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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. I think a ton of teams could have made a tougher game for Alabama, but Cincy won the popularity contest to join the Invitational. Thoughts? Alabama could cruise...
  2. We have a starting five right now of Bass, Walk, Forsyth, Jones and Sala right now. Add Jackson-Light and....
  3. You are welcome. The idea is to be informed....and we are putting time and work in for free to provide information. Is this something important to know, even if nothing comes of it? I would say so... If you don't like it--ignore it instead throwing shade on the messenger.
  4. With Jackson-Light returning as well...this gives us a complete experienced offensive line for 2022! Stoked! Way to go Ryan!
  5. Alabama's powerful running game was completely vanilla; Inside Zones and Inside Zone Reads all day where the RB would Blast, Bend or Bounce to yardage. They did not show anything new to their opponent in the final, and I suspect there might be a touch more in the 'Tide playbook!
  6. Let's go ahead and get this started and discuss the game as it progresses!
  7. Players are fleeing University of Hawaii as soon as the season ended with the number up to 14 players entering the portal due to accusations of mistreatment and verbal abuse by Head Coach Todd Graham. It has become so bad that Graham's own son, Michael, is entering the portal! Report: Current, Former Hawaii Players Detail Alleged Mistreatment and Abuse Under Coach Todd Graham by Ryan Young of Yahoo Sports Hawaii Football Exodus Continues as DB Michael Graham, Son of Coach Todd Graham, Enters Transfer Portal by David Cobb of CBS Sports My FishDuck Friends, this is pretty signficant because the following new Oregon Coaches are connected to the Todd Graham, via Arizona State or Hawaii teams. Dan Lanning Head Coach at Arizona State under Graham Kenny Dillingham Offensive Coordinator, at Arizona State under Graham Adrian Klemm new offensive line coach, played at Hawaii, although I do not know if it was during Graham's first HC round at Hawaii. Joe Loring, new Special Teams Coach, was at Arizona State. A' Lique Terry offensive analyst, is coming directly to Oregon from Hawaii. Anything to be concerned about?
  8. To me, this is a good-or-good game; if Alabama wins, it reaffirms that the Playoff was an "Invitational" (thanks Jon Joseph) and not based on SOS as it should have been and proving Cincy did not belong. But if Cincy wins--it shouts the need for an expanded Playoff. "Good-or-Good."
  9. David, I believe this off-season would have been very different. In prior years, we had hope that "he would become the CEO," or he would "let the OC do his job," but after four years--everyone knows he is not changing. And that includes the fans, (of which would have had a very dull off-season waiting for more of the same next year) or the players who now see that on offense--things are not going the way they hoped. I believe we would have seen a much bigger exodus of players leaving via the portal beyond what has and will happen if Cristobal had stayed. This really worked out well for all parties, as everyone is happy.
  10. I see the rational points here for decorum, and your thought makes a ton of sense too. But again...I am thinking of the haggling with emails and phone calls where people tell me that, "Charles...you've gone too far." Sometime it is easy to suggest these things, but you feel differently when it is YOU who has to carry out the rule enforcement. That would actually be an interesting question...."for those who want me to enforce decorum on former players and members...would YOU be willing to send the emails and deal with the responses and phone calls?"
  11. Pocketchange....you wrote a GREAT post, and I want to offer response commentary and would love any further thoughts... I feel very little sympathy for the multimillionaires that can’t even hold up their end of the bargain. That being said we shouldn’t be crass jerks about it. I would shoot for honest with decorum. Besides I know the least about football on this forum. So when everything goes well I listen. When obvious issues are occurring and most people are still in “wait and see mode”, I speak up. For example, MC’s offense or Danimals’ potentially problematic. So we should be able to be critical of our coaches and players. Agreed, (above) as "Critical Analysis" is what I strive for, where I give credit where due and grief where deserved. However, if we allow a “gloves off” approach, it is likely the forum will devolve into twitterverse. And who really wants that? We do not have that now in this forum, and the "gloves off" has only been with the world outside the current players and coaches. Thus far, the rules have worked, but the question is whether to expand the protections to former players and coaches who, "have not endeared themselves to us." Furthermore, we should never attack a player. We can be critical of their performance but never attack them. They are at the mercy of the fans, coaches, and administration. All they are trying to do make a better life for themselves and their family. So we should really cut them a break. Yep. Our rules clearly state that you cannot get personal with the current players or coaches. You may certainly be critical and negative about their performance or coaching decisions, as that is what we do on a forum. Lastly, we should be honest with decorum in this forum for us. In a world where we see rudeness, personal attacks, and dishonesty on a daily basis, shouldn’t we have a sanctuary where we lead the in the discussion of football? If we want gloves off… just go to Twitter, Facebook, or a remarks section on a sports web page. They have that market space covered. You make a compelling case, especially since the primary tone that serves as a foundation to the rules is everyone being, "polite and respectful." Did you find the posts about Cristobal or Pittman leaving to be over-the-top or offensive? Did anyone? That is the default we currently have in place, and I wondering about when OBD members are hot about a player or coach leaving...if trying to enforce decorum might turn their frustration on me?
  12. Should he come back next year? Where does he stand in the rushing stats? Quick review below... Travis Dye Has Cemented His Place in Oregon Ducks History by Zachary Neel of Ducks Wire
  13. David...this is a very interesting, yet difficult subject. As a publisher of an article blog, and owner of a Duck forum...I see the need for decorum, class and respect given to former coaches and players. But the fan in me? Naaaahhhh. Four years ago, I held my nose and wrote an article, Yeech: Do I Have to say "Thank You" to Willie Taggart? and it was like being told to eat my Brussel Sprouts. Yes, he helped Oregon, but boy--the fan in me rebelled at writing it. New Forum Rules for Writing About Former Coaches and Players? Just last night a moderator suggested a new way to how we write about former players and coaches on the OBD forum, and it would be a substantial rule change. Right now....you cannot get personal towards the current players and coaches, but once they leave--all gloves are off. I would not have wanted to be the "Polite Police" to everyone who wrote something denigrating about Coach Cristobal, Mycah Pittman, Jayson Jones, etc. I see how it is the "class" thing to do, but I question if that isn't personal choice, and not one that should be applied to a forum when emotions are high? The bigger issue for me is enforcement; I have enough to do with enforcing the rules we have, and do not need any more of the nasty confrontations that come with that role. I am already telling people enough (two lately) to be "polite and respectful" to their fellow OBD members, and I don't know that I want to be sticking up for former players and coaches who leave us in aggravating circumstances. At some point my rules become quite an over-reach to people, and I am concerned that this new rule would cross that line? I would LOVE feedback from as many as possible on this proposed change in the rules--please.
  14. Look, I know this is not honorable, but I really have a distaste built up over the years for the Huskies, (Pardon me while I turn to spit after the "H" word) and I think once in a while it is amusing...no, it is entertaining to see what they are saying about Our Beloved Ducks on the biggest Washington forum. About the Alamo Bowl: 2nd straight year the quacks are getting embarrassed in a bowl game. They also got embarrassed in the Pac12 championship and their new coach was a reach. I say the quack era is over. Back to mediocrity. Oregon is a complete dumpster fire. Their fans should come to expect many more beat downs like this in the near future. Their effort was poor and they acted like punks for most of the game. The culture comes from the top down. That culture is all about flash, taking short cuts, $$$$ and the over all me, me, me. Once they get hit in the mouth the fold. The only reason they got back in the game at all is that OU let up and they never really in the game. I think Oregon needs a different culture to win the big one and that culture will never happen while Mr. Knight is running the show. How funny is it that the so called super stud that Knight paid six figures for didn't even show up for his last game! Lol And yet we still can’t beat them. About Oregon's New Coach and Staff: The conference is wide open with no dominant teams and now UW and USC greatly upgrading coaches while Oregon had to settle on hiring a coordinator with limited experience. This would have been a monster staff 7-8 years ago in the Pac-12. But now? Journeymen with the reps of being ace recruiters and average developers of said talent. I’ll be honest I would rather Tosh wasn’t there. He was the best recruiting assistant coach this conference has seen in probably 20 years. Oregon is also well on their way to another staff that will play the dirty game in recruiting. Our staff is going to have to prepare for that. We’re going to have to win in recruiting against Oregon and their bag man staff. Respect for Oregon: Sorry, a lot of Husky fans are delusional about where Oregon football has been the last 25 years. Unfortunately they have been pretty damn good. I wish we had stronger leadership at UW, while it seems Oregon always does a lot of right things. They are so overdue for a Jimmy Lake.
  15. I wonder what the origin of the where/how this nickname came about? Anyone know?
  16. I am impressed with the entries, and would like to bump this thread up and make sure everyone sees it!
  17. Let's follow Coach Lanning and cheer his defense on! Predict how Michigan will do against a Dan Lanning defense! 1) How many points Michigan is held to? 2) How many yards rushing the Wolverines are allowed? 3) How many passing yards does Michigan achieve against the Bulldog defense? 4) How many turnovers does Georgia squeeze out of Michigan? 5) How many sacks do the Bulldogs get? They are listed above in the order of importance, and if you do not mention all five? Your entry is not recognized, as I need them all for tiebreaker purposes. Mr. FishDuck: 23, 163, 124, 2, 1 On Friday afternoon--we will have a Georgia GameDay Thread for your reactions throughout the Playoff Game that Coach Dan Lanning is in. Let's have some fun with this!
  18. My friend....this is not being smug; since it happens to us, (like ISM last year) this is entertainment when it happens to the Huskies. We will take our hits like gentlemen, but when the Huskies take theirs... Something comes over me...
  19. As you know, the score was 47-32 Oklahoma, for a 15 point spread. There were no sacks or turnovers created by Oregon, and the Ducks' passing yardage was 306 net yards. Boomer: 41-26 Oklahoma, 15 point spread, 2, 2, 241 passing yards. GODUCKS15: 41-27 Oklahoma, 14 point spread, 0, 1, 210 Yours Truly: 34-20 Oklahoma, 14 point spread, 1, 1, 221 Troy Franklin's Amazing Catch!
  20. Amen Duck-Brother. He did it in the Spring Game and in one of the few appearances he was allowed to play during the season....shut out until now. When I heard all the WR starters were out--I was hoping this would happen to give them confidence in their game, staying at Oregon and for the fans to see the potential.
  21. Agreed, but this is an institutional Husky homer--not a surprise. The article I wanted to link had a paywall, so I linked this one to simply announce the transfer out. It was like ISM leaving us, but we had bullets left on the belt.
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