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Dr Hilarius

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Everything posted by Dr Hilarius

  1. Here’s a question that just popped into my head… What if Mari0 is great at recruiting “stars” but not “players?” I ask bc I have been mystified by all the highly rated recruits that washed out for Mari0. That top-5 class he had never materialized on the field. Sure, it could be Mari0’s inability to coach up players. But very few ended being great for a different coach either (Trey Benson at FSU being the obvious exception). If one is measured by the rank of the recruiting class, it obviously incentivizes stars over players. One example of a “player” is someone Mari0 didn’t recruit… CJ Verdell, who was the lowest ranked player in his class, but who earned RB1.
  2. That’s some existential stuff there. Not what I was expecting for NIL day, but absolutely the quality of post I expect from the OBD forum.
  3. @2002duck, I hear ya. Let’s focus on the positives.
  4. Me too! That’s why I love @Ktmguy2018’s idea. What we dislike is the boosters gaming the system. This solution renders the boosters less influential. It’s so simple and really is good for players. There could be bonuses for players who transfer to teams w greater reach. But if a player washes out, her/his contract won’t.
  5. While I am a proponent of UBI, I don’t think of this arrangement in that frame. I think real businesses, NOT boosters, don’t actually care where an athlete plays, just that the athlete is successful. So real businesses should be perfectly happy w/wherever a player plays. Sure you could have contracts dependent on playing in a certain league/region, but the deal is with the player and not tied to the school.
  6. @Ktmguy2018 Yours is the best solution to the NIL problem I’ve heard… NIL cannot be conditioned on where you play!!! It’s easy to explain and gets to the spirit of NIL, while it eliminates the boosters. I would love to hear the opinions of the rest of our other OBD members.
  7. Thanks for the post, @jrw! If I am a HS senior 5* QB from Michigan, you better believe I’m taking an all-expense paid trip to the University of California Los Angeles in the middle of winter. Frankly, I might question the judgment and attitude of the HS senior 5* QB from Michigan who doesn’t take that trip. If he hasn’t already taken his official to Eugene, let’s hope he does it in Spring.
  8. @Charles Fischer, You buried the lede. Or maybe you were building suspense. Either way, I am glad I read your article to the end. I thought for sure you were throwing in the towel, but instead, you invented the perfect solution! As a software engineer, I love automation to eliminate unnecessary resistance. And unnecessary resistance is exactly how I would describe those selfish posts. Let me know if I can help our beloved web developer in Sheffield! And thank you for maintaining the best sports forum on the web!!
  9. Great question! I am a hard no on Lake for his lack of sportsmanship.
  10. This is a fun game! Braggart? Maggot (if I had a strong Boston accent)? Bob Saget?
  11. I was super excited about this hire, but I am super disappointed by the lack of awareness this article describes. I paraphrase… “Everyone has to earn everything. My son has never played a second of D1 football and has already earned QB1.” Deion deserves Slick Willy. I remember Willy complaining about the Eugene weather. Boulder will be fun for him. And isn’t Willy’s son also almost in college? Obviously, Willy Jr has already earned his starting spot on the Buffs. All that said, Deion fighting Riley for the most selfish recruits in the West will be a fun annual tradition.
  12. Thanks for the lively retort, @DazeNconfused . I will reply w the same verve… Obviously, otherwise why would it even be a topic on this forum? There are 34 other coaches in the top 42 that are more interesting. Dilly’s offense couldn’t beat the Beavs and only looked dominant against Colorado and the P12 bottom feeders. Dilly couldn’t coach a backup to be better than a gimpy starter and couldn’t scheme his way to overcome a gimpy starter. When the roots rot, the tree dies. I would rather we get some fresh perspective. But I appreciate yours!
  13. I don’t understand why being on the Gus Malzahn or Todd Graham coaching tree is something we should want for our next OC. I don’t care if GM and TG used the identical system as we did last year, both dramatically washed out of the power 5, and Graham was accused of maltreatment after leaving HI. These aren’t coaching trees, they’re ground cover.
  14. The closest Caleb Williams comes to the Heisman is when he injured himself showboating the Heisman pose. This Trojanwire article clearly exemplifies the lack of critical reasoning resulting from a U$C education.
  15. The takeaway: Riley either didn’t see or didn’t care about Williams’ display of an aggressively unsportsmanlike attitude. I’m not sure which would be worse.
  16. fans who enter the field of play deserve whatever they are given. period.
  17. I am loving the daytime broadcast network games, but Rod Gilmore is punishment.
  18. The game hasn’t started yet, and the commentator already called it the Civil War.
  19. Is the game on a diff channel while the Clemson game ends?
  20. Interesting fun facts, but Canzano’s score prediction is ludicrous: 28-27 Beavs. No way Beavs score 28. No way Beavs hold Ducks to 27.
  21. The trophy for the game formerly known as the civil war has been a platypus since 1959. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platypus_Trophy The Platypus Cup really is the most fitting name for the game IMHO, even better than civil war. It highlights the silly, nature-loving, Oregonian culture of both Ducks and Beavs.
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