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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. This certainly adds to the bulletin board material...light a fire?
  2. Okay...so you think former players make better decisions that we would and you are skeptical about the new coach. No sweat; we disagree. The former players are not working in the best interests of the majority of the fans...and I know that from what they did and was the two events discussed in the article. And BTW...this really belongs in that thread.
  3. I have published several articles where I did not advocate a change from Cristobal because I could not see a better replacement despite his flaws. Had I known that Dan Lanning would have been an alternative--I would have been on board with that immediately! You don't need to sell us on why it is good for Mario to come home; we are delighted with him returning home. You are happy and we are, so...no problem! P.S. You WILL see the quarterback's numbers drop next season and I can already hear the excuses...but in three years you will admit we were right here. We know him, we know his strengths and weaknesses and all parties are happy, so,--cool.
  4. Boy....for someone returning to the forum...you sure know how to throw a touchdown to my heart in your first post in for so long. Such a great post, and makes me long for the over-achievers that made Oregon special. A voice like yours is good for this community, so WELCOME!
  5. The challenge for me is justifying to those who simply had the old name in their post and seeing it deleted--when I kept yours up. You made two good points that I wanted people to see, thus leaving it up. Whenever I am very clear about what I'm going to delete, and people decide to confront it anyway--they should not resent me for a half-hour wasted writing when I told them up-front what I was going to do. Fortunately, that was not the case here. So much of this decision process with posts is not actually what is written, but something that can initiate a bad discussion that turns ugly. I learned this over the last four years, to nip things immediately and to be pro-active in telling people that although the topic today could be political....I do not want us to go that direction. Usually that informs enough to stay on topic. I too appreciate this community so much, and the fact that we can go in directions that could be explosive and keep it "civil," is a blessing to us all. I am sorry to those whose posts were deleted and hope you understand. Those who had their posts deleted were members in good standing and continue to be.
  6. I do not respect it at all; that was the point of the article as it is quite flawed, and made one bad decision despite the majority of the Oregon AND Oregon State fans. And a second was almost a bad decision that would have affected Oregon football for decades. This is not trivial stuff... I am looking behind the green curtain, and I'm seeing a bad process, one where former players make absurd suggestions, and where the rest of us who pay the majority of the bills are blocked out of the conversation. That is wrong.
  7. And that was the point of my article; former players influence the ADs department into bad decisions while the majority of the money DOES come from the worker bees. It would not be hard to take the pulse of the fans, and ignore the former players, IMHO.
  8. MaiTaiDuck....you have the unique ability to truly create a "rant" from within writing, and it is quite believable. As I read it...I can hear your voice! You went to a ton of work and you put in reading spaces for me, so I am leaving it up. Thanks for posting...
  9. I have deleted three or four posts this morning because people went ahead and began discussing the name change in spite of what I wrote in my article. You would think that with the way we quickly enforce rules around here unlike anywhere else, that people would know I mean business when I write/say something. You address precisely what Beavers fans were telling me on the phone; that the game is "uncivil." This is as far as I want to go with this sub-topic because again....this is not the topic. The influence of the former players on the AD is the topic, and the only reason I am leaving your post up is because of what you wrote below. This is precisely what I would advocate...is get the people who pay the bills involved in decisions that affect us all. You could take a poll of six different Oregon websites to determine how people feel about a name change or a particular coach. Real easy to do and does not have to come from the ADs office...but it would give feedback to the AD in how the unwashed masses that pay for everything feel. Instead they are listening to people who do NOT represent us fans, and have led the ADs office astray.
  10. Jon...the topic was about the influence of the former players on the Oregon athletic program. We will get into your topic on Wednesday. And like you...I like to forget bad losses as soon as I can, but the team went 10-3 and not 11-2. I have those moments too!
  11. But the fans on TV bring the great ratings....we ALL matter, as it is us who pay the bills...
  12. They are fans who have a TON bigger impact than you and I. Again...what they did is NOT in the interest of the majority of Oregon fans. We will disagree, and that's OK.
  13. Unlike FishDuck...most of the writers for Oregon football sites are quite young and do not have our "Greybeard-age" perspective and courtesy.
  14. You joined, you posted and it is always great to add someone new to the community. Do post your thoughts often and WELCOME!
  15. You signed up today, posted immediately and it is a dandy. Great to see you join the conversation, do post often and WELCOME!
  16. Captaincane....Oregon had a OC that had one of the best national reputations, certainly better than the rumored hire of Coach McClendon for Miami. Yet Cristobal trashed his reputation as an OC, and now he has recovery work to do. It actually will not matter who is OC...and please see the sixth post in this thread. You will see, my Florida friend...you will see. How about a Gentleman's bet? I will bet a case of Oregon Craft Beer IPAs vs. two boxes of premium Florida oranges that your quarterback's stats will decline next year under Cristobal. ???
  17. My fellow green friend...I never, EVER said that recruiting is not important. But it is only the base; you must have players develop once you get them, and there must be a strategy to use them effectively. Had Mario stayed....we would have had an exodus of player out via the portal. But hey--I wish you the best!
  18. Oh my gosh....you have no idea how funny that is to yours-truly and a Duck-Buddy of mine. If it was not so late on the East-Coast...I would call him and howl about this nickname. I wish you had shared it sooner! Great stuff MaiTaiDuck!
  19. Thank you for the reading spaces in your post my friend, and I too am excited about the future!
  20. Captaincane....you have been a reasonable poster, and a great representative of Miami. But please take note...I am a 35 year season ticket holder and the owner of a site that covers/analyzes Oregon football for the last ten years. Mario Cristobal is the worst in-game manager I've ever seen as a coach at Oregon. (He was actually booed at a home game this season!) His offense only averaged 31 points per game this last year, and you may want to read my article from yesterday right here. It blew up yesterday for over double the usual pageviews, and our Sunday writer could not come through...so my article from Saturday continued as the lead article today. Even today it got a typical great day's pageviews....so two days in a row. Guess the subject? The player development under Cristobal has been the worst of any coach in memory, and do note the mental mistakes covered about halfway down in this article for a preview of what you will see. (Remember that this critical article was written before Cristobal left for Florida) You think he will change...but after four years we know he will not. He is not the greatest recruiter at Oregon, as Willie Taggart had a higher class going until he decided to leave and Mario saved most of it, but not all. I give both Taggart and Cristobal enormous credit for breaking the recruiting glass ceiling at Oregon. But if your name is not Saban...you have a flaw as a coach. For Diaz and Helfrich at Oregon...there was a recruiting weakness, among many others. For Mario...it is in a ton of places. but not recruiting. You will want to check back in two years and keep us updated, as there is much more to coaching than recruiting.
  21. That's what we said too in the beginning. Remember...we've been waiting four years for him to truly "get-it," hoping he would change. You will wish for Diaz in terms of game management, and enjoy Cristobal for recruiting as we did. You will be restless with him in three years, and if not--come back and remind me! Good luck...he's yours now!
  22. Think of it...teams in Utah won two conferences this year! Pac-12 and Mountain West...
  23. Good point that I had not thought of...a new trend of moving to opportunities in "that wasteland?"
  24. Sorry, for the Bo Nix interruption, but we do need some recreational reading! Oregon State Showed Up for 58 Inspired Seconds in LA Bowl Loss by John Canzano of OregonLive It did not go as Planned...
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