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Everything posted by OregonDucks

  1. I’m hopeful that the defense will take a giant stride forward this year with another year of experience in the scheme and the transfer portal additions. It appeared that Lanning took more control of the D late last season and I hope that continues into this season. Oregon’s success this year will depend on keeping Bo Nix healthy. I’m not confident in the backup QBs.
  2. It doesn’t appear that Lanning and company chase stars like other coaches out there (e.g., see the “under the radar” RB that just committed). Hopefully the coaches prove to be great at evaluating talent and coaching them up to reach their maximum potential.
  3. If Oregon’s primary objective is to win a national championship (vs. simply chasing the media dollars, given Oregon’s athletic department already operates with a significant annual operating surplus), as the alleged consulting report indicated, then they will need the exposure that broadcast television provides until/if streaming becomes the norm for college football fans, media and voters. Adoption of streaming may be slower in other parts of the country (vs. out West). Hopefully, the PAC-12 can sign a deal that provides the best of both worlds (e.g., sell the most attractive game(s) of the week to broadcast T.V. to maximize exposure) while streaming the other games.
  4. I respectfully disagree. It’s not all about recruiting. If it were, the B1G would be looking to add Texas and/or Florida programs next. The B1G was focused on maximizing its TV value. That’s why they went after the LA schools (the second largest U.S. market). If the B1G wants to compete with the SEC, then they should be adding programs that can compete for national titles.
  5. LOL. UCLA has to play Ohio State, Michigan and USC in 2024. Good luck with your sophomore QB.
  6. I would be surprised if any of the top PAC-12 programs signed a grant of rights without knowing the TV deal, unless it was contingent on thresholds being met or exceeded.
  7. The schools apply for membership so a lawsuit would be unlikely, IMO.
  8. The top 2 picks in the 2023 NFL draft were both Southern California high school football players that decided to play for Alabama (Bryce Young, Mater Dei) and Ohio State (CJ Stroud, Rancho Cucamonga). The Pac-12 has to start by keeping top West Coast high school football players in the conference.
  9. With Bo Nix at QB, Oregon is in win now mode. Bring in whomever can help us win a conference championship and make the playoffs. Obviously Oregon’s coaches have observed Bryant and believe that he can help the team.
  10. I haven’t watched Bronny play and don’t know anything about his character/work ethic but I believe that Altman needs to get back to recruiting players who put the team before themselves, are willing to work/play hard, are coach able, are good teammates and representatives of the University of Oregon, and are willing to play for Oregon for 3-4 years. Maybe that means a roster full of 3 and 4 star players with an occasional 5 star who is a good fit. Whatever he has been trying to do the past 2-3 years has not been working. If Bronny fits the above mold, then I would welcome him to Eugene. If not, I wish him well elsewhere.
  11. Not to mention, Oregon has had some success recruiting in Texas. Playing some games in or near Texas will be a positive for those player’s families and help future recruiting in the area.
  12. I really look forward to seeing Jackson play in Eugene and hope he can make watching Oregon basketball fun again.
  13. As others have mentioned, OOC games are typically scheduled 6+ years in advance and Oregon has had a number of teams cancel on them. There aren’t many top teams with national championship aspirations willing to travel to Eugene to play the Oregon Ducks in Autzen stadium. Everyone knows how difficult it is to win at Autzen and Oregon has been one of the top college football teams for the past 10+ years. What’s the benefit to Alabama, Georgia, Ohio State, Michigan, et al? If those teams win their conferences (or even finish as the runner up with only 1 or 2 losses) they are in the college football playoff. Strength of schedule is not as important to the SEC and BIG, the top ACC teams can find quality opponents closer to home and Oregon is not in a recruiting hotbed. Why play Oregon when you can play UCLA, Arizona, ASU, Cal or Stanford, with a much better probability of winning and you play in a talent rich area? There are many things you can criticize Mullins for. I’m not sure this is one of them. Plus, have people forgotten the Georgia game already? I’d prefer to wait until the playoffs to play those teams…
  14. Unless Aaron is injured or has a major personal issue to deal with, I don’t understand this decision. The Masters is one of the majors and top players only get so many opportunities to play in the Masters over their careers (unless they win a green jacket). Might as well go down swinging…
  15. Oregon does the same at football games. It’s obnoxious. They used to just let the band play during breaks. Am I the only one here who hasn’t been recognized for something during a TV timeout at Autzen?
  16. Shaq’s career free throw percentage was nearly 2x better than Oregon’s against Wisconsin (52.7% vs 33%). Let that sink in!
  17. Yes, but with a large infusion of cash, do you think it’ll stay that way? Northwestern, Indiana, Purdue, Minnesota, Iowa, Rutgers, Maryland, Vanderbilt, Kentucky, et al are all going to be making $30M+ per year in TV revenues than PAC, Big XII and ACC programs. If they want to spend some of the additional revenue to hire and retain top coaching staffs, it’s going to be difficult to match. What if any of those aforementioned programs offered Dan Lanning $10M per year plus $1-2M for each of his coordinators. Would Oregon match? The top programs (e.g., Alabama, Georgia, Ohio State, Michigan) might even be able to match or beat NFL salaries without batting an eye.
  18. It's going to be hard to attract and retain a top coaching staff with a $30M+ deficit in annual TV revenues...
  19. The Oregon men's basketball team has been hard to watch the past few years. I think Altman is a great coach but if he wants to fill the stands, he needs to put better, more competitive/entertaining teams on the court. I have no desire to drive 2+ hours, each way, and drop a couple of hundred dollars to watch this team play (heck, I can hardly stand to watch them on TV). Oregon would have beaten Wisconsin, if they made their free throws (4/12 is not going to win you many close games). Also agree with others about Matt Court. It has no character and whomever designed it missed a golden opportunity to replicate what made Mac Court so special. If I had a few billion dollars lying around, I'd demolish it and retry.
  20. "When I heard it first, the deal was going to be USC-Oregon [to the Big Ten]. That makes sense. … Their TV market is not that big, [but] they play in different colored uniforms, and they win. That's where I would have started this thing off." "I think Fox wanted to consolidate L.A. and not let anybody else in [with USC-UCLA]. I think it's brilliant. Well played." -- Robert Robbins, President of University of Arizona Arizona president talks keeping Pac-12 together, TV deal expectations, deadlines, Big 12 interest and more - CBSSports.com WWW.CBSSPORTS.COM In an extensive conversation, Robert Robbins explains the state of the Pac-12 may not be what it seems
  21. I was super impressed by Peyton Bowen's film and think he has a chance to be an impact player in college and the NFL. Like many Duck fans, I was surprised when he selected Oregon and disappointed when he changed his mind a short time later. However, I have no hard feelings towards the young man and wish him luck. Even if Peyton filled out the paperwork correctly, I'm sure that Dan Lanning and Oregon would have let him out of it, if he wanted out. It's not like you want a player in your program, who doesn't want to be there.
  22. I don't like the idea of adding SMU. They do not fit the profile of Pac-12 schools and, as others have mentioned, are probably the fifth most followed school in Texas. I would prefer to stay at 10 (or add SDSU and UNLV, if it pencils out).
  23. With the expanded college football playoff, my preference would be for Oregon to remain in the Pac. However, if the revenues are lower than the B1G and SEC, as expected, Oregon may have to look to make up the difference with private donations or cut non-profitable sports to remain competitive. If the revenues are significantly lower than the Big XII, then there will be risk of some defectors (the Arizona schools?). At that point, the Pac would likely not be worth saving. Perhaps the B1G looks to poach the remaining attractive Pac schools (e.g., Oregon, Washington, Stanford, Cal), if reports are correct that they did not want to be the ones responsible for breaking up the Pac (note: they would have all of the leverage and could offer the remaining Pac schools a lower share of the TV revenues for a period of time)? If not, Oregon would have to explore all remaining options, including (holding my nose) joining the Big 12.
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