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Charles Fischer

Hometown Recruit REJECTS Huskies, Creates Madness at Montlake

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Micah Banuelos, an offensive lineman out of Kennedy High has removed the Huskies from his top three....  For those who enjoy Wailing at Washington from a Husky forum as I do...


UW out of the picture. Final 3 of Oregon, USC, A&M. Have to say this one hurts.  Not even getting an official from him and losing out on a very talented local kid who had strong ties to the program is a bit of a gut punch.


This is tough one to take as a Dawg fan. Local Kennedy kid and not even an official visit.


Local kids are not high on UW right now. Many of them actually look down on UW. Lake destroyed our reputation among local kids. I have already stated that we are behind on 2025 recruits and people laughed. It is true and if we don't win on the field the next 2 years and have an exciting team we are likely going to struggle with local talent until 2026. If we struggle on the field then it could take longer.


Holy crap. I thought this guy was in the bag, wasn't he crystal balled to UW since the jump?  But another highly regarded local kid not going to UW.... Concerning.  


It makes you want to cry...



This is very concerning. Even our top DL transfers to UO. To me there is no spin you can put on this.


I really don’t see how 1 bad season under Jimmy Lake can cause so many issues. There is wayyy more to the story then that and if you don’t believe me you are not thinking as deeply as you should.


Brutal. Just brutal. I get losing 5 stars to the payola game, but this one just hurts. In state recruiting is a dumpster fire. No way to sugar coat it. We all know the long list of reasons/excuses why we can’t get kids but it is still painful, especially losing them to our bitter rivals who also have new staffs. Tired of waiting for next year…


Our recruiting for a variety of reasons just sucks. 


UW is and will continue to lose virtually every recruit, whether local or not, to schools that pay. It's not complicated. It's why Connerly is at Oregon. And why Pressley probably ends up there too. 


Good luck unless you wear green and yellow with a swoosh, in that case hope you get a free degree.


It's all about Oregon.


          It hurts me to see the Huskies suffer...



ANY top program can come in right now and poach from UW when the program has fallen off a cliff the last few seasons.


There is likely money under the table but that is pure speculation. Oregon sells itself pretty easily anyway. Get NIL money and have beat UW 16 of the past 18 years. Played in several huge games recently and has a talented roster. They are close to home so family can still drive down and watch them. The bigger question is why would you go to UW when Oregon is so close? UW fans need to be honest. Oregon has been a better program for these kids entire lives. They have better fans who filled Autzen Stadium for spring ball while we had maybe 1000 people in a 72,000 seat Husky Stadium. Unfortunately right now we are behind Oregon in every category.


Oregon tried to hire Wilcox (a guy well down the list for most UW fans), and he turned them down. Lanning was a fall back plan when they were unable to hire a coach with head coaching experience and a connection to the program.


Hiring a young coordinator from Georgia where he works for a big time head coach and has all the talent and money to win is a big risk that I am glad UW did not take. Surrounding him with recruiters not known for being quality coaches is another big risk Oregon took.


Phil and his $ are the recruiter at Oregon no matter who they have as coach. Let’s wait and see this Oregon staff prove themselves on game days. Even Oregon didn’t want to go this direction with their coaching hire until Wilcox turned them down.


It makes me SO SAD for the Huskies!


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Mr. FishDuck

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My step dad had a catch phrase perfect for this sad, nee,  pathetic, turn of events (years in the making, but karma's a b.... !).



Edited by woundedknees
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love the smell of huskie tears in the morning.............

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"Don't tell people your problems, 80% do not care and 20% are glad you have them" - Lou Holtz


OBDF sure knows how to get Thursdays kicked off in the right direction.


Thought this would be a good spot to rub in a little more salt


Edited by Log Haulin
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I love the fact they refuse to give kudos for hiring Lanning.  Dude was a highly sought after hire and the Ducks managed to dodge the Wilcox bullet (still having trouble that they even went this route but…) and have someone who - so far - is doing all the right things, big and small

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On 6/23/2022 at 9:59 AM, CalBear95 said:

I love the fact they refuse to give kudos for hiring Lanning.

Is "Crow" Dog-Food?  Because the Huskies are going to be eating a ton of it over the next couple of years!




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Mr. FishDuck

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Huck THE Fuskies 





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UW is in Seattle. That place is a dumpster fire all on its own. Add in how poorly Udub has been compared to Oregon, why would anyone stay in state!


Losing Riley this week stung a bit, so I can imagine a little how they must feel...and it doesn't bother me one bit.


I see us getting 8 or 9 of the next 10 games against them, that means they will continue to lose instate to us till at least 2032. 


And by then our '2nd choice' coach will have played in at least 4 Natty's.

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In the words of Fuskies everywhere -WE WANT MONTANA!!!

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TL:DR version of the 50 plus Husky fan's typical post:



Nat Geo Origins GIF by National Geographic Channel

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I want to thank the Huskies and their fans for doing so much to entertain us for quite a while now.  Aside from Coach 17 bathrooms & Cowherd, the only team to generate Buzz in the Pac-12 is Oregon. Washington Boards can't go 3 posts without bringing Oregon up. For a bit of diversity, every once in a while, somebody will post that Oregon is not everything that is wrong with the world, but that's basically just chumming for more vitriol towards the green and yellow.  



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What has to be difficult for the dawgs is there is a route to success, but it is a route they can't go. The route Oregon went was the path of the long shot. 


With the palpable elitist attitude of almost every dawg fan I know they can't admit they are what they are, pathetic. If they could ever admit this then there would be a chance to build the program back up.


Until then they are just the victim of Oregon's success, with an excess of excuses. 


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Guest Axel

Oh, you poor, miserable Huskies. I tried to be nice. I tried to be kind in my uber-generous Axel-ish way. I told you yesterday in just three words why you can’t out-recruit the Ducks: Washington isn’t cool.


It’s okay to be not cool. I used to watch “Hogan’s Heroes.” There was a time when I thought Milk Duds were one of the four main food groups. But then I became a Duck, and next to raising two fine sons, it’s the coolest thing I’ve ever done.


It’s good to be a Duck, and it’s good to be cool, but today, for the 38,781st time since I’ve been traipsing around this planet, you wretched Huskies have me irked.


You couldn’t just accept not being cool in your witless, hopeless lives. No, you had to use your not-coolness to insult Our Beloved Ducks.


You impugned Duck integrity. You maligned the coolest of Ducks fans, Phil Knight. You slandered our genius coach, Dan Lanning. Worst of all, you wished Justin Wilcox on us.


So no more kind, uber-generous Axel. I’m going to tell you, brainless Husky fan, precisely why you’re not cool.


First of all, you live in Seattle, otherwise known as Paradise Lost, whose new favorite activity among residents is moving to Idaho.


Your colors suck. You already know that, but you continue to buy purple shoes, dye your hair purple, and refuse to brush your purple teeth.


You may think that the Space Needle is cool, but you would be wrong. That sad, tired, old spindle ceased being cool around 1963, when “The Jetsons” was canceled after 24 episodes.


Your team sucks. You already know that, too, but we’ll remind you anyway. Your record last year was an atrocious 4-8. Your coach, Jimmy Lake, was fired for being a jerk, and your number-one fan, Softy Mahler, is an even bigger jerk.


Your incessant whining is not cool. But it is funny, so please don’t stop. We desperately need to laugh at you not just during the football season but all year long.


Your dopey fight song, ”Bow Down to Washington,” is not only not cool, its lyrics are nonsensical. Husky fans would be better served learning Klingon. (“Yub yljatih” is Klingon for “Huskies suck.”)


Not even lowly Montana bows down to you incompetent, bumbling oafs.


Your new coach Kalen DeBoer is not cool, either. If he was the tiniest bit cool, he might be able to keep a one- or two-star recruit from leaving the state.


The list of Husky not-coolness is never-ending, of course. The odds of meeting a cool Husky fan are about equal to meeting a tourist from the planet Neptune. But as cool as we Ducks fans are, there is only so much Husky not-coolness that we can tolerate in a single post.


Consider this then part 1 of 1,001 postings about the not-cool, permanently out-to-lunch Huskies. Collect them all. That includes you, Husky fan. Who knows? No matter how uncool you are now, you could take the sure path to coolness: be a Duck.

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On 6/23/2022 at 3:32 PM, Axel said:

You impugned Duck integrity. You maligned the coolest of Ducks fans, Phil Knight. You slandered our genius coach, Dan Lanning. Worst of all, you wished Justin Wilcox on us.


Washington fans pay homage to Axel and Oregon....

                                 Darn right!

Mr. FishDuck

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So many husky tears... But my tears are those of laughter. 

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On 6/23/2022 at 6:46 AM, Flyin Vee said:

love the smell of huskie tears in the morning.............


It's the smell of victory...


Go Ducks!!

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On 6/23/2022 at 4:18 AM, Charles Fischer said:


It's all about Oregon.




Amazing. For being written by husky fans, there's actually a surprising of truth here... LOL!!

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     Even a Fuskie whose unbelievably fortunate enough to have some sense of humor can’t help but see the dim witted idiocy of having a mascot that enjoys being chained together with it’s snout up another one’s a**.

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If you ain’t lead dog the view never changes.....

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