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New Monicker for Our Former Little Bro?

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So, I have been thinking (a dangerous concept, to be sure), that OSU really is no longer deserving of the name “little brother” which implies they are in the same family.


Little cousin doesn’t feel right either, as it implies a somewhat familial relationship.  Perhaps “obnoxious little neighbor kid” might be a better way to think of beavus going forward.


I leave it to you, the wise and ever-eloquent followers of OBD, to ponder a future reference to the thieving bark rats from corn valley!


I know you won’t let me down and I gleefully look forward to your suggestions!


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A good thought...perhaps make it bit more distant, like... 


Second Cousin?



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Mr. FishDuck

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How bout Spoiled Brats, Bark Gnawers, Flat Tails, or Irrelevant Nobodies. Sorry couldn’t stop myself.

Edited by Just Ducky
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Baby Doll


…as in, “Oh, Baby Doll, you didn’t think you actually had a chance to win, did you? There there.”

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Orange-headed wacko step-child?




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Mr. FishDuck

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On 6/10/2024 at 12:42 PM, Charles Fischer said:

A good thought...perhaps make it bit more distant, like... 


Second Cousin?



Second cousin, once removed...

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Ugly stepchild, once removed.



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Do they have to be younger?

They really seem like a drunk uncle at this point.


Hillbilly cousins.


Spit-balling here lol.



Edited by JabbaNoBargain
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Former step sibling lost in the divorce. 


We have no relation. 

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Rodents in our pantry.

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     IMO, what they require is a complete reimagining that accurately describes what their program has become: directionless, dead in the water, beached derelicts. They should now be the Oregon State Jellyfish.

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"Annoying Neighbor Kid". PittDuck nailed it! 

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On 6/11/2024 at 12:54 PM, Washington Waddler said:

They should now be the Oregon State Jellyfish

Without the sting.

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On 6/11/2024 at 4:40 PM, Steven A said:

Without the sting.

We love you Steven A.!


"The KING of the One-Liners"



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Mr. FishDuck

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Eddie Haskill.  

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One or two broken strands of DNA and they become the Oregon State Nutria.

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Doesn't happen too often, but sometimes you just have to say, 




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