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Everything posted by DUCati855

  1. Reading through the comments of this post suggest most are stating their opinions solely with football in mind. Inviting an institution to join the conference is about more than JUST football. While football is a HUGE consideration you also must also look at the impact to all other sports, academics, and general fit of the university. As stated previously I feel SDSU and UNLV check the most boxes.
  2. While none of them EXCITE me. I feel SDSU and UNLV make the most since. Both will eventually be able to get on par (competition wise) with the rest of the Pac. Both will add eyeballs to the conference.
  3. It is amazing the difference how these schools have dealt with Stanford and Washington.
  4. I agree. But, it did give me something to read on a really slow work day. Clicked... and baited!
  5. That was a fun read. Unfortunately, watching electric football is like watching a Mario coached team.
  6. Let me restructure your sentence: The past regime prioritized stars over evaluation for recruiting buzz and regional bragging rights.
  7. I mostly agree. But not sure how Mario gets a passing grade. I guess he did have good attendance.
  8. It'll be fun to be able to take my hand gestured pistol and shoot targets again. With Cristobal I seemed to always be pointing it at the side of my head.
  9. Looking over the chart... I didn't realize we had a walk on RB from Dripping Springs TX. Hopefully he will help our new QB get acclimated next year.
  10. If the coaches feel there is a scholarship available for DJ it means there is a need for DJ. I'll leave it in their hands.
  11. No hard feelings. Byron will always be a Duck in my eyes. He did well for us when we wanted him. The new staff just never really seemed to want him. I wish him well.
  12. I've heard that his girlfriend goes to OU. He is young that can be very magnetic at that age.
  13. You are correct! My bad. I'm SO GLAD IT DIDN'T HAPPEN! No thanks to Mullens!
  14. I respect Joey and his enthusiasm for the Ducks. But, I'm sure glad Mullens did not listen to the noise his letter created.
  15. Always a Duck! Thanks Noah and the entire Sewell family.
  16. Charles, I can see by using the measurables described how you would put Coach Lanning's first class comparable (possibly higher) than previous first year coaches. But, I look at it a bit differently. What really stands out for me was Coach Lanning did this by matching players to his (the team's) needs and his values. Often times I felt MC chased star ratings rather than fit. So, MC's classes look better than they actually were. Coach Lanning has the same (or near) star ratings with players that fit the needs of the team. For this reason I feel he far surpasses ANY other coach in Oregon history. I for one could not be happier with this group of recruits and transfers. WELL DONE COACHES!!!
  17. I hire both. But, always through a temp agency. After three months I either bring them onto my payroll or hand them back to the temp agency. Unfortunately, college athletics isn't as simple as my little business.
  18. I don't like it. Feels more like pro sports than college. But, I can definitely see schools that have a tough time recruiting (like OSU and WSU) considering it. Until the rules change... use them to your advantage.
  19. I, too, noticed the lack of political statements in November on this site. This proves the site (and its rules) garner respect and that your hard work has paid off. Unfortunately, while we all were able to refrain from stating our politic views, many were unable to refrain from expressing their frustration of losing to our two most hated rivals. The one thing EVERYONE on this forum has is passion for our Ducks. Passion can bring out the best in people. But, passion with a keyboard in hand, often explodes into a heaping pile of excrement. No one person should have to shovel through that themselves. I'm so glad you have the moderators to help you and sincerely hope the web developer comes up with some code that eases your pain. We all appreciate this forum and ALL you do to provide it for us. Thank you.
  20. Sorry, I would rather be disappointed in our DBs than have Lake associated with our Ducks.
  21. 100% agree. Hopefully the game is well intact and Ty can come in the whole 4th quarter. He needs to have access to all the plays and needs to be pushed to keep scoring. No sticking him in to burn the clock.
  22. My guess 6-6 possibly 7-5. But, I guaranty it would have been very boring and very frustrating.
  23. I believe DJ was told he needed to declare for the draft or he would have to face punishment. It made his decision VERY easy.
  24. Especially when you figure he'll be kicked out for at least one half for every game. He'll make great money for the actual time played.
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