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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Thanks to all who contributed to this, as I learned some things and realized that the big headaches Lois had....were a symptom.
  2. I don't, and disagree. Have you ever noticed the introductions for the Super Bowl...the vast number of players coming from small colleges? The Pac-12 will be superior to the Big-12...and how many players from the Big-12 will go to the NFL? Nobody complained about a Clemson player going to the NFL when the ACC was incredibly weak. This comes down to how you present it, it is salesmanship. The bottom line is that if you are NFL caliber....they will find you. A state of Oregon player did not mature until he was in college, and thus got no offers from Oregon or OSU. Yet he ended up being drafted to the NFL from Western Oregon University! And he was in the NFL for six years....so they will find you no matter where you are. Oregon will be OREGON no matter what. You will have great facilities, great coaching and great preparation for wherever you go in life. The conference is not a selling point against you unless you let it be one.
  3. I am locking this thread. Even with a warning of "don't go political," a couple of people either went political, or wrote something that could start an inferno. We can do it, as we did it with COVID discussions, but some people do not have impulse control. And I banned a newbie member this morning that not only had little regard for our rules....he decided to "poke the bear" a couple of times. (What did he think would result from that?) So what a great day!
  4. Great information and conclusions DazeNconfused...you are quite the welcome new addition to this forum since you joined a few months ago, and I really look forward to your article on Wednesday, as it is a dandy.
  5. Great article....great facts and logic. If we are discussing how nuts it is for travel with the ACC, then traveling to UCF or West Virginia in the Big-12 would have been the same, as would Rutgers, Maryland and Penn State in the B1G. It is all bad for minor sports in terms of travel, but if we have to look at the ACC, the money might make sense. Read that article above and see if you are "un-sold" on the Big-12? I was very interested in them last week, but the facts say differently now. For me, concerning the Big-12...
  6. I needed to ask this of everyone before I get started on my business day. If the State of Oregon gets involved in this and demands that Oregon and Oregon State are a package that goes together either in a new conference or staying in the Pac-12...if the state is going to make that demand--shouldn't they pay for it? You know where I'm going with this...because if Oregon remains in the Pac-12...we will get buried by the revenue to two biggies are earning. But to compete, we will need to spend as much on football as they do, and with a much smaller revenue pie to start with--the football expenses slice becomes much bigger. This means we have to cut sports at both schools or the State of Oregon has to come to the rescue. That brings up other issues about how much we have to answer to them, etc. (This discussion can be done without delving into politics)
  7. Good article Jordan, and there are a few nuggets in there that we have not seen among so much that has been reported. Thanks!
  8. The Troll Vault is an interesting idea, but one on the back-burner for now. Too many other projects with football season approaching...but it is a good idea.
  9. I believe that is very true until other offers come in to the Pac-12? Then the conference can set a deadline to wrap this up with all the offers.
  10. If Oregon/Washington are going to be locked into a conference with no flexibility if things change later....yeah, we should get more. That is why we would leave? Keep in mind that ESPN cannot possibly give a good opening offer, as Oregon then goes to the Streaming services and other networks for competing bids? ESPN will then increase their offer based on competitors, thus these negotiations could go on for a long time. Are the Ducks and Huskies staking out their points now a smart thing? I think so... And it sounds like we have someone playing hardball with George K.; good!
  11. I sure did like his photo at 44 days left. DeForest Buckner...whew!
  12. The US Olympic medal total would certainly be less if there was no longer Cal Swimming. As for the timing? There are two bright spots in all of this.... 1) Thank goodness we hired this coaching staff before all this hit! (Because the uncertainly would give pause to all the coaches) 2) We aren't Oregon State...
  13. Why don't you start? Why did you bring it up...what would you like to discuss?
  14. I am a member of 247, and thus a part of their nationwide system. I just posed the questions to the Auburn board, and we'll see what they say.
  15. It was an excellent question, as unsalted dipped into the cheese? Ideal at halftime!
  16. It is subscriber, but Jon Wilner was suggesting that the two NW schools do not get tied into a Pac-12 contract over the next two years, because once Notre Dame decides, (or not) the dominoes might start falling in the Ducks/Huskies direction for invitation into the B1G. This would also be good advice for joining the Big-12 separately as well. However, our friend George K. will be working to lock in the NW schools into the Pac-12, and the pressure from the other schools...and politicians will be immense. And Oregon's best interests may end up different than Washington's, thus one could muck it up for the other?
  17. Well, my friends, it has not happened yet, and we have a very exciting college football season ahead of us. I am well aware of what is in front of us over the longer term, but I am going to savor what we have for as long as it lasts.
  18. I answered that already above, and wrote an article about it... "You deserve to be fired." How Brady Hoke Got Mark Helfrich FIRED FISHDUCK.COM Charles Fischer of FishDuck.com provides another set of examples showing how Oregon's defense is poorly coached, and will result in the firing of Mark Helfrich.
  19. Oh baby, it is going to take too long for football season to arrive!
  20. Because yellow blends in with the other banners and you guys don't read it. I need to use colors that grab attention, and I cannot avoid all the colors of opposing schools, so I've decided that the only off-limits one is purple. This is purple, and last time you called this purple, and it is actually fuchsia, a shade of pink.
  21. I know everyone wants Young, but what we have verballed is pretty darn good! This is why I feel great about the running back room for this year and next regardless of Young's decision, as all could return for 2023!
  22. This is a really great point, and one the John Canzano has done a good job explaining--is the value of our time slot to ESPN and other networks. This scourge of scheduling--the night games that everyone hates, maybe is what saves the Pac-12 in the end, and is our major bargaining chip. I think Canzano's take of a package with ESPN, and a streaming service might get our revenue picture back to a survival mode. But we will still get buried by the biggies over time...
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