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Log Haulin

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Everything posted by Log Haulin

  1. Jayden Wayne is set to make a commitment at 1 today. 5-star edge rusher Jayden Wayne is ready to commit UGAWIRE.USATODAY.COM Five-star class of 2023 edge rusher Jayden Wayne is ready to commit and has UGA among his top schools.
  2. I do like the Bulldog and Brutus. The Puddles is the star of the show for sure. As far as Tree goes, I will leave some room on my mule train. Best we will get is pulp out of Tree though.
  3. College football's 9 most intimidating stadiums in 2022, ranked 247SPORTS.COM
  4. I don't know much about this topic, Not going to pretend too. A billion dollars tho? That a lot of cash. Seems like a good deal for 15%. Wouldn't it have made the conference accountable to someone outside of the conference? Someone with some actual business and financial acumen. Can't see how thats a bad thing. Like I said, I don't know much about this kind of thing so I could be way off.
  5. Oregon has some great talent on this football team. 1 loss, prob UGA, and pac title. Ducks are in. Hope usc plays Ducks in title game. Cowards!
  6. Underperformed 3 outa 4. Didn't really need a study to tell us that. Some of the most uninspiring football I have ever watched. Last year injury bug hit Oregon hard. A ton of kids played. Should be to Oregons advantage the next couple years. If Lanning is half as good at game day coaching as he is at recruiting and hiring staff... good days ahead my friends. Super excited to see how the next few weeks play out. Practice starts next month.
  7. ACC deal is probably the best option. Probably the one option being worked right now. Recent Oregon recruiting makes that option attractive. Ducks aren't finished yet.
  8. Huge win for Lanning and Dilly. Proof of Oregons value to college football. USC can run but they can't hide.
  9. Oregon surges in team recruiting rankings following Dante Moore's commitment - On3 WWW.ON3.COM Oregon made a monumental leap in the On3 Consensus team rankings following the commitment of 5-star quarterback...
  10. Soooo... this is how this usually works. Oregon and said school agree to a home and home. Oregon goes down to said schools house and slaps them around. Said schools calls up Oregon the next day and says "yea, we double booked, sorry". Oregon plays Portland State.
  11. Richard Young is a Duck. No way these tweets are twitted is he wasn't.
  12. This makes the most sense to me and would be a blast to watch. I really like it. Press hard 3 copies.
  13. 1. USC unseated themselves when they cheated the entire college football world and got the death penalty. 2. Rich Brooks, Mike Bellotti and Chip Kelly made Oregon national contenders. It was forged in fire over four decades. 3. Mariø Cristobal can't coach. Sell? Yep. Can't coach a lick. Amateur!
  14. Oregon needs to go lights out the next two seasons. Make the CFP and play in championship game. Who knows, maybe even win the whole thing with Mariø's recruits. That will increase the value. Oregon has been carrying this conference for years. Got a little help from Utes and Fusky a few years back. But for the most part its been all Ducks. If Oregon decides to save the Pac they need to go all in on NIL, portal, recruiting. Most of all out of conf, starting with Sept 3rd. Ducks hold their own fate in their hands. No excuses.
  15. Demetrice Martin tops Pac-12 recruiter rankings after Caleb Presley verbal 247SPORTS.COM Side note
  16. Walker was UGA back when I was just starting to watch college football. UGA was my 1B at the time behind the Ducks. I was 12 yo. Ducks were 1A because my older brother was a Fusky fan. Sibling rivalry I guess.
  17. I spend most of saturdays watching college football. Sometimes from 9am to 11pm. I look for the closest well matched teams to watch. Not necessarily the best teams in the country. Sometimes i find those games on Root or espn 23. Not usually watching tOSU v. Rutgers. I like well matched competitive football. HBC's or SEC doesn't matter. I have other things to do if they cut football in half. I have her and she is amazing. I have guitar and playing music with friends. So much more. Maybe football doesn't need me but I don't need it either. Love watching Duck football and always will. I can substitute the rest.
  18. There's Only So Much Room In The Lifeboat | Defector DEFECTOR.COM College sports had been so comfortable for so long working in geologic time that the manic lurches of the past four...
  19. Right. Between this game and getting snubbed in 01 for blue blood Nebraska. Now getting compleatly blind sided by traditionally blue blood USC and the B1G? Little ol' Oregon must be over the target. Got'em right where we want them. Watch out McDawg here we come.
  20. Grrr.... I knew the Harris int would be brought up. I was trying to avoid it. That play gets me boiling to this day. All these years later and I still can't get over that. AU went on to score on that one too.
  21. There was the time the the Ducks were snubbed by the BCS system in 2001. The computers put Neb in championship game over the ducks. Every human poll had the Ducks as #2 team in the nation. I am not saying OBD would have beaten that Miami team. That team was crazy good. Would have liked to have had a shot though. Probably the most frustrating moment as a Duck fan for me.
  22. Most of us root for Little Brother except late November. Fusky is hated at levels most would seek professional help from. It Started with Washington voting against the Ducks for conference title in the 40's. Fusky also convinced Montana to vote against Ducks. Gave Cal the title. Look up anything Neuheisel. The most hated man in history of the rivalry. For fun, go re-watch Animal House.
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