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Charles Fischer

Very Sad...Crazies on the OBD Forum

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In the thread about "Four Keys to Beating Georgia" was a comment by a Dawg fan being concerned about the "crazies" in the Georgia fanbase showing up here.  Yet we certainly have our own "crazies" among Duck fans, and because of the superb work of the moderators--you almost never see one of the crazy posts, and if you do--it is not up for long.  We hide violating posts immediately, and it is so refreshing to have a clean forum.


With great sadness--I had to ban two long-time OBD/FishDuck members in the past month.  They were not crazy, but simply could not apply consistent "impulse-control" when posting. These are handles/names you would recognize in a moment, and while I will not discuss their names/situations in public--it was a sad day, and it makes me sad every time I think about it.  Both go a long way back with me...


Our post deletion rate is less than half-of-1%, and thus if someone cannot operate within the 99.50%+ of the others, then the problem is not with the rules or Charles Fischer.  Now, ALL OF US mess-up once in a while, including yours-truly, but we recognize it, learn from it and move forward. It is the multiple violations that take up too much of my energy, hence a short hook is now being used, as I do not have the time any longer.


I am not concerned with occasional slip by the good people on this forum, but one of the fellows had nine violations in one three week period, and the other had six violations in 40 days....which got him banned for the fifth and final time.


That many violations?  That is crazy...


But that does not pertain to any of you reading this; I mention it because there is a difference between a crazy fan, and an undisciplined fan. And I mention it because these guys were my friends, and repeatedly put me in a tough spot that I am still sad about. I've lost friends before from those who wanted "special" treatment, and it happened again. Preserving the culture of the forum is always the top priority for me, but it can be costly on a personal basis.


I knew the day-of-reckoning was coming with both fellows, but had tried to stave it off.  I know at least a few moderators thought I gave them far more slack than they would have, and these wise moderators were correct.


The good news is that the last of repeat-offenders are now thinned out, and we have 25 new members during May/June...sign-ups even during this incredibly slow time!


I kinda thought I needed to address the elephant-in-the-room, and express my sadness about it.  One thing it does--is make me grateful to the massive majority who are so fun to banter with, including the fans of other schools.  It is going to be an incredible fall!





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Thank you for not bannering this in purple

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On 6/21/2022 at 6:45 PM, Charles Fischer said:

In the thread about "Four Keys to Beating Georgia" was a comment by a Dawg fan being concerned about the "crazies" in the Georgia fanbase showing up here.  Yet we certainly have our own "crazies" among Duck fans, and because of the superb work of the moderators--you almost never see one of the crazy posts, and if you do--it is not up for long.  We hide violating posts immediately, and it is so refreshing to have a clean forum.


With great sadness--I had to ban two long-time OBD/FishDuck members in the past month.  They were not crazy, but simply could not apply consistent "impulse-control" when posting. These are handles/names you would recognize in a moment, and while I will not discuss their names/situations in public--it was a sad day, and it makes me sad every time I think about it.  Both go a long way back with me...


Our post deletion rate is less than half-of-1%, and thus if someone cannot operate within the 99.50%+ of the others, then the problem is not with the rules or Charles Fischer.  Now, ALL OF US mess-up once in a while, including yours-truly, but we recognize it, learn from it and move forward. It is the multiple violations that take up too much of my energy, hence a short hook is now being used, as I do not have the time any longer.


I am not concerned with occasional slip by the good people on this forum, but one of the fellows had nine violations in one three week period, and the other had six violations in 40 days....which got him banned for the fifth and final time.


That many violations?  That is crazy...


But that does not pertain to any of you reading this; I mention it because there is a difference between a crazy fan, and an undisciplined fan. And I mention it because these guys were my friends, and repeatedly put me in a tough spot that I am still sad about. I've lost friends before from those who wanted "special" treatment, and it happened again. Preserving the culture of the forum is always the top priority for me, but it can be costly on a personal basis.


I knew the day-of-reckoning was coming with both fellows, but had tried to stave it off.  I know at least a few moderators thought I gave them far more slack than they would have, and these wise moderators were correct.


The good news is that the last of repeat-offenders are now thinned out, and we have 25 new members during May/June...sign-ups even during this incredibly slow time!


I kinda thought I needed to address the elephant-in-the-room, and express my sadness about it.  One thing it does--is make me grateful to the massive majority who are so fun to banter with, including the fans of other schools.  It is going to be an incredible fall!





The situation you described is most unfortunate.  I don’t envy you in having to deal with it.  You and the moderators here are not alone though.  These kinds of things happen everywhere.  My initial impression of this forum is very positive.  I’m very happy to have been made to feel welcome to interact with Duck fans. 

As CFB fans we are all subject to being a bit too passionate and occasionally losing control of our impulses.  But it is important that we recognize our mistake and don’t become a habitual offender.  I’ve certainly been guilty a few times on my Dawgs forum.  It’s also a good forum and the moderators do a pretty good job. 

Bantering with one another and having spirited discussions is part of the fun of being on a forum such as this.  But there is always a way to convey feelings and thoughts in a playful if not respectful way.  

I also mentioned in a post that I hope none of our crazies find this forum.  What I really mean is I hope I don’t see any Dawg fans show up here and act disrespectful towards Oregon.  I doubt it happens, most Dawg fans I know aren’t much different than the Duck fans I’ve encountered here. They would come here to talk, maybe banter with Ducks, and mostly just to learn about Oregon fans and the Oregon program. 

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On 6/21/2022 at 6:45 PM, SoGaDawg said:

The situation you described is most unfortunate.  I don’t envy you in having to deal with it.  You and the moderators here are not alone though.  These kinds of things happen everywhere.  My initial impression of this forum is very positive.  I’m very happy to have been made to feel welcome to interact with Duck fans. 

As CFB fans we are all subject to being a bit too passionate and occasionally losing control of our impulses.  But it is important that we recognize our mistake and don’t become a habitual offender.  I’ve certainly been guilty a few times on my Dawgs forum.  It’s also a good forum and the moderators do a pretty good job. 

Bantering with one another and having spirited discussions is part of the fun of being on a forum such as this.  But there is always a way to convey feelings and thoughts in a playful if not respectful way.  

I also mentioned in a post that I hope none of our crazies find this forum.  What I really mean is I hope I don’t see any Dawg fans show up here and act disrespectful towards Oregon.  I doubt it happens, most Dawg fans I know aren’t much different than the Duck fans I’ve encountered here. They would come here to talk, maybe banter with Ducks, and mostly just to learn about Oregon fans and the Oregon program. 

Be careful Dawg. Oregon has a groove to it. You get sucked in and Oregon becomes 1b. Better change your user to DuckDawg now before one of your pack grabs it. 😁

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I know that both those offenders could be positive to the forum --if they chose to control certain opinions and emotions!  We all lose by that.


Well, keep up the good work Charles!! I know I can get a bit iffy now and then. Sometimes being a fan can put us over the edge.

Edited by 1Ducker1
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It is nice that we do not need to scroll through pages and pages of insults and attacks.

Thanks to all that invest their time to moderate this forum. 


However, if there is ever an amnesty day, I think I have a few “colorful metaphors” in my back pocket to help describe those PAC 12 teams that wear purple, or orange. 

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On 6/21/2022 at 6:45 PM, SoGaDawg said:

I also mentioned in a post that I hope none of our crazies find this forum.  What I really mean is I hope I don’t see any Dawg fans show up here and act disrespectful towards Oregon

     Good comments SGD - enjoyed reading them, but wouldn’t worry to much about any rabids finding our site. They’d end up in the pound before they had time to scratch a flea.

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On 6/21/2022 at 9:52 PM, Log Haulin said:

Be careful Dawg. Oregon has a groove to it. You get sucked in and Oregon becomes 1b. Better change your user to DuckDawg now before one of your pack grabs it. 😁

In all seriousness, that’s not a bad handle.  Wish I had thought of that before.😁

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On 6/21/2022 at 6:45 PM, SoGaDawg said:

Bantering with one another and having spirited discussions is part of the fun of being on a forum such as this.

Amen CFB-Buddy.


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On 6/21/2022 at 6:53 PM, 1Ducker1 said:

I know that both those offenders could be positive to the forum --if they chose to control certain opinions and emotions!  We all lose by that.

That is precisely what I told them; everybody loses in this.


But the end result is worse if I do nothing.

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I'll admit, I excluded myself from FishDuck for a couple of years because I thought you were over the top in your judgement of what was out of hand.  It took a permanent ban from Twitter and multiple 30 day Facebook bans to realize I needed a change.  I feel a lot of my problems were reacting to ignorant posters, so your policy of keeping those to a minimum helps me to curb myself immensely.

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On 6/22/2022 at 6:13 AM, chrisjenn99 said:

I'll admit, I excluded myself from FishDuck for a couple of years because I thought you were over the top in your judgement of what was out of hand.  

And I'll admit that in my own personal opinion, a few of the rules here lean a bit toward the restrictive.  HOWEVER, with probably every site I'm on, every church I've attended, every company I've done business with, every boss I've worked for, and every candidate I've voted for, there's something I can disagree with or where I think they're too restrictive or too permissive.


This is a private forum.  The owner of the forum invests substantial time, energy, and money in keeping it up and running.  He sets the rules.  And if I want to participate, I follow those rules.  I'm immensely grateful for all of the effort and resources that go into it, from Charles, from moderators, and from those posting articles.


Really, that's not hard to understand - at least for those of us who continue to use this forum.  If I have a few piddling things I don't necessarily agree with, I still find it immeasurably superior to what the O-Live forum used to be, where pretty much anything went and trolls ruled the pages.  


So I have no pity for those who cannot or will not follow the rules.  They were given multiple chances.  And I don't feel bad for those who choose to leave the forum because it's "too restrictive."  There are lots of other places to post and read, and finding the right fit for what you want to do is important. 


Just like I don't object if a business requires masks to enter, allows smoking (where legal), requires formal attire, or makes any other decision - if I like their requirements overall, it's a pleasure being there.  If I don't like their requirements, I can take my business someplace else.


All in all, I like the requirements here, will do my best to support them, and will not gripe about any of the rules I might not have if it were my site.  If I want things 100% my way, I can always start my own forum.


Glad you're back, chrisjenn99.  And like you, I'm grateful I don't have to put up with ignorant trolls, because like you, I've not always reacted well on other sites.

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Please correct me if wrong. The very word “fan” is derived from the root word fanatic. If so, and you are a “fan” you already have one foot over the crazy line. Sometimes you eat the wolf and sometimes the wolf eats you.

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I had the privilege of attending the OU/UO game in Norman back in 2004. Walking to the stadium, I encountered a Lively Sooners fan who started talking smack just a bit harsh. Within about 3 seconds he came to his senses and offered me and my buddy a chair at his Tailgater. It was all in good fun mind you.

     My experience is nothing but fond memories. It was a beautiful day enveloped with kind fans and BBQ smell for 1/2 mile radius of the stadium. The hospitality was unmatched. We were offered Jack Daniels, BBQ, and bottles of water for the game. Are you kidding me?


     My take of that experience, to be fair it's who I am to start with but still resonated with me, is that Game Day is a beautiful opportunity to enjoy a nice recreational experience. To see the kindness in humanity puts a smile on my face every time. I go out of my way to promote the beauty of Oregon to any out of state'r. I am careful to Never state, with a serious tone, that Oregon is going to whip the other team. Good natured banter is quickly followed with the desire for a good game and hoping my team wins. Then I 'invite' them to see the sites. I share my decades long history of Western Oregon and the unique sites that leave people in awe. 


     I love/d being treated with respect and dignity. To be included feels good. To say I am better with cynicism or disdain in my voice benefits Noone. To trash another is even worse. And, poor language is the mother of an uneducated mind. Thanks Charles! Thank you for maintaining a high standard. Thank you for making the tough choices. Good ones can have painful consequences. Never forget Charles, some of your readers very well might be elementary school students. They could be looking over dad's shoulder. These little ducklings deserve quality and class, A Forum with Decorum! 

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     I think it’s easy to forget sometimes that before there was an internet and social media forums, these type of interactions were all done either face to face or on the phone where the other person could react immediately to strong opinions. And, you usually had to face the music, whether with a fist or a tongue lashing.


     Trolls seem to be a part of the human race that wants there cake and eat it to - the type that break windows and then run away. Responsibility for themselves is not their strong suit. They like to hide in their bedroom after they’ve made a mess. Like little kids, they giggle about the chaos they can create.


     All social media forums are to one degree or another an experiment in human behavior. In very basic term, there are two types with many shades of grey in between: those that exist to be a platform for utterly unfettered and uncontrolled emotional outbursts, and those that seek common ground and awareness of how we affect one another.


     I think we all know which one Charles is striving to create.

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Okay, Charles, this posting has me really fired up! I have only ONE THING to say to you, mister: "Go Ducks!!"  😉

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On 6/22/2022 at 2:53 PM, 1Funduck said:

My take of that experience, to be fair it's who I am to start with but still resonated with me, is that Game Day is a beautiful opportunity to enjoy a nice recreational experience. To see the kindness in humanity puts a smile on my face every time.

When it comes to Oregon football, I feel much the same way.  I did not attend UO, so I do not have the hatred some people on this board have for UW, OSU, or even USC (my dad was a Trojan alumnus).  In all honesty, sometimes the vitriol directed at those programs bothers me a bit, as I don't share it.  


But then as a life-long Steelers fan I think about how much I've despised the Raiders, Bengals, and Ravens at various times; as a Pepperdine grad, I think about our long-standing rivalry with Loyola Marymount and how much I couldn't stand some of their basketball players and fans.  


So while with the Ducks I don't share it, I get it!

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On 6/22/2022 at 1:53 PM, Wrathis said:

Once or twice I've wondered if I nudged the line a bit

I've wondered the same thing a couple of times.  The great part about that is if you (or I, or anyone else) go over the line a bit, all we get is a hidden post and a note from Charles explaining what went wrong.  It's only the constant, repeat offenders or those who decide to go nuclear and strafe a moderator or Charles who end up without milk and cookies at break time (or permanently). 


And we don't need those folks in the sandbox anyway.

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On 6/21/2022 at 10:13 PM, chrisjenn99 said:

I feel a lot of my problems were reacting to ignorant posters, so your policy of keeping those to a minimum helps me to curb myself immensely.

I may have misunderstood your post, as the rules say nothing about us deleting posts because they were ignorant or uniformed.  I want all opinions from everyone on every topic, as only then do I learn from others.  This means I end up reading stuff on occasion that makes me shake my head and mutter under my breath how a particular post is, "stupid-as-hell."


That is the price for seeing all views; you see the dumb ones too.  And I admit to how hard it is at times to stop myself from replying...."good-grief, pull your head out!"


But we cannot get nasty or personal, and the absence of that is what makes us all feel safe when we post.  It is not a perfect system, but the only one I can arrive at that encourages more discussion from the great people of this forum.  So many have told me that this is the first forum they've ever posted on...because they feel safe here.

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On 6/22/2022 at 9:35 AM, Charles Fischer said:

I may have misunderstood your post, as the rules say nothing about us deleting posts because they were ignorant or uniformed.  I want all opinions from everyone on every topic, as only then do I learn from others.  This means I end up reading stuff on occasion that makes me shake my head and mutter under my breath how a particular post is, "stupid-as-hell."


That is the price for seeing all views; you see the dumb ones too.  And I admit to how hard it is at times to stop myself from replying...."good-grief, pull your head out!"


But we cannot get nasty or personal, and the absence of that is what makes us all feel safe when we post.  It is not a perfect system, but the only one I can arrive at that encourages more discussion from the great people of this forum.  So many have told me that this is the first forum they've ever posted on...because they feel safe here.

I am here to serve. If that, at times, takes the form of aiding one in the skill of muttering, well... glad I can help.

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On 6/22/2022 at 4:16 AM, Kurt Rambis said:

And I'll admit that in my own personal opinion, a few of the rules here lean a bit toward the restrictive.

I've received quite a few emails that share your sentiment, and I completely understand--and don't disagree.


But if any of you walked my shoes on this one--you would feel differently.  When I began over 10 years...we had no rules.  I mean, why would we need rules?  We are all adults, right?


Everything in the rules, everything I do from the rules is based upon experiences; hours and hours of emails and phone calls with hundreds of people.  I could give a Master-Class on human behavior in a group situation, and how to moderate a forum. Tons of things I never would have thought true before this OBD experience...


And I certainly admit to stricter rules to create something different/better than all the other forums.  If I loosened up to be like the others...why have this one?  In the end...I just want a safe place to "Banter-with-my-Buddies."

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On 6/22/2022 at 8:23 AM, Washington Waddler said:

 Trolls seem to be a part of the human race that wants there cake and eat it to - the type that break windows and then run away.

In the distant past....I was a Troll, and a very good one.  I changed my ways when it all caught up with me, and those experiences have helped me to see through what some people are trying to claim to me in emails, versus what their actual intent is.



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On 6/22/2022 at 8:57 AM, Kurt Rambis said:

And we don't need those folks in the sandbox anyway.

An OBD member here wrote in public and to me privately that, "unless you loosen up...you will never achieve the critical mass needed to monetize some day."  He has made a fortune in the web-publishing business, knows what he is talking about, and I believe him.


That meant I had a choice....and I reflected upon it for a long time.  I decided that to have the safe place to post--I must forgo the potential he referred to, because that safe place that does not exist anywhere else.


That is my decision, and I am OK with it.

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An addendum to what is above:


The decision (above) changed how I deal with new people who join and immediately give me grief, as well as multiple violation offenders.  Since I cannot monetize...and we currently have as many people as I need to have fun discussing OBD...I realized I don't need new members.  Now I do welcome new members who post well, and blend in with this community, but I do not have to suffer those-who-demand-special-treatment-right-out-of-the-gate.


I banned two new people in one weekend, because of that new short hook.  I've learned over the years that those who argue the rules and push-back in the beginning--will take more of my time in the future.  And I don't need them!


Hence the shorter hook with multiple offenders, and with new members who fight me on the rules.


BTW...consider yourself lucky to not have to read the stuff they send, and deal with them.  I would not wish that on anyone, and hence why I do not notify anyone in public about post violations.  It can get ugly...

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I miss the two Duck-Buddies I banned, and will for a very long time.  Thanks to everyone for your support, and your kind words written.


It helps me get through the tough-stuff.



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On 6/21/2022 at 7:51 PM, SoGaDawg said:

 Wish I had thought of that before.

I just checked, it is not copyrighted. (yet)

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On 6/22/2022 at 3:01 PM, Steven A said:

I just checked, it is not copyrighted. (yet)

If I wanted to, how would I go about changing it?

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On 6/22/2022 at 12:40 PM, SoGaDawg said:

If I wanted to, how would I go about changing it?

I would delete your current membership, and you sign up again.  No big deal.  PM me or email charles@fishduck.com if you decide to.

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On 6/22/2022 at 3:51 PM, Charles Fischer said:

I would delete your current membership, and you sign up again.  No big deal.  PM me or email charles@fishduck.com if you decide to.

Cool, thanks for answering. 

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On 6/22/2022 at 10:59 AM, Charles Fischer said:



BTW...consider yourself lucky to not have to read the stuff they send, and deal with them.  

Pace yourself Charles. They can drag you down. Make sure to stand up and look to the sky......then yell..Go Ducks!!

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If you don’t follow the rules you won’t amount to JACK SQUAT and find yourself living in a van down by the river....

...or possibly a shopping cart by the mill race with these gas prices. 

Don’t mess with the FishDuck. Or else...


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I would take advice from this man....


Van by the River_YouTube.jpg

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On 6/22/2022 at 3:34 PM, Charles Fischer said:

I would take advice from this man....


Van by the River_YouTube.jpg

But I wouldn't want to be in his shoes...


However, there have been many Duck forums that have met their demise, at least in part, by allowing rampant insults and abusive behavior on an epic scale. 

I  recall a particular site where I was far more likely to be disciplined for sharing info obtained through personal sources ("as opposed to their pay site"), than anyone was for vulgarity or abusive behavior.


It's refreshing, to say the least, to be able to relax and participate in civility.


Thank you, Charles!

Edited by woundedknees
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On 6/22/2022 at 1:13 PM, 1Funduck said:

Pace yourself Charles. They can drag you down.

I admit that after dealing with hundreds of people who have violated the rules over the years....


             I don't have the patience anymore.


People tell me, "Charles....you gotta chill out."  I tell them, "I did...for the first HUNDRED violations!"

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I don't plan on getting banned until 12:29pm PDT, 3:29pm EDT, on 9/3/2022.


Just kidding @Charles Fischer, please don't pre-ban me.

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Georgia fans...the classy, reasonable and knowledgeable ones like you are always welcome...even if the Ducks lose. I welcome Utah fans--even though their team kicked our butt twice this last season.  Why? Because like you and the other Bulldog fans--their intentions are good, and their behaviors here are honorable.


I look forward to tons more banter with opposing team fans...

                               Except Huskies of course...

Husky Fans_Kevin Cline.jpg

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