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Everything posted by 47sgs

  1. When I saw the article stating Lanning had interest in Auburn, I thought there's not a chance of that happening. It just doesn't seem to match his character to pull up stakes and leave. I think loyalty is an important trait to him, as well as he pretty much hand picked Oregon as a destination he would go to for numerous reasons. In addition, the word has to be out regarding the Auburn coaching postion. It's a pressure cooker situation, with fans that are short fused, and donors that insist on significant input . It just seems like a costic situation, and I'd even be surprised if Dillingham would want to be in that situation. Just look what a little adversity Mari no O is facing at Miami already. Both schools have significant expectations and a short time table for success.
  2. Time and time again, I have watched backup QBs on other teams come into games and play very well. They've looked poised enough to run an offense, complete passes, and make some reads. They may be a step down from the starter, but are at least competent replacements. I don't see that with Ty, unfortunately. I can't determine whether he's nervous like deer in the headlights, immature, not interested, can't make reads, or what the problem is. His pass attempts were not even close. I feel bad for him. I think he now has coaches that should be able to develop him at least to a suitable backup, and I hope he improves.
  3. All the various Miami forums are going ballistic about their football teams performance. They're blaming the lack of talent, players giving up and having no heart, their offensive coordinator, defensive coordinator, QB coach, Mari no O in game coaching, but I think they're missing the real crux of the problem in their team performance: 1) Mario's micromanagement style of making his coaches conform to his medieval , archaic , unimaginative power game that he won't stubbornly see as being a thing of the past. I'm sure the players don't like it, aren't having fun trying to run it, and his coaches have no leeway to change it. 2) There is something wrong with Feld' strength and conditioning program. Miami is plagued by the same injury problems that we had here with Feld. Whatever it is, they're being decimated just like we were last year. Until Mari no O comes to his senses, stops micromanaging his coaches and players, let's them have fun and be innovative, nothing will change. Just look at the attitude of Oregon players and coaches now compared to last year.
  4. Thank you for all that effort and work. It was a great day today for Oregon, both our game and the results of others. And especially thanks for supporting what I'm sure is one of my favorite local breweries here in Bend, most of which have awesome IPAs.
  5. The Seven McGee Situation MIKEFARRELLSPORTS.COM Michael Black provides us with an update on the latest developments with the Seven McGee situation. I did see this regarding what may have occurred regarding his departure.
  6. I'll be rooting for a 14 - 12 win in the 4th overtime by the Beavs.
  7. I just don't see Lanning allowing this team to let down. It's not in his DNA, and he has his team motivated. I can't believe how effective our new coach has been week to week, and it's becoming more and more obvious how lucky we are to have him.
  8. To me, Bucky seems stronger, faster, is more shifty, and reads the holes at least as well as Dye. Dye was great for Mario, Bucky has been awesome for Lanning. Dye made the right decision to move on.
  9. I beleive that was Colt Lyerla. Kid had a terrible upbringing. Serious talent and physical presence, but definitely a headcase. Couldn't keep him oyt of trouble. I just don't know what to think or believe about TT. There was so much promise and excitement when he came here, and now so many question marks. I hope he can rally, but it's pretty uninspiring to watch him play.
  10. I, for one, am greatful Mario was here. He filled a vacancy that needed an immediate replacement, was really liked by his players, recruited like crazy, and inspite of poor game management, won a lot of games. However, it was obviously time for him to go, as his expiration date had past. It was convenient for us that Miami was looking and he wanted to go home. Fast forward, we now have a new rookie coach that is a total class act, regardless of his win loss record. He's smart, intuitive, loves to coach, has put together a great staff, his game management skills even with lack of experience has been superb. His players love him. If there's a problem, he addresses it immediately, and the team is growing week to week. He's an awesome representative for the U of O. I would bet anything that most of the Miami fans, and especially those on their forums, would trade coaches in a heartbeat.
  11. That call was pathetic. The refs certainly find ways to try to take Oregon down and promote USC. Oregon should go to the Big 10 if it's an option just to get some fair refs.
  12. Oregon 38 - 27 1 turnover 3 sacks 217 passing yards, but huge running day.
  13. I'm with you. I realize the players are late teens, early twenties, but they're there to play football. That's what they need to concentrate on. when the game is over and they've won, then it's time to celebrate and have fun.
  14. It's hilarious reading some of the Miami forums. They're blaming the quality of their players, the players drive and physicality, the coaching staff, specifically their OC. They're rationalizing that it takes time to get "his players", and to implement his system. Most simply refuse to see Mari-no-o's shortcomings as a head coach. They don't recognize his stubborness, his conservative physical game plan, his inability to trust his OCs to use his knowledge to get an offense that best utilizes their players talents and abilities. They don't see his failure to loosen his reins and let his staff do what they're there to do, they don't see his in game coaching weaknesses, nor his thin skin when criticized. I appeciate what he did while here, his recruiting , his timely replacing of Taggart, but once he was booed here for his pathetic, predictable conservative offense, he was mentally out the door. Thank you Miami.
  15. Oregon 34-20 2 takeaways 3 sacks 265 yards passing, 220 yards rushing I'm just not past the play down to the competition yet
  16. According to aqicn.org, the air quality at Autzen is about the same as Portland, in the moderate range. The forcast has N,NE breezes starting about 2:00 which is suppost to clear the air some to just patchy smoke.
  17. I trust what the coaches think about the QBs more than I do any of the fans. The coaches see the players every practice, in every group meeting, and deal with them constantly. They dissect films of every play, both in games and practice, so if anyone should know who's ready to play, it's the coaches. In the spring game, Ty had the look of a deer in the headlights, and didn't go through progressions well. That could certainly be the result of two years of bad coaching, or that's just who he is. I would like to see the younger players get playing times as well, and I'd hate to see Ty leave, but I thought Butterfield was the better of the two when I've seen them. Hopefully, there will be situations where the two younger guys get some minutes, but if not, the coaches have their reasons.
  18. I thought that Utah looked like the better team tht game right up until the Bo Nix like throw for an intercetion to end the game. It was ill advised, but they were moving the ball well, had plenty of time, and still a couple of downs left. Without the interception, I think they had that game.
  19. SouthernDawg, thanks for your post and perspective of yesterdays game. Despite the poor tackling and QB play, it was apparent early there was a huge talent gap between the two teams, as well as a disparity between the two head coaches. Watching Georgia's receivers against our DBs, and especially their DB talent , it became more than apparent we were lacking. Every player Georgia had on the field was a 5 star, or at least high 4 star, and were being coached by a smart, wiley veteran coach. There wasn't much positive to take from this game as an Oregon fan, but it was refreshing to see a different offensive style from what we endured the last two years. I liked the diversity of plays and the attempt to increase the tempo of the offense. We will see going forward just how well Lanning learns and adapts from the mistakes in this game.
  20. QUAAAACK: 4-star DT A'Mauri Washington breaks silence, commits to Oregon OREGON.RIVALS.COM Four-star 2023 defensive lineman A'Mauri Washington made his commitment to Oregon public on Friday night.
  21. While I, like every duck fan hopes Oregon wins this game, or is at least competetive, I realize this is our coaches first game as a head coach against the defending national champion, As much as I want Oregon to look good, I am positive our coach is a quick study, and even if it's a bad loss, he'll rebound quickly with good ajustments going forward. I think we have a very smart head coach with serious drive, who with a little experience, will get Oregon where we want them to be. I'm optomistic for this game, but also realize the coach and team need time and experience to get where we want the team to go.
  22. We can speculate, analyze, pick apart which QB does what, but the bottom line is the coaches watch these players every day, test them, evaluate them, put them under pressure. They know who can do what, who can handle pressure, what's the potential of each of them. We as fans can speculate all we want, but the bottom line is the coaches know what these young men are capable, who fits best where, and all we as fans can do is hope they are as good at their job as we hope they are. I've decided, inspite of my opinions, that I'm a terrible armchair QB and coach, and I'm going to rely on the high power coaches we've hired to get the best players on the field and develop the others as best they can for the future of the program. As an armchair QB and coach, I see Nix as our best hope at present, and Butterfield as a really good alternative if needed. Thompson still looks to me like a deer in the headlights, inspite of my desire to see him succeed. We'll just have to see how the season unwinds.
  23. Lanning came to Oregon with just two scholarship QBs, neither of which had played, and he had little input regarding thei abilities. Once he got an OC and knowing the opening games, they got a veteran Nix, likely the best they could find, as a security measure. Lanning is here to win, and I trust him to make the best decision in that regard, whether it's one, two, or however many games, based on who gives us the best chance to win. I don't see Lanning doing a Mario, sticking to a veteran AB, if the veteran Nix isn't getting the job done, but again, will go with who he thinks helps Oregon win. As it's only Lanning's first season, he just hasn't had time to get who he wants, and coach them to what he wants from them.
  24. When WT dumped Oregon, the timing was terrible, and we needed a solution quick. Mario filled that spot, and if I remember, was emphatic this was long term and he'd have to be dragged out of Eugene. He was a hard worker, personable, great recruiter, and the players loved him. I think he put everything he had into the program until the last year, and unlike WT, didn't bolt for Miami the first time the position was open. While he had shortcomings as a game coach and serious stubborness, we won a lot of games at Oregon, though most in a pretty boring fashion. I've never considered Mario to be stupid, and would think he would eventually learn from past mistakes, so I'm going to go out on a limb and assume he will give a little more control to his coordinators going forward. Oregon was used as a learning experience by him, so we'll see what he has learned. I'm sure he's heard all negativity about his offense and coaching, so we'll see what he does about it. While I agree that he seemed to check out the second half of the season, about the time his offense got booed, it's hard to find a good time or way to leave a program . If he's too open about being a candidate, he risks his recruiting class, transfers and assistant coaches. If he keeps quiet until the last minute and bolts, he's ticks off fans and the athletic department. It also appears to me he didn't go looking for just any better job, he went with one that has serious importance to him for several reasons. I'll just cut him some slack, glad he's moved on, and look forward to a more interesting team to watch. On the side, I might pay a little attention as to whether he has actually learned anything while at Oregon.
  25. Mario Cristobal, ACC rearranged his media day schedule to allow him to attend Spencer Webb’s memorial SATURDAYOUTWEST.COM The former Oregon coach rearranged his schedule to try and get to Eugene for Spencer Webb's memorial service. Unfortunately his flight was cancelled.
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