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Everything posted by DuckIt

  1. Here's hoping that he doesn't knock us up and run off with the first hot Southerly blonde that winks at him and promises him SEC. I kid but I know I'm not the only one thinking it.
  2. Mario can take his scheme and shove it where the sun don't shine. Using his rigid scheme for TP will leave you with a bad case of hemorrhoids.
  3. He postponed his commitment because he wanted to finish out his basketball season. I'm more concerned about him picking up the playbook than packing on the weight.
  4. RIP and condolences to his family and friends. Seriously though, what would possess a person to cross a freeway? There was no mention of him having car trouble or even a car. He was just walking on limited access near the express lane. If there was no car, I don't think you can rule out suicide.
  5. I'm pumped up for next season watching the coaches' victory celebration. The chuckles before the announcement, gave away that Conerly probably has been a silent commit since his last unofficial visit. You could hear and tell that the coaches were all in good spirits like they knew some good news was about to drop along with the mic, literally. Chalk another one up for the Good Guys!
  6. It was apparent that MC lost control of the team last season, especially on offense. Most of us, see him as the worst coach to have on the field for game day. Yet, guys like Cyrus Moss and former Duck, Logan Sagapolu are willing to follow him clear across the country to play for him at Miami. It just baffles me how MC can have such a hold on these kids, when he has proven time and time again that he can't coach, only recruit.
  7. Is it possible that Coach Lanning uses him on defense too? He's a beast on either side of the ball, in all trenches.
  8. AWESOME!!!!!!!!! I honestly did not think we had a shot once MC bolted and was starting to get discouraged, not winning the recruiting battles on offense. It appeared as though all signs pointed to SC. Kudos to Coach Lanning and Klemm for working their magic and reeling in this whopper to close out this recruiting class strong. And to think, Riley and MC have been courting and pressing hard after Conerly for over a year and were unable to land him. Then, along comes Coach Lanning and Klemm who strolled into the party late and they end up, stealing the prize away. They only had 3 months to recruit him and really, only became a major player in the last week or month, according to Huffman.
  9. Regardless if the younger guys were more talented or better, it was clear that MC favored his seasoned veterans with minutes. He wasn't about to gamble his 10 win season on unproven raw talent. The only exception would be Noah Sewell. If he kept Noah on the bench, he truly would have looked dumb and inept, not that he didn't still leave me with that impression of him.
  10. I second that! I'll never forgive Coach K for lecturing Dillion Brooks after the Sweet 16 tournament game. Whether it was the late heave by Brooks to knock down the deep three or the celebration that followed afterwards, Coach K got into his head for the next game against the Sooners. Brooks should have been riding on cloud 9 and ultra confident going into that game. Rather than focusing on the game in front of him, his focus was on the last game and what he did to disrespect the Great Coach K and his Blue-Blooded Blue Devils. Brooks tried to brush it off when asked if it was a distraction but his performance against the Sooners said it all. That was one of his worse games if not the worst as a Duck. Classless or not, it wasn't Coach K's place to speak out against matter. That would be Coach Altman's job. If Coach K wanted to make it his mission to put an end to showboating in the sport, he should have started with the NBA stars who lead the youths by example. Better yet, he should have taught his own players better. His past teams haven't exactly exemplified class. Let's not forget, he was personally responsible for coaching players like Christian Laettner and Grayson Allen, some of the dirtiest players in the last 40 years. To pick that specific moment to take a stand and rain on young man's parade, doesn't only make him look petty and egotistical but a hypocrite.
  11. I only caught a couple of his highlight videos on youtube and was blown away but they are after all highlights. So take away what you will. If the Ducks use him right though, he's not going to need to dribble that much. He just needs to stay active and move without the ball.
  12. What can't this kid do well? The kid got hops, can finish through contact, post up, defend the rim, and shoot threes. He could be as explosive and dominant a force like a slimmer version of Zion. He will come in handy controlling and cleaning up the boards.
  13. Guerrier had another solid performance. Soares contributed 8 pts for back-to-back games. Dante and Harmon combined to score 6 pts. That's just not good enough to win games. Dante needs to stay out of foul trouble. It is still unknown if the Ducks will compete in the NIT. If this was it, this has been a disappointing finish to a disappointing year.
  14. They need to pull a rabbit out of a hat to get this win. Stanford did it yesterday.
  15. Did you notice the ref blew his whistle prematurely before Williams committed that charge?
  16. Guerrier has been the Ducks' rock the last two games.
  17. Altman continues to be reluctant to burn his timeouts. The Ducks were at the time up 6 pts and now the Ducks trail by 6 pts. The Buffs made a 12-0 run. Altman did nothing to disrupt the flow and only called a timeout after the Ducks were down 3 pts. I wish he would stop thinking with the mindset to save his timeouts for the end, in case the Ducks need them and make adjustments as needed. That's playing not to lose. That is not playing to win.
  18. Where is Harmon and Young? Need those guys to step up and attack the rim. Dante needs to be more aggressive and take more shots. The ball movement has to be better. Ducks are forcing up too many shots. Williams should go back to what was working yesterday and hit those mid-range shots.
  19. Great game by Young and Guerrier! Good team win. All the starters played well except Harmon. Harmon had a rather quiet game.
  20. That last trap in the corner with Lucas was poorly executed. They had him pinned in and they allow him to pass to his teammate under the basket.
  21. Say what you want about Young's decision making, stupid fouls, and playing out of control at times, but no one can question that he plays fearless basketball, unlike Richardson.
  22. All season long, the Ducks go under the screen and pay the price.
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