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Everything posted by kirklandduck

  1. Preparation does take a hit when injuries pile up. That being said, my original point to the first poster was that you can't discount the effect of injuries when it comes to the number the Oregon has suffered this season. Case in point, we're starting Jordan Happle with a club on his arm because there's no one else.
  2. Of course not. But this isn't just on the QB, Oregon played terribly in just about every single aspect.
  3. You absolutely have to account for injuries. Go back to the roster and count the number of starters that are out now or for the year. Now even Verone McKinley was knocked out of the game. It doesn't matter how well you recruit, Oregon's had an absurd number of injuries this year to critical guys on both 1st and 2nd string.
  4. It also goes both ways though, the WRs need to catch the good passes. Spencer Webb should have had that.
  5. The receivers are starting to show their frustration with him, I can't say I blame them. He tossed an easy one to Devon Williams' feet on one play then threw it behind Troy Franklin almost immediately after. AB really needs to take a breath and get it together.
  6. You'd think DeRyeuter would have learned by now. Why doesn't he bring the LBs closer in during those situations?
  7. The defense is showing a stunning inability to make a stop on 3rd down.
  8. Spotting the other team 4 tds isn't a good game plan. Even when the offense runs well it's not a fast high scoring one, plus the defense is having all kinds of issues stopping Utah. I'm not expecting an optimistic outcome at this point...
  9. If I were Cristobal I'd be tearing into Moorhead and DeRyeuter in the locker room right now.
  10. Un-freaking-believable. Complete incompetence in every aspect by Oregon.
  11. There's a reason why George Moore wasn't playing much his first few years. He's big but not really that talented.
  12. I don't see any adjustments being made by either coordinator. They're not earning their paychecks today.
  13. What were the right guard and right tackle doing? They let that guy right through into the backfield!
  14. The injuries in the secondary are finally taking their toll. I mean come on, we're starting Jordan Happle with a freaking club on his hand. Losses to the WR group aren't helping. Having Jaylon Redd and JJIII would help immensely right now.
  15. I think Whittingham will plan for this as well. However AB has shown that he can absolutely pass when he needs to (UCLA and Colorado)...I think what'll happen is that Oregon will pass around 175-200 yards, which is just enough to open up the run game for another 200 on the ground. Edit: While I respect Whittingham's ability to plan, Utah is still a middling team when it comes to rush defense. They just don't have the people for it this year to be really good in that regard.
  16. Certainly size does matter in the trenches but so does technique and mobility. Their left and right tackles are huge but I surmise very slow, that makes it open season on the QB when KT lines up opposite either one of them.
  17. That's just nuts but then again the market is dictating the demand for HCs right now. Is he worth it? That remains to be seen but there's both pros and cons to that contract. The pressure on him will be immense to keep MSU a top 5 team and CFP contender for most of those 10 years. If he has consecutive underperforming years he might just get the boot.
  18. It's a shame he couldn't be patient for one more season. Silver lining is that that opens up more opportunities for Troy Franklin, Devon Williams, and Donte Thornton.
  19. I remember just a couple days later a Taiwanese news outlet released an animated video describing the events of that game. It was both weird and hilarious. I don't think they got Joe Walker's likeness quite right lol
  20. Chip is finally having some success at UCLA, there's no way he'd want to go to the dumpster fire up North and start all over. Plus he's smack in the middle of the best recruiting area in the Pac12...makes it easier for him to do his most detested task.
  21. However it shakes out I hope Oregon stays at #3. Just getting into the CFP is a step forward but a win would be even bigger...that's more likely against a team other than Georgia.
  22. It drove me nuts that they showed the game with the equivalent of CSPAN cameras used in 2002.
  23. Personally I don't like the 12 team playoff idea. It's deliberately slanted towards SEC having more teams in the top 6, thereby giving them a higher likelihood of getting a 1st round pass. 8 or 16 team playoff, where everyone plays the 1st round is best. Football version of March Madness!
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