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Everything posted by 30Duck

  1. Oregon owns recruiting, what other school does as well in Men's basketball, Women's basketball and football?
  2. You nailed it with that sentence, and all the other's too. The eye of the beholder is true; and the eyes of a lot of beholders at other schools are definitely liking what they see him doing at Oregon
  3. USF, 60 yard INT return, score on the next play. Lead Cincy, 7-0, 7:04 left in the 1st quarter.
  4. "Upset Alert" they show up every week because upsets do happen every week throughout the top 25, the Top 10 has losses, and most of them are to teams they "shouldn't have lost to. Based on recruiting, talent, facilities, Fresno State shouldn't have been able to stay on the field against Oregon, or beat UCLA, who beat LSU. Alabama really should never lose, but they slipped up against Texas A & M. Georgia probably won't lose, they are that dominant on defense, based on what they have and what Michigan State has, no way Purdue should have beaten State last week, and tomorrow they play Ohio State. Every week $$$ are won and lost betting on these crazy games.
  5. "Did someone say my name, and did you know that 237,000 years ago names weren't even used, and that the elevation of the Andes is,,,and this is the Conference of Champions!
  6. They probably would have, OSU goes through coaches, take Dennis Erickson. His first season, 1999, the Beavs went 7-5, next season, 11-1, and the Beavers were big, but 5-6, then 8-5, Erickson was off to the NFL and the 49ers, and Riley came back.
  7. They did, but following Confused's line of thought, Oregon needs to crush its Pac-12 brethren on a regular basis while bringing in top 4 Recruiting classes. I feel like Mario is getting there, Alabama wasn't built in a day. Oregon, through Chip and now Mario is the dominant team in the conference, and I believe that Mario's plan when it comes to fruition will be more sustainable than was Chip's. Kirby Smart said it, Lake whined about it, Saban knows that recruiting is the key to success long term and he has that down. He's still working on, as Saban is still, on mastering the complicated course of coaching. This season we'll probably see close to half of the Pac-12 coaches being fired because they couldn't get it done. Oregon doesn't want the rest of the conference to be better than they are, but pick it up a little bit.
  8. Thanks for this latracey. When I start thinking back...the first image I have is of LaMichael, a lot of them because of course, the hole opens, and he's taking it to the house! I'm going to try a Peanut Butter Burger, and besides him as Oregon RB's, I'll take Kenjon and Reuben Droughns.
  9. That's it. A playoff consisting of Conference Champions, 2 wildcard's and a Group of 5 doesn't cut it with the SEC. It wants "The Best Teams" with No restrictions on how many can be from one conference.
  10. You are right, change it to, "Dead Man Walking"
  11. As messy as firing Lake looks lke it could be, I think bringing him back after his suspension, which would not have happened if the Huskies were playing better, or if they had beaten Oregon, just won't work. Pardon the expression, but Lake is a Lame Duck,
  12. That's a winner! I did like Klatt's idea of doing away with Divisions, and "diluting" The Committee. However many members, whatever their "Guidelines & Protocols" still end up with what happened in Week 2. It is not a Playoff, but an Invitational, when the teams are picked by a committee
  13. Michigan State beats Michigan, the CFP Committee puts Michigan above Michigan State. Alabama, Cincinnati, don't cover, but either stay where they are, or move up. Yes, the CFP is broken, or actually running just the way it's supposed to.
  14. Joel Klatt breaks down his plans to fix the CFP, and a lot of them have been discussed right here at OBD Joel Klatt Proposes Big Changes to College Football Playoff Ashton Pollard www.on3.com
  15. You tell it like it is, CJ. If Oregon wants to become a team that has seasons and games like this on a regular basis they have to win this one, and win it decisively.
  16. It seems like Borghi has been there forever, and holding a WSU QB to 176 passing yards seems ridiculous...except it's been done, on average, 3 times already this season. How that was done, and Borghi didn't compensate on the ground, seems to be the key to beating the Cougs, Defending WSU seems to be the more difficult chore, but Oregon is averaging more points per game than Washington State.
  17. I think the green will be saved for OSU, I think the Ducks could be in the black Saturday night.
  18. Unfortunately, ASU is in Seattle, Stanford is in Corvallis, who rebounds from their lost weekend, the Beaver or the Tree?
  19. Thanks Jon, at least there will be a lot of important games to watch as we wait until the Ducks & Cougs . I agree that Mendenhall is a good candidate for either UCLA or UW.
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