dead horse topics, or points of view which have already been well covered. Much like a judge would do in a court of law, or really any productive meeting or group communicating about a topic.


It is also much like a spouse would do to help get you out of an endless discussion about a negative topic, or a hot item topic like is already frowned upon here. Most of us have a signal where our spouse will step in, and help extricate you from a dead end discussion. This is all that this covers, I think.


Sometimes there are those who don't know those boundaries. I was in the steam room the other day and a guy highjacked a discussion which then was going nowhere, but negative. I had to leave, but wanted to stay a bit longer, we don't want anyone to have to leave. I don't think it will be too hard, but it is good there are open rules and expectations. I wish there had been in that steam room, maybe in this day and age there will need to be more signage about what is ok to talk about, but he was really good about changing the whole discussion, unfortunately, but not here!


The moderators will delete discourse which has been covered, and will undoubtedly take the discussion down a road too often travelled.

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Hello Jon,


It is good to clarify things and your post contains many areas for us to do so. Please keep in mind...I do not make the rules; all of YOU do. I simply want a civilized and pleasant place to read and discuss the Ducks, and when someone does something that could hurt that--I make a new rule.  Every rule is there because people did these things, and I wish I did not need to have any of them.


On 4/4/2022 at 10:37 AM, Jon Joseph said:

Dye especially, and guys like Pittman entering the portal is 'news' that directly impacts on the strength of the Ducks roster. However, you made the necessary response; look at the guys Lanning is bringing in from the portal. I expect more players will transfer in and out before the May 1st eligibility deadline. I believe transfers are a viable and meaningful point of discussion.

1. The above comes under the category of new "Breaking News" about transfers.  Anything pertaining to these subjects that is new....we discuss as I wrote in the article and in a post above.  For example, Denis transferring out is news, and there will be more transfers after Spring Football, and we do discuss it in those new threads. However, if anyone uses that thread to launch into a review of what has already been written 100 times already...it will be deleted.


On 4/4/2022 at 10:37 AM, Jon Joseph said:

I agree that the Pac-12 decided not to expand, next case. But I don't believe pondering about how the Pac-12 could expand to secure a better media deal and perhaps save the beleaguered network should be out-of-bounds? If the thought is presented in a non-hostile manner and if comments that disagree are also presented in a respectful matter. 

2. That topic has been covered...the moves, the blunders and incompetence by the Commissioners and University Presidents extensively already.  We do not need to rehash it over-and-over again.  However, when new Breaking News about that topic surfaces, (and it will often) I then encourage discussion of this new element.  A complete rehash in a post of what has already been extensively covered will be deleted...as I don't want to read it again.


On 4/4/2022 at 10:37 AM, Jon Joseph said:

I along with many others am extremely excited about what Lanning and the new staff potentially bring to the table. But the proof is in the pudding and a large part of the proof has to do with the recruits Lanning wins and others that he loses; especially, if a targeted guy decides to play elsewhere in the conference. I think we want to accentuate the positive here, but also should not ignore the negative.

3. Jon, I covered that in the article and in above posts: We do "Critical Analysis" here, and negative discussion of player performance and coaching decisions is encouraged and welcome.  This is not a ban on negative; it is a ban on stuff we have read at least 100 times that is extreme negative concerning the referenced topics.


On 4/4/2022 at 10:37 AM, Jon Joseph said:

This August, CFB at the G5/P5 level may or may not radically change based on the what comes out of the Transition Committee's recommendations in regards to to how CFB should be regulated, free of NCAA involvement. I want to know what people on the forum think about how these changes will affect Oregon football? Why? Because I very much respect and value the opinion of those on this forum. And this is certainly not an issue that Oregon can (sorry) duck.


I also note that a $50K deal for each OL guy in Austin, Texas, has a ripple effect that riles the CFB waters from the Atlantic to the Pacific.


Make no mistake, the volatile condition of CFB today should not ipso facto prevent anyone from enjoying Ducks sports. The same playoff format is with us through 2025. The teams Oregon puts on the field deserve our support, as well as a responsible critical evaluation of how the teams, coaches and players perform. 

4. Jon, please see No. 1 above.  When new Breaking News comes out about anything pertaining to the three components you mentioned directly above--we do discuss it with vigor.  However we do not rehash old stuff in current threads, or rehash information everyone has read 100 times in the new threads.  There is a pattern to my rule...


On 4/4/2022 at 10:37 AM, Jon Joseph said:

One thing I hope will not be eliminated from the forum is a topic akin to the discussions had on the board regarding Mario Cristobal. A number of folks felt that Mario in 1 more season, would  'get it' and Oregon would win a playoff title. A number of us believed that Mario was over his head as an HC and while being an excellent recruiter, his style of play was destroying the Ducks brand. Those of us who believed the latter were often criticized as not being 'true Ducks fans.' 

5. Jon, Mario was not mentioned at all in article, as he does not fit all the topics listed.  How we address him is in No. 26 of the Rules, as prior coaches and players are fair game.  Besides...I have a really good GIF to share when it aligns with the right Mario topic, and we can't lose that!


On 4/4/2022 at 10:37 AM, Jon Joseph said:

NIL and the transfer portal matter. How CFB is to be regulated in the future matters. The B1G deciding to stay at 9 conference games matters. The structure of the 'new B12' matters. And all of these and many other national issues matter to Oregon and the future of Oregon football and other Oregon sports.


6. Agreed.  And that is why when new Breaking News about these topics emerge--we will most certainly discuss them and it is quite permissible.  Also--see No. 1 and No. 4 above please.


On 4/4/2022 at 10:37 AM, Jon Joseph said:

While cheering on Oregon, I hope that in this forum responsible debate and discussion will not be quelled. Sooner or later 'your speech' is going to tick someone off and vice versa. 

7. I believe you are trying to divert from the crux of the issue; I do not want to see stuff we have read 100, if not 1,000 times already.  I have stated often and it is in the rules how I want to see all opinions, especially those that are different from mine as I become a better, informed fan and sometimes even change my mind.  This new rule is not designed to quash discussion on other topics or news.


On 4/4/2022 at 10:37 AM, Jon Joseph said:

No need to wear any subject out. But I for one do not want anyone who feels that a comment is not rah-rah enough in the Ducks favor having the right to call for such a comment to be deleted.

8. See No. 7 above and in particular No. 3 above, as we are not "Sunshine Pumpers" here.  You and I were on the negative side of Cristobal's offense from the beginning, and that freedom still exists to disagree with anything going on.  There is no other site that provides this freedom and protection from the owner. I call it the way I see and believe it to be, regardless of the topic and provide that freedom to everyone. 


However, I no longer provide the freedom to repeat items of extreme negative that have already been posted 100-1,000 times already because that hurts the wonderful atmosphere we have here.


On 4/4/2022 at 10:37 AM, Jon Joseph said:

Censorship in regards to content is a very slippery slope.

9. I run into that often when someone disagrees with my rules.  Since I am the one devoting hundreds of hours to doing tons of tasks like this, and giving thousands of dollars to have this platform available to Duck fans for free--I will create rules that I believe are for the best of the community.  See No. 35 in the rules as it pertains to "Free-Speech."  Private business can censor, and if you do not believe me, ask YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.


I appreciate you asking these questions, as this is now a link I can provide to others to save me a ton of keyboarding in the future.



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Mr. FishDuck

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While I agree with much of what Charles has written - and certainly acknowledge that his judgment and decisions regarding the monitoring this site have made it a wonderful venue for all of us to communicate,  and on occasion vent -  I hope it doesn't deter Jon from posting in the future and speaking his mind. While Jon can tend toward redundancy, I find his posts to be well researched and filled with observations and data that I haven't been able to find elsewhere, certainly not in the mainstream media.


I don''t necessarily agree with everything Jon or Charles has to say, but I always look forward to reading their posts.

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On 4/4/2022 at 2:21 PM, DUCKED said:

While I agree with much of what Charles has written - and certainly acknowledge that his judgment and decisions regarding the monitoring this site have made it a wonderful venue for all of us to communicate,  and on occasion vent -  I hope it doesn't deter Jon from posting in the future and speaking his mind. While Jon can tend toward redundancy, I find his posts to be well researched and filled with observations and data that I haven't been able to find elsewhere, certainly not in the mainstream media.


I don''t necessarily agree with everything Jon or Charles has to say, but I always look forward to reading their posts.

Wow, great point! I don't think anyone here research's their post, or substantiates their position better than Jon. I look forward to his insight and take on all matters. We can all use better awareness about belaboring a point. As Lanning pointed out it is our weaknesses we all need to work on. I know I have plenty!

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Guest Axel

Unquestionably, we have all seen a great deal of negative criticism regarding Name, Image, & Likeness (NIL.) Many of us haven’t heard so much wailing and teeth-gnashing since Our Beloved Yahweh went postal on Sodom and Gomorrah. (And what’s taking Him so long to toss a little fire and brimstone on those utterly depraved Seattleites?)


To every season, turn, turn, turn—and that’s another zig-zag touchdown run for Our Beloved Ducks. Which leads us to a turning point in college sports--NIL. Is it a negative? Mostly yes. But for every negative, there must be a positive. So let’s all look on the merry, cheery, bright side as we present


The Top 10 Positive Things About NIL


10.  Hofstra no longer a threat to crash the College Football Playoff.


  9.  Way better toga parties! (Oregon only)


  8.  Retroactive NIL may get Reggie Bush his Heisman back. (Wait, that’s another negative. Sorry, Charles!)


  7.  Toledo now has a chance to be a football dynasty. But it is a very, very, very, very small chance.


  6.  Five-star recruits will continue to avoid Utah like the plague.


  5.  Upcoming NIL trading cards will appreciate mightily—for your great, great, great, great, great grandchild.


  4.  You still can’t spell SUCK without SC.


  3.  All the NIL in the world will never take the stench out of Washington.


  2.  Maybe those dopey Beavers will quit football once and for all.


  1.  Ferrari “Duckmobile” model for all Oregon recruits.

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On 4/4/2022 at 6:01 PM, Axel said:

Unquestionably, we have all seen a great deal of negative criticism regarding Name, Image, & Likeness (NIL.) Many of us haven’t heard so much wailing and teeth-gnashing since Our Beloved Yahweh went postal on Sodom and Gomorrah. (And what’s taking Him so long to toss a little fire and brimstone on those utterly depraved Seattleites?)


To every season, turn, turn, turn—and that’s another zig-zag touchdown run for Our Beloved Ducks. Which leads us to a turning point in college sports--NIL. Is it a negative? Mostly yes. But for every negative, there must be a positive. So let’s all look on the merry, cheery, bright side as we present


The Top 10 Positive Things About NIL


10.  Hofstra no longer a threat to crash the College Football Playoff.


  9.  Way better toga parties! (Oregon only)


  8.  Retroactive NIL may get Reggie Bush his Heisman back. (Wait, that’s another negative. Sorry, Charles!)


  7.  Toledo now has a chance to be a football dynasty. But it is a very, very, very, very small chance.


  6.  Five-star recruits will continue to avoid Utah like the plague.


  5.  Upcoming NIL trading cards will appreciate mightily—for your great, great, great, great, great grandchild.


  4.  You still can’t spell SUCK without SC.


  3.  All the NIL in the world will never take the stench out of Washington.


  2.  Maybe those dopey Beavers will quit football once and for all.


  1.  Ferrari “Duckmobile” model for all Oregon recruits.

Unfortunately, in regards to No.7, and on behalf of moi and my ancestors' who have departed this mortal coil, I have to reluctantly agree that a Natty for the Rockets has less than a scintilla of a chance of happening.


If Nick Saban couldn't bring a title to the Glass Bowl, who can? Maybe, Les Miles?


I mean, Holy Toledo!

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Great article.  As an outsider I enjoy being able to read all the well thought out posts and started following because of the rules and decorum.  I find enough things to depress me on my own, so a little more balance works for me.  Also fun to see another fan base’s view of the world and a mutual dislike of the Trojans.


Here is some non-duck perspective - all is not lost:


Oregon has the most talent in the PAC-12 (USC closing fast) and a real quarterback  (or two) this year.


New coaching staff looks like an upgrade from Mario in terms of coaching and game planning (we will see on recruiting in a year or two).  And they have swagger - hope you saw your OC talk about being the only school in the west that is like a southern school - Trojan wire did not like that.


There may be a disadvantage for Oregon nationally in the NIL arms race, but still can be at the top of the PAC-12 (behind the cheaters in CA) - Imagine being in Salt Lake, Pullman, Tucson, Corvallis etc.  The Oregon brand has a coolness and enough money that they will continue to get athletes attention - enough to be playoff level IMO.  The SEC schools have been outspending on recruits for years - just more visible now!


There is a very clear path to the playoff for the ducks this year  



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On 4/6/2022 at 5:50 PM, Goutes18 said:

As an outsider I enjoy being able to read all the well thought out posts and started following because of the rules and decorum.

It is people like you that we want to attract here--the community is that much stronger.


Great to hear that USC did not like something our coach said!

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Mr. FishDuck

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A Reminder to All Who Are Referred to This Thread Later After it Was First Published:


We had a very notable poster who was banned in May of 2022, (he is the major questioner above in this thread, and is now gone) because he could not control himself; he had to tell us a couple of times a day how bad it will be from every angle, whether NIL, the portal, conference realignment, etc.  I even created a rule for him, No. 31b and c where "if you have told us your excessively negative opinion on a topic three times in the last week?  We got it....understand?  We got it."


After this thread was published and between the article linked in the first post and my extensive answers in Post No. 15...it was still not enough for that individual.  He broke this new rule twice within three days of it originally posted despite my extensive explanations, and thus why he is banned.  Some people cannot overcome compulsive tendencies...


This rule application actually applies to very few people, but if you have been referred to this thread--please take note.  Read the article linked in the first post, and then read the other posts carefully.  (Especially No. 15)


Got a bad prediction for Oregon, or the future of CFB?  If you have told us in posts three times....we got it.  You do not have to repeat over-and-over and be the ultimate buzz-kill for us all.


As I told this fellow...."if it is all going-to-hell....can I enjoy the last few years of CFB before it does?"  "And if you are wrong about it being so dire....that means you spoiled the last couple of years for nothing?"


Let's embrace the changes when they actually happen?  It may not be that bad for Oregon and the portal for the 2022 season is an example; we lost a great running back in Travis Dye, a starting corner in DJ James, a backup QB in Robby Ashford, but we picked up QB Bo Nix, RB Bucky Irving, RB Noah Whittington, WR Chase Cota, Corner Christian Gonzalez, and three great defensive linemen in Taki Taimani, Casey Rogers and Jordon Riley


Sounds like Oregon came out ahead in the portal after all the dire discussion and hand-wringing!


Let's refrain from incessant, excessive negative, and savor these moments while we can?


Thank you.


Fans vs. Auburn 2019_Melissa Macatee.jpg


Please note I am NOT telling you that you cannot share your negative opinion...I want all opinions.  But if it is excessively negative, and you've told us three times.....WE GOT IT.

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Mr. FishDuck

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Thanks Charles. 

Dwelling on the negatives in life can be such an unhappy existence. We all should be informed, but dwelling on the gloom and doom of what may, or may not happen, is exhausting. 

Reminds me of the total world meltdown that many predicted with Y2K. We survived, and thrived. 

I will root for Duck sports no matter what changes are made in the future. That is my escape from all of the other negatives in life I need to worry about…lol

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On 10/20/2022 at 2:10 PM, Drake said:

I will root for Duck sports no matter what changes are made in the future. That is my escape from all of the other negatives in life I need to worry about…lol

I did not mean for this thread to come to everyone's attention, but when I added a post to it--it then automatically goes to the top of the first page.  What is above actually applies to very few people, and I really don't want to people to feel constrained from posting for fear of "breaking a rule."  If you are "polite and respectful," you won't have any problem posting.


The post No. 22 above is an update, so if I ever send someone the link of this thread asking them to consider "cheering up a bit,"  it is updated to reflect what has happened.  The fear of the portal (as you see in Post No. 22 above) turned out not to be an extreme negative to be fearful of for Oregon, but a strength.


Where would we be right now without Taki Taimani, Casey Rogers, Jordon RileyChristian Gonzalez, Chase Cota, Noah Whittington, Bucky Irving and Bo NixWhew!  


Our worries were unfounded, and in fact we killed the portal.  Go Ducks!


Noah Whittington_Eric Evans of Oregon Football Twitter.jpg

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