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Log Haulin

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Everything posted by Log Haulin

  1. If Ducks meet USC in Pac title... fine. Will look forward to beating them. As for today... Go Beavus!
  2. DNc, that was the best article you have produced so far in your short writing career. I can't find anything to push back on. Maybe one of the best articles I have ever read. "I just beat him with my guys, think what I could do with his guys"~Mike Leach I think we are finding out just how true a statement that Leach quote is. I mentioned earlier in the week the timing of Lanning's QB switch last week. It was a score early. Everyone, including Lanning knew it. Was it a coaching blunder? Perhaps partially. I saw it at the time as DL trying to get his young QB into the game under a little more pressure, a little more meaningful snaps. He jumped the gun a bit to develop Ty in meaningful teaching moments. The sacrifice was a couple touchdowns. Good trade in my opinion. That decision by DL to sub Ty was glaring evidence of how teaching and development is a top priority. Not just at the QB position. And its paying dividends across the entirety of this team Just about everything you touched on, DNc, was what I would ponder at work all week. I touched on some in comments through the week. You managed to pack it all together in a relatively short article. A ton was said in few words. Well done.
  3. Everyone knew the O-line would be dominant. A lot of people talked that the Duck line was at the top of college football since summer. What we didn't know exactly was what we had at the skill positions. 3 games in and four dudes are rising in all 4 skill position groups. By mid season this offense could be scary. How do you game plan against 4 absolute beasts that can hurt you at every level of your defense. I don't know that this offense will reach their ceiling this year. But man, right now that ceiling looks really high. Any higher and we will have to call it sky. The defense is a little behind the O, need them to catch up. Georgia, the nation agrees, is an outlier. The D, in meaningful minutes the past 2 games, has given up a couple TD. Few rushing yards surrendered as well. Oregons D is going to be tough to score on as is. I don't think there is a big leap for the Ducks to go from strong to great. They definitely have the Dudes to do it.
  4. That's only to help Brooks get the stench of tater salad from such a great man. Oregon showed compassion in helping Brooks escape from the foul odor of souring pickles and mustard.
  5. Not in my house. I am not a tyrant in my home, but if you root for USC ya gotta go.
  6. I don't know that WSU is a better barometer than BYU in grading the progress of Oregon. Cougs beat Wisky but in IMO, Wisky beat Wisky. WSU barely beat the Vandals. I think Cougs are overrated. The AP was right to leave them out of the top 25. I am interested in how the Ducks look. Will they be focused? Execution? Team speed and ball pursuit? Tackling and intensity?Timing and reads? Have they added more complexities in scheme? Pullman is a great place to gage this progress due to the hostility. Cougs as a talent not so much. Oregon is a top 10 talent and are developing individually and as a team to showcase that talent on Saturdays. I like the Lanning mantra "Oregon is playing Oregon". This team has bought in. IMO, it will pay nicely in a venue like the Palouse. Humility is important, I am not trying to come across as arrogant. I see something special brewing in Eugene. Something built on solid rock. I am super excited. Really enjoying watching this season unfold. I can't get enough of Our Beloved Ducks.
  7. I am going to defend Bridges a little. Dude has made some big plays. He was responsible for the third down play that set up the missed FG v. BYU. I think he has an INT also. He gets targeted, sure. But look at his counterpart, Gonzalez is lockdown. I am more critical of Gonzalez on those 2 pass breakups. He looked in position to pick both with ease. TB will not be the same player back half of the season he was last week. The development of these players over 3 weeks has been impressive. IMO, both boundaries will be locked by season end.
  8. https://www.saturdaydownsouth.com/alabama-football/alabama-dl-former-4-star-recruit-reportedly-enters-ncaa-transfer-portal/amp/
  9. Looks like he took an Oregon official visit back in 2018. Must have been some interest. Says he is 6'4" 298lb.
  10. Ducks are better than most think. This won't be a close game. Ducks by 3 TD. Lead by atleast 4 at some point. The outcome won't be challenged in the second half.
  11. One thing was mentioned above as how Kirby rotates players. A ton of what Kirby does is being mimicked here at Oregon. Looking at the runningback room, LB 's, the shifting around on the line. Lanning has the dudes in the RB's and LB's to go fairley deep. He is using a lot of players. I don't think Lanning cares one bit about burning redshirts. He is going to play guys as much and as often as he can. "If you're good enough, you're old enough ". I think the rotation Kirby uses is a big reason for his success. I think Lanning thinks so too. Lanning had Ty in the game early last week. Lanning knew it was to soon, one more score was needed. I think DL put TT in for development and teaching. Everything DL does is on purpose. Lanning had a great teacher in Kirby Smart. I think it's safe to say that Master/Grasshopper relationship didn't end when DL put on Green and Yellow. I hope Lanning and Smart meet in the final game in the next few years. Instant classic.
  12. I don't really pay a lot of attention to the talking heads in sports. I will watch a little bit of GameDay. Mostly I read comments and convo here. I watch games pretty much all day on Saturdays and I have watched UGA every game. I know what good football is supposed to look like. UGA passes the eye test. Probably the best college football team I have ever watched. From coaching to players, this team is pretty amazing. That said, I am happy with what I am seeing from our Ducks. In the last game they passed the eye test against a quality opponent. Not at UGA level obviously but they looked really good last weekend. I am going to enjoy UGA football this year. They are a treat to watch. Any fan of college football knows that this years UGA is something college football has never seen. Everyone should be a fan of what has been created at Georgia. They are a special team and I celebrate what I see when I watch them play. Go Ducks
  13. Dilly is a 32 yo OC calling his own plays in 3 games. I doubt he lands at ASU. But who knows, his boss did it at Oregon.
  14. I think I heard UGA has one sack this year. Could be wrong. I am not concerned. Keeping teams out of the endzone is what matters. Put Georgia game aside and Oregon is giving up 17 ppg. Take that over sacks any day.
  15. Of WSU's 14 sacks, only one was against Wisky. The other 13 were Idaho and Colorado state.
  16. From the moment Bo Nix became a Duck I was excited for this season. I have lobbied for him and defended him the whole way. I think Nix is a winner and a true leader. Nix was Auburn and this seasons Tigers is proof. Nix will make bad decisions. Nix will throw another bad pass. Nix will shoulder a lot of the blame if the Ducks take another loss. Its what leaders do, it's what winners do. Then come Monday morning he will get to work and do everything he can to win the next game. Nix will set the tone for the next generation of Duck quarterbacks. He will set the bar for Lanning's Ducks at the QB position. I believe that bar will be set high. Win or lose, Nix has 100% support from me. Dudes a warrior. Favre on Bo!
  17. Sooo... we went from play Ty Thompson, Bo isn't the right guy for Oregon, Bo makes poor decisions under pressure, anybody but Nix. Tooo... This is Bo's team, he can't be diving for first downs, we have no backup plan, if Nix gets hurt the season is over. This is going to be fun
  18. I think Bo's aggression comes from the way the have practiced post UGA. I think I heard they have been going full pads through Wednesday. You can see it across the entire team. Watching how running back are finishing plays with violence and aggression shows the mindset of how practice is played. I like the aggression, hopefully everyone stays healthy.
  19. It's funny, the more I think about that loss to UGA the more I view it as a win for Oregon. Everything the Duck will be in the future under Lanning, will be built from that loss in Atlanta. Lanning's ability to regroup and lead this team to the level of play they have shown the past 2 weeks is amazing. That happened because of Atlanta. Yea, that loss is supper important. If Lanning can win it all someday, that loss, imo, will have played a major role
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