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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. I thought that since he did not have great speed, that perhaps the strong safety or nickel in the Avalos defense would have been a good fit for him. He might have been a good replacement for the loss of Holland!
  2. Welcome to Our Beloved Ducks Forum.. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

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    2. Charles Fischer

      Charles Fischer


      The challenge I have is all the different shades of yellow that get washed out on the site when we use picture backgrounds as we do.  We actually spent a ton of time selecting that bright yellow as it works the best with what we are trying to accomplish. I imagine there is a way of adjusting your computer monitor in terms of brightness and I would ask a tech-savvy friend to help you in that area.  (In the utilities section?)

      When the forum gets big enough, then we can have separate forum for basketball and one for football, but we are a long ways from achieving that critical mass yet.  There is nothing worse than a "Dead-Forum," and thus why I want to combine them all for the present in order to have frequent new posts for the members to read.

      Scrolling through the few new posts each day only takes a few seconds...



    3. EzDucksIt



      Thanks for the quick reply, I enjoy the fact the forums appear so energetic, just like the uniforms.  Thanks for the recommendation, I will give it a try.  You sure have got this Duckscussion Board flying with info, have enjoyed it since the days of you hosting the video breakdowns of Chips offense.  Glad you have not relented in your endeavour to create a site for civil discussion to occur about the Oregon Ducks programs.  While not everyone has or will agree with each other, all the time, there is enough opportunity to converse like adults trying to understand what is happening with "our beloved ducks".  Again thank you.

    4. Charles Fischer

      Charles Fischer

      Thanks and please...we need to get the activity going on this new forum, so please jump in and respond to all the topics!  My moderating process now is done privately with offenders, and thus nobody sees what is happening in that area, so it all appears clean.

      But trust me--this janitor is still taking out the trash!  😄

      Thanks for understanding and do know we will always be improving, as I am working on changes right now...

  3. At times I am so amazed at all the talent, yet not really have a dominating shot-blocker or "big" down low will hurt us later...or will it? Nice article here about the Stanford game as a review, and that game was so tough and it did not look for a number of times for the Ducks. Yet the final score makes it appear they won comfortably and it was anything but that. Thoughts?
  4. This is a nice article about the growth of the Womens program despite the loss Sunday. Coach Graves has some great quotes about the game, the players and especially the freshmen in this article. I did not know that Dugalic had back-to-back nine rebound nights!
  5. It is losses like last night that will fuel the fire for the upcoming season and tournaments. That game was there to be won, and my goodness there were so many mistakes through the game--so many "gimmie-easy" shots missed and sloppy passes. This will be a great learning opportunity in their film study, and will make them better. It is great to see the light-bulb go on for a freshman when he/she discovers, "I can do this!" For Dugalic, this was that game, and it hints at a high upside....
  6. It seemed that he was simply going by his gut, and Cristobal has shown to not have good instincts on offense, and this could be another example of that. Great to see you post Annie!
  7. I do not think Sean Dollars has break-away speed, but I understand your point that the talent is there--will they be coached up in an overall system that makes sense. It still bothers me that what we built the brand on--was discarded to what is now a mess of an offense. It is all about his pride... Epic post Sherman, thank you.
  8. The coaches at San Diego State come from the Rocky Long lineage, and they know great defense. Superb research as I was reminded of a number of great candidates. Thanks Coach!
  9. Welcome to Our Beloved Ducks Forum.. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  10. Welcome to Our Beloved Ducks Forum.. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  11. Some occasional divergence from the game is fine, but it seems at times he is looking for anything to talk about other than the game. (Have you been to Germany Roxy?) (??!) I especially do not like the way he would pick on his other colleague Dave, and the way he started out doing so with Roxy. But Roxy was able to deflect a lot of it back, (what do you think about that Bill?) and during the whole back-and-forth episode there was a game with amazing plays happening and they reported it only in the most superficial way. But for those that like him--good for you, and I have the "mute" button, so we're all good!
  12. I am agreement with you my friend, as it sets us back quite a bit with the fans and the public perceptions...
  13. It is the same theme as Ryan's article, but he covers other ground for us to ponder right here. And he is a bit more forthright in his assessments...
  14. Welcome to Our Beloved Ducks Forum.. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  15. With Iowa State winning by a 17 point margin, the winner would have been Another OD if he/she had only predicted that score. However she/he predicted two scores, and we would all love to do that and cover more bases and hence that entry is disqualified. Iowa State Predicted Winners: Duckpop22 28-20 Winner! Mike West 28-21 ptdduck 24-17 GODUCKS15 31-27 Those who Predicted Oregon: Mr. FishDuck 37-35 30Duck 37-31 Haywarduck 37-19 1Ducker1 29-27 DuckUp1 24-21 Santa Rosa Duck 28-17 NJ Duck 31-21 Mudslide 38-21 CJ 28-24 This was fun to play this year and perhaps for 2021 we actually have some prizes! My thanks to all...
  16. Great article about the game by the FishDuck correspondent, Ryan Robertson, who was in the Press Box of the Fiesta Bowl and can be read right here. He makes some observations about the defense that I have not noted anywhere else and now I am going to go back and see what he means.
  17. Welcome to Our Beloved Ducks Forum.. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  18. I apologize to so many that have read my many articles about this topic; yes Duckdude, I have stated that many times in articles in the past.
  19. I know Sherman, and again--I've written extensively on FishDuck about how Cristobal wants to do anything other than what worked before.
  20. Sherman, I've wrote a few times about how there is no discernable system, but a mish-mash of what Cristobal will allow. Moorhead had a system at Fordham and Penn State made up entirely of shotgun plays, but at Oregon...
  21. Well, that was a question that everyone has been asking, and the real off-putting aspect is how it is a question that should be asked at all of our coaches. Whew!
  22. The worst part of that game was listening to Bill Walton go into irrelevant topics while a real game was going on. Very little analysis or commentary beyond what we could see ourselves, and for the first time ever--I muted it. Chris Duarte was on fire when we needed it!
  23. Welcome to Our Beloved Ducks Forum.. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  24. We can't complain too much as we are the Pac-12 Champions and eleven other teams would love to have that title; when you consider all the sports--we do a lot of winning!
  25. We have a ways to go with all that I wish to add and implement, but we are off to a good start and are on our way!
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