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If I Were Phil Knight...

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If I were Phil Knight for a day:


I'd consider trying to coax CAL coach Justin Wilcox back to his alma mater and take the reins as our Defensive Coordinator.  I know it'd be a step down for him from HC, but I'd try to convince him he could really help Dan Lanning win a Championship for his team.  And later, after Lanning moves on, as he's likely to do someday, Justin would be perfectly positioned to take the HC reins himself once again.


If I were Phil Knight for a day.

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We've got Hampton on deck. If Wilcox is fired from Cal, it could be a reasonable move for Ducks and Wilcox. Many failed HCs go back to being coordinators.


We don't know what Lanning really thinks of Wilcox.

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No comment on Wilcox for now. 


Regarding the defense: 
1) Tech is a good offense. 

2) Shough played hard and well. He will be spending considerable time today in the ice bath. 

3) The Ducks did generate 4 turnovers, most of them "forced," not a result of Tech's errors. TOs may be a better measure of success than yardage, especially against a capable offense. 

4) The secondary covered well at times. DL's description of the PIs seemed constructive and fair. 

5) Linebacker play may be improved. Bassa seems better; Boettcher is a promising addition; we have not yet seen Jacobs. 


I agree, that effort would not be good enoough against USC or UW. The coaches and players do have some time to improve, however. 

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On 9/10/2023 at 11:52 AM, Solar said:

We don't know what Lanning really thinks of Wilcox.

Fair enough.

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There were some bad coaching calls on the defensive side of the ball, the mass sub on 3rd and 2 was a bad call that resulted ina botched play and a penalty. 


But I'd actually say most of Oregon's defensive woes last night didn't have anything to do with the play calling. Oregon missed a TON of tackles. I mean Shough had several big runs where he was actually hit behind the line of scrimmage but the tackle was sloppy and didn't bring him down. Same goes for the TT run game where many of their longer runs actually started with the runner getting hit but not going down. 


Tackling against Portland State was fundamentally more sound, and yes they were a lesser opponent but squaring up to tackle a runner and being fundamentally sound doesn't care about if the opponent is FBS or FCS, the defender still needs to use the proper technique. Granted against lesser opponents they can get away with sloppy tackling. 


Right now the coaching does need to work on reinforcing the fundamentals and also work on dealing with running quarterbacks... two weeks in a row now where a running QB picks up too many yards.


Oregon has Hawaii this week to fix some of these issues before conference plays begins.

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On 9/10/2023 at 11:52 AM, Triphibius said:

No comment on Wilcox for now. 


Regarding the defense: 
1) Tech is a good offense. 

2) Shough played hard and well. He will be spending considerable time today in the ice bath. 

3) The Ducks did generate 4 turnovers, most of them "forced," not a result of Tech's errors. TOs may be a better measure of success than yardage, especially against a capable offense. 

4) The secondary covered well at times. DL's description of the PIs seemed constructive and fair. 

5) Linebacker play may be improved. Bassa seems better; Boettcher is a promising addition; we have not yet seen Jacobs. 


I agree, that effort would not be good enoough against USC or UW. The coaches and players do have some time to improve, however. 


And if you take away the stupid penalties, particularly the ones that resulted in automatic first downs, the defense performance would improve immediately.  Let's give the coaches and team a couple of weeks to sort this out.  There are quite a bit of new players on the defense and they may need some time to gel...


What happened to Jacobs?

Edited by OregonDucks
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On 9/10/2023 at 12:52 PM, OregonDucks said:


And if you take away the stupid penalties, particularly the ones that resulted in automatic first downs, the defense performance would improve immediately.

But, don't penalties come down to coaching as well?  Remember why our D.C. was fired twice before this from two different programs.  But I won't belabor the point.  Instead, I'll continue to think positive for now because I don't think our D.C. is going anywhere soon.  GO OREGON!

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On 9/10/2023 at 12:56 PM, Mic said:

But, don't penalties come down to coaching as well?  Remember why our D.C. was fired twice before this from two different programs.  But I won't belabor the point.  Instead, I'll continue to think positive for now because I don't think our D.C. is going anywhere soon.  GO OREGON!

There were only 2 penalties in the PSU game. Let’s see how the coaches and team respond going forward. I’m sure that it’ll be a MAJOR point of emphasis this week. 

That said, there are some players that play out of control. It’s up to the coaches to determine whether the player is doing more harm than good when on the field. 

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There appears to be some evidence the AD had interest in JW as Duck head coach and he decided to stay at Cal -- soon after signing an (at least) $28.5 million dollar six year extension there.


I would suggest that is pretty strong evidence he isn't about to do a complete 180 -- and become a DC here.


Understand the thought though. Oregon's AD wasn't afraid to come up with a pretty sizeable DC salary for Lanning's new staff 


According to Football Scoup, 2023's highest paid DC:


1. Jim Knowles (tOSU): $ 1.9 million

2. Glenn Schuman (Georgia): $ 1.9 million

3. Kevin Steele (Alabama): $ 1.9 million

4. Matt House (LSU):  $ 1.9 million

5. Pete Kwaitkowski (Texas): $ 1.7 million

6. Tosh Lupoi (Oregon): $ 1.7 million

7. Tim Banks (Tennessee): $ 1.5 million

8. DJ Durkin (Texas A&M): $ 1.5 million

9. Brad White (Kentucky): $ 1.5 million

10. Morgan Scalley (Utah): $ 1.4 million


11. Phil Parker (Iowa): $ 1.3 million

12. Tony Gipson (NC State): $ 1.25 million

13. Blake Baker (Missouri): $ 1.1 million

14. Scottie Hazelton (Michigan State): $ 1.1 million

15. Adam Fuller (Florida State): $ 1.1 million


23. Brian Ward (ASU): $ 950,000

24. Peter Sirmon (Cal): $ 910,000

30. Trent Bray (OSU): $ 700,000

34. Johnny Nasen (Arizona): $ 650,000

36. William Igne/Chuck Morrell (UW): $ 625,000





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If I was PK, I'd be on a beach on a private island somewhere near Gaughan territory. And watching Ducks games via satellite on Paradise TV.


Oh, and you can throw in my own 9-hole Jack Nicklaus-designed golf course where everyone forgets how to keep score but, or because, there is a 'halfway house' after every hole. 


And, I'd go Shoeless.

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On 9/10/2023 at 12:52 PM, OregonDucks said:


And if you take away the stupid penalties, particularly the ones that resulted in automatic first downs, the defense performance would improve immediately.  Let's give the coaches and team a couple of weeks to sort this out.  There are quite a bit of new players on the defense and they may need some time to gel...


What happened to Jacobs?

Easy 14 points Oregon gave up from penalties. 


Jacobs is still not full go by the look of it. 

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First we are suppose to be Phil Knight, well ok, then Jon wants an Island in the Gaughan Territory?  


I have played the what if I win the lottery game a few times so this exercise is kind of fun.


I have also travelled a lot, but the Gaughan Territory, what? I am curious if I should put this on my travel list and how?

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On 9/10/2023 at 10:55 PM, Haywarduck said:

First we are suppose to be Phil Knight, well ok, then Jon wants an Island in the Gaughan Territory?  


I have played the what if I win the lottery game a few times so this exercise is kind of fun.


I have also travelled a lot, but the Gaughan Territory, what? I am curious if I should put this on my travel list and how?

My bad. I intended to refer to Gauguin who at age 43, in 1891, relocated to Tahiti and never looked back. 


I have been blessed to have visited Tahiti. But without PK's $, I could not stay as long as I would have liked. Tahiti is yet another location where I played bad golf in a beautiful place.

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I suppose that would be possible, Ellison bought Lanai for $300 million, and it has a pretty nice golf course. 


It does seem like Ellison got a pretty good deal, Oregon, not so much with the 1.7M we are giving Tosh. Time will tell, he has all the tools and the expectations should be pretty high.


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Asking an honest question , why is there this perception  that Justin Wilcox is the panacea for Oregon?   It seems this narrative surfaces when there are questions with the defense.   Please don't take this as Wilcox bashing because that is in no way my intent.


I just wonder why this always surfaces.   What exactly has he done at Cal?   In  7 years his record is 31 and 37.  He is certainly a very nice guy and a great Oregon alum.   I just don't get why we think Phil should pay him to come back.


Also there is a 'myth/urban legend'  out there that he almost got the job last time. Of course we all know about the letter that was written.  I was told by two different people who definitely have connections in the AD, yes, he was interviewed.  The phrase that was used by both insiders in separate conversations was 'courtesy interview'. One went so far as to say it was apparent he was using it as leverage in his negotiations with Cal and there is certainly nothing wrong with that.   Happens in the business world all the time.  And shortly after his 'interview' with Oregon he got a new deal at Cal.


 I was told directly by one  person  that Phil was not onboard with Wilcox as a candidate at all.  I have to assume the person who told me this was telling the truth because I know who his contacts are inside Oregon athletics.

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grammatical error
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If I were Phil Knight I would back the Brinks truck up to Lanning's doorstep and tell him to find whatever defensive staff he wants/needs. If Lanning truly had unlimited resources, his defensive coaching prowess coupled with staff strength would be giving off '85 Bears vibes.


P.S. I agree with some of the sentiment about Lupoi. I want to see him actually earn the 6th highest paid DC in the nation salary. I haven't as of yet.

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I know I wouldn't want Wilcox as a head coach, but he was a very good to great DC.

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On 9/10/2023 at 8:55 PM, Jon Joseph said:

I have been blessed to have visited Tahiti. But without PK's $, I could not stay as long as I would have liked. Tahiti is yet another location where I played bad golf in a beautiful place.

Phil could probably afford to buy the whole island.  Or a least a nice-sized portion of it.

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I will politely disagree, and count my lucky stars that you are not Phil Knight for a day. Dan Lanning is one of the nations best DCs, and he will get it done at Oregon....but it is not there yet in just his 14th game.  That was true for Kirby, Nick, Dabo and any other great coach you can name.


Wilcox is an above average DC, but Nick Aliotti was better, IMHO and Lanning is ahead of both.


I do not have time to post it now--but an exchange on the sideline between Lupoi and Lanning showed me who was in charge of the defense.  The body language shouted Lanning in charge, and the defensive brain trust of Lanning, Lupoi and Hampton is evident to me.  Tosh admitted in a news conference when he was hired that he, "came here to learn how to become a better DC from Dan Lanning."  Remember that?


I believe this brain trust will get it done.


Lanning and Lupoi_Screenshot from Fox Sports Video.jpg

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Mr. FishDuck

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On 9/10/2023 at 5:42 PM, Jon Joseph said:

my own 9-hole Jack Nicklaus-designed golf course where everyone forgets how to keep score but, or because, there is a 'halfway house' after every hole.

It could be like Willie Nelson's where there is a par 12 hole that he brags about birdieing.


Oh, and one of the rules is “No more than 12 in your foursome. If you’ve got the money, honey, we’ve got the tee time."

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On 9/11/2023 at 12:35 PM, Charles Fischer said:

I will politely disagree, and count my lucky stars that you are not Phil Knight for a day. Dan Lanning is one of the nations best DCs, and he will get it done at Oregon....but it is not there yet in just his 14th game.  That was true for Kirby, Nick, Dabo and any other great coach you can name.


Wilcox is an above average DC, but Nick Aliotti was better, IMHO and Lanning is ahead of both.


I do not have time to post it now--but an exchange on the sideline between Lupoi and Lanning showed me who was in charge of the defense.  The body language shouted Lanning in charge, and the defensive brain trust of Lanning, Lupoi and Hampton is evident to me.  Tosh admitted in a news conference when he was hired that he, "came here to learn how to become a better DC from Dan Lanning."  Remember that?


I believe this brain trust will get it done.


Lanning and Lupoi_Screenshot from Fox Sports Video.jpg

Mr. FishDuck- I 1000% agree with you.


I saw the exchange you referenced between DL and Lupoi and took note as well.   It clearly looked like Dan was emphatically making a point to Tosh and I am not saying he was calling him out, but rather ensuring Tosh understood his point.  



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On 9/11/2023 at 1:16 PM, Augduck said:

Mr. FishDuck- I 1000% agree with you.


I saw the exchange you referenced between DL and Lupoi and took note as well.   It clearly looked like Dan was emphatically making a point to Tosh and I am not saying he was calling him out, but rather ensuring Tosh understood his point.  



No question Tosh was the uncertain understudy in that exchange. 

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It gives me pleasure to think I may be wrong and that Dan Lanning IS the one in charge of the defense, if what Charles says is right.  Because I haven't got much faith in Tosh Lupoi.  Of course, I'd be happy to be wrong about my feelings for Tosh as well if he turns out to be better at his job than I think.   And after all - what do I really know?

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I'm the tiniest bit surprised there have been no comments on Tosh earning exactly 1 million more than Oregon State's Trent Bray.


1.7 million versus 0.7 million.



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On 9/12/2023 at 6:40 PM, AnotherOD said:

I'm the tiniest bit surprised there have been no comments on Tosh earning exactly 1 million more than Oregon State's Trent Bray.


1.7 million versus 0.7 million.

Not me, OSU hasn't got the money to throw around like Oregon and that makes what they've been able to accomplish these past few years even more remarkable.  Not that I'm becoming a Beaver - 'cause I'm sure not.  But you do have to admire how they've been running things in Corvallis.  Maybe the winner of the Civil War this year, beside bragging rights, might get a raise, even?

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On 9/10/2023 at 8:30 PM, AnotherOD said:

There appears to be some evidence the AD had interest in JW as Duck head coach and he decided to stay at Cal -- soon after signing an (at least) $28.5 million dollar six year extension there.


I would suggest that is pretty strong evidence he isn't about to do a complete 180 -- and become a DC here.


Understand the thought though. Oregon's AD wasn't afraid to come up with a pretty sizeable DC salary for Lanning's new staff 


According to Football Scoup, 2023's highest paid DC:


1. Jim Knowles (tOSU): $ 1.9 million

2. Glenn Schuman (Georgia): $ 1.9 million

3. Kevin Steele (Alabama): $ 1.9 million

4. Matt House (LSU):  $ 1.9 million

5. Pete Kwaitkowski (Texas): $ 1.7 million

6. Tosh Lupoi (Oregon): $ 1.7 million

7. Tim Banks (Tennessee): $ 1.5 million

8. DJ Durkin (Texas A&M): $ 1.5 million

9. Brad White (Kentucky): $ 1.5 million

10. Morgan Scalley (Utah): $ 1.4 million


11. Phil Parker (Iowa): $ 1.3 million

12. Tony Gipson (NC State): $ 1.25 million

13. Blake Baker (Missouri): $ 1.1 million

14. Scottie Hazelton (Michigan State): $ 1.1 million

15. Adam Fuller (Florida State): $ 1.1 million


23. Brian Ward (ASU): $ 950,000

24. Peter Sirmon (Cal): $ 910,000

30. Trent Bray (OSU): $ 700,000

34. Johnny Nasen (Arizona): $ 650,000

36. William Igne/Chuck Morrell (UW): $ 625,000





Looking at this list, most of these DCs are struggling.   College football is an offense advantage sport.  You just have to have key stops and be able to score like hell.  Im fine with our growth.  You arent shutting teams down 80% of the time.  Relax yall.  

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In retrospect or 'hind sight' I wasn't thinking clearly. Justin is making way too much $ to ever be enticed to accept the role as D.C. again.  Unless he's let go as the HC from CAL some day.  Even then, probably not.  Maybe I should think about other ways to waste Phil's money.

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On 9/13/2023 at 8:56 AM, Mic said:

In retrospect or 'hind sight' I wasn't thinking clearly. Justin is making way too much $ to ever be enticed to accept the role as D.C. again.  Unless he's let go as the HC from CAL some day.  Even then, probably not.  Maybe I should think about other ways to waste Phil's money.

Well, in your defense, JW probably has the hottest seat in the PAC12 right now, and it is fairly common for fired HCs to go back to being a coordinator.

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