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Log Haulin

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Everything posted by Log Haulin

  1. Whoever fills the void of Verdell and Dye will have a veteran O-line opening up holes for them. The line is probably the strongest unit on the Ducks.
  2. Rashada needs to become a Duck. The QB room will be almost empty by the time he arrives in Eugene. Could be open to start by his soph year. He is a big talent and at 6'4" 185 he could easily be 205 by then. He checks all the boxes.
  3. Riley was about to get exposed at Okie the same way MC was at Oregon. Riley IMO, is fools gold.
  4. That aTm class was orchestrated by Malchow, Ducks new chief of staff. Malchow also put together #1 recruiting class at Georgia. Look to the 2023 class being a top 5 class
  5. Ifo played every game as a true freshman. He was a 3x all pac12 and an all American. IMO, Ifo was one of the best CBs ever to play for the Ducks. Obviously my favorite corner to come out of Oregon. Would love to see Ducks get a kid with ability to secure the boundaries. An Ifo or Cliff Harris type. And yes, that was an interception on the sideline by Harris. Terrible call that led to Auburn points. Going to need corners that can play man from LOS and be trusted. Lanning's blitz packages are going to require it. The rusher could come from anywhere, including corner. These kids are going to have a blast playing for Lanning. We are going to have a blast watching them.
  6. Mykael Wright was solid, all conference. Think he lead the country in int's? Ifo was lock down, you could put him on an island. Should have been early second round. Blew his knee up. 2 surgeries. 7th round. Losing Wright as a soph. Big blow. Ducks picked up the Colorado kid, that should Help. I think there are only 5 CB's on scholarship? Probably need 7-9. Seems scheme left the middle open for poaching. It was exploited a ton. Felt like lb's and safeties were always out of position.
  7. I think Florence is an $C lean but tight. The Lanning call from the tunnel might be the flip. Hope he comes to Eugene and if so, I hope he can play Corner. This kids talented. Maybe IFO II. Haven't had a lock-down corner in awhile.
  8. Oregon Is super thin at corner. Need to land this kid.
  9. As I said, all about the Benjamin's. Loyalty is gone. I will root for Oregon players and school. Dye choose his path and I wish him well. It won't matter to me if it goes well for him or not at the end of the day. Dye is a Trojan. Go Ducks!
  10. Lanning just offered this kid. Absolute stud. Watch his tape.
  11. Kid has offers from Mich, Mich state, ND, Clem, Oregon, Wash, AU and many others. He is a big Dude. 5'11" 220lb. Not the fastest kid. Speed probably hurt his rankings.
  12. Money to a 20 yo kid who has never had it has different inportance than a middle age person who has spent a lifetime accumulating it.
  13. I heard he runs 11 flat 100. Not elite speed but very respectable. Hopefully the coaching staff can help him get a little quicker.
  14. Sounds like Fentress is just trying to get "clicks". But who knows. It's all about the Benjamin's now. Our loyalty to a specific player ended when they started getting paid. Its not about playing for a school or fan base anymore, it's about the cheese.
  15. 5 Db's also gives you a ton of options blitzing from the secondary. Looks to really help hide where pressure is coming from. Saw it in the NC and it caused Bama huge problems. In the 4-2-5, Sewell and Flowe will have a field day. Haven't seen Flowe work much but Sewell can defend the pass well, he is such a great athlete. If Flowe can match, the opposing offenses will never know where the pressure is coming from.
  16. Brini took an official visit to UO back in 2017. He also took several visits to the U. My guess is he will be going to Miami. Believe he is from Florida
  17. Longest yard, water boy was pretty funny. Sandler comedy got stale for me though. Of course I will never tire of the greatest hockey comedy of all time, Happy Gilmore.
  18. Never been sold that Riley is the second coming of Pete. Many are falling all over themselves over this hire. It just might not be the best coaching hire in the Pac. I like the Oregon hire a lot. Fusky and Cougs might have gotten it right also. See how it plays out. My money is on Lanning.
  19. I heard some scuttlebutt that Bru McCoy is on Oregons radar. Dudes a big talent and fills a need at WR.
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