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Log Haulin

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Everything posted by Log Haulin

  1. UGA is known for this destructive defense. But the offense, atleast this game so far, have matched them in game performance. M has the 4th best D in the nation? Dogs are taking them apart.
  2. Lanning defense has the held to 42 total yards on first 2 possessions.
  3. Seems the endzone will be a struggle for Cincinnati
  4. Cincy is moving the ball. Can they score remains to be seen.
  5. It doesn't make sense now... In time we will all be convinced... We will all embrace the honored title... CHUCK NORRIS!!!
  6. Both Slick Willie and MC were in way over their heads with coaching big time college football. Yea, Oregon is not a Blue Blood but the expectations in the football world is as high for Oregon as most of the traditional blue blood schools. Slick Willie was exposed quickly and fortunately for Oregon, his incompetence was realized at FSU. No real damage there but bruised pride and JH potential not being realized. Cristobal's incompetence was realized in Eugene. He hurt the brand and failed to develope/utilize talent. MC's lack of ability to prepare and manage games was glaring. This sure doesn't feel like a 10 win season. His only asset was his ability to draw in the talent he failed to develope. Its almost criminal the way JH talent was squandered. Now we sit at a cross road with Lanning. Many of us, myself included, are pumping sunshine with Lanning. Same as we did with SWT and MC. We don't really know yet though. I like the huge potential with Lanning. 3rd times a charm?!?! I just hope he can manage games and develope talent. Oregon has a ton of talent and will continue to draw talented players. Coach them up Lt. Dan.
  7. Hutsons sideline catch that wasn't was the best catch of the night. Possibly the season.
  8. Cardwell didn't play significant role until late in the season. It was all Verdell and Dye. We all saw what happened to Verdell. Coach him up and who knows. As for Royce. The dude was a beast. Still in the league. One of the best RB Oregon has ever fielded.
  9. AB played great in the second half. Took the first half to break the Cristobal Curse. The curse tends to effect only those playing for him. What a gutty performance by the D. Held Okie to 17 second half. Hats off!
  10. AB got his feet set and played relaxed in the second half. He gave a a glimpse of what might be next season. Grateful for that but also Grateful he is gone.
  11. Don't forget the O line. I think all but one are returning next year. They played really well this year considering the youth and one dimensional football. Throw in some stunt and actual passing game and this is the best unit in the pack next year. They have a new coach in Klemm and an OC that likes to stunt. Hoping these two coaches take this line to another level.
  12. Dilly has to be excited about what he saw out of the young receivers last night in the second half. 3 receivers that showed incredible ability to get 2 steps of separation over the top. The most impressive play, in my mind, was when Hutson came back inbounds, adjusted and caught the ball. Although ruled incomplete, I was really impressed with that catch. Throw in the pro set with a QB that can actually take advantage in the passing game and this offense could be lethal. Gives you an extra blocker and a dump off in pass plays. An extra second is the difference between scramble for your life and a 40 yrd td pass over the top. Just need an actual QB.
  13. The youth in the receiving corps leaves me salivating over what might be. What I saw in the second half has me walking away from this season somewhat content and very hopeful. Oregon Shows Makings of a Terrifying Receiving Corps in Bowl Defeat by Erik Skopil of Duck Territory 247
  14. Can't blame the D at this point. Put in TT and lets atleast get something out of this game.
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