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Log Haulin

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Everything posted by Log Haulin

  1. UGA looks good. Playing some great football in this first half v. Ole' Miss.
  2. Dawgs D just ground them into the dirt though. 3 and out.
  3. This Mariø offense is hard to watch. I am yelling at him to do something and I can't stand the guy. Going back to the Fusky game
  4. Blasphemer! No way in H-E-Double hockey sticks does Fusky beat UGA, Bama, tOSU, Mich or Oregon in the Conf title. Ducks are twice as good as they were with the "Muff in Mont Lake". Fusky is worse.
  5. Pi called on Utes with the ball thrown 15 yards out of bounds
  6. Looks like Texas Tech is taking it to Kansas. Up 10-0. That could be good for the Ducks
  7. What area of vulnerability is that? I think USC has an elite offense and we will see what their D brings. They really have nothing to lose and that makes this game much more interesting. But Oregon really has no defensive weakness. The most vulnerable is the passing D. Ducks have went up against some good passing teams and they rank inside the top 30 nationally. Thats not really a weakness. USC needs to keep Oregon and Nix off the field. That will require long sustained drives ending in TDs. I think USC loses if they fail to do that. I think USC has to run, run and run some more. But that isn't Riley style with arguably one of the best college QBs in the country. Ducks are 13th or so in run D so I like Oregons chances at stopping Loyd and Caleb from gashing the Ducks. If Caleb runs the ball? Bad medicine. Just ask Penix and that dude from last week, forgot the guys name. Oregon knocks dudes out. Just a few of my thoughts and opinions.
  8. USC has three former 5* and a bunch of former 4* on that team. Grinch is gone but it's not like they aren't Dudes.
  9. (If) Ducks win 58-42 3 4 362 Really not sure about this game. USC offense is elite. USC defense just needs a couple stops or a takeaway. A simplified D that can rally behind a new face might be fatal. Doubt Ducks win a close one like Husky did. If Ducks win it will be by more than 2 TDs as vegas says.
  10. I had the same experience when I was 8th grade. A senior in HS punched me in the face at the Plaid Pantry. I rode my bike home and told my dad.. he made me call the guy to come fight in our front yard. My dad and the next door guy cracked a beer and pulled up lawn chairs. I won't tell you who won that fight but nobody messed with me after that and his buddies were making fun of him as he got sent back down the street.
  11. I would like to see JPJ pull on this play. He picked up a blocker quite a ways down field and out of the play. JPJ has great quicks and footwork. More than capable of executing that pull. Marcus Harper II at left gaurd looked like he didn't have an assignment and could easily make that block into 2nd/3rd level that JPJ made. JPJ, Harper and Jones where under utilized on this play imo. I think all 3 of these interior guys have the skill set to punch a hole on the outside edge. Using JPJ reduces pre-snap penaties by the guards getting to jumpy in anticipation of the assignment. But I am not a coach so it's just an opinion/observation of a fan in his recliner eating nachos and sippin suds
  12. Lanning has set the standard. He is almost 2 years into implementing the standard. I can't fully explain what the standard is but I think most of us know what it looks like. Part of that standard probably has Lanning removed from the day to day disciplinary/accountability functions. I think the progr'm is moved far enough down the line that that has become a player to player function. Much more effective imo.
  13. So... the Pac 12 is the strongest conf or it isn't. All year everyone has said the Pac-12 is the strongest top to bottom. Now this is the new narrative? Explain this to me? As far as I can tell... beginning of the year "greatest conf", end of the year "they haven't played anyone". Sure looks like nobody knows what they are talking about. Of course thats why I watch football for myself. Many here seem to have a better bead on what is a quality team and whats not than the moroons making the decisions and the talking heads. I think Oregon, Washington and maybe the beavs could beat anyone in the country on any give Sat. Sure would be nice to find out but as I said after the Colorado game, a one loss Ducks prob gets left out. I think thats why Charles is pumping the 70+ sunshine. Going to need 70 and hold SC to 30 or less to get the CFP attention.
  14. I can see why, Caleb and that offense can score points. I don't know if its been said yet, i haven't been on here much lately,but I have a key to the game I think will be a major factor. Especially late in the season with USC already playing 10 games. Fatigue. Ducks players have played half the football USC players have played up to this point. USC has been in some exhausting games as of late. They look exhausted both physically and emotionally. To me, that is a major factor and advantage Oregon. But we will see. Ducks could still lose
  15. Different team, different year mostly different players. But I don't know. They could lose.
  16. Yeah , little over 43 per. That is good for 3rd in the nation behind USC and fusky. I guess you would have to take away SC 56 v. Nev and Wash 56 v. BSU. Do that and Ducks are prob still leading those schools.
  17. It's said Riley doesn't care about defense. Are we sure that defenses want to play for Lincoln Riley? Maybe Rileys seeming indifference towards defense is actually the problem. Just a thought. Maybe a dumb one. But if all the praise and resources were heaped on the O from the HC, as a defensive player I might be resentful. Like I said, just a thought.
  18. Ducks Hold At No. 6 In CFP Rankings - University of Oregon Athletics GODUCKS.COM Oregon held its position at No. 6 in the College Football Playoff rankings ahead of this... Ducks Resume
  19. USC has a different vibe now w/o Grinch. Not sure about this game. Ducks have played well up to this point. I just don't have a great feel for this game. This could be USC superbowl in their mind. Thats always tricky. Offense has been a machine since the Husky game. Hopefully that trend continues.
  20. Sabin has Bama getting better every week. The GOAT should never be over looked. What he is doing down there this year might just be the best coaching of his career. Being a Duck fan, saying Ducks are the scariest team to play hold no weight. I am not a Bama fan and I would not want to play the Tide right now. Except I do because I want the Ducks to play the best teams, but thats beside the point. Bama/UGA in SEC title game could sink the Ducks playoff hopes. Not sure UGA can beat Bama. 1 loss conf champ Alabama and a 1 loss Bulldogs makes things complicated for Oregon. Need Mich to lose to PSU Saturday and get rolled by tOSU. Need Miami to catch lightning in a bottle this weekend. And the Ducks need to dismantle the rest of the pac and then destroy a 12-0 Fusky.
  21. Ya know, Grinch was an excellent DC at WSU. Maybe Grinch isn't the problem. Lincoln Riley is the HC, he has charge of the offense, defense and special teams. Is Riley the problem? We should know in the next couple years.
  22. I think a KO like that will have lingering effects. Players weigh risk and reward. CTE is front and center in football. Everyone knows the risk involved. I am glad he is ok and that rules have been put into place to mitigate concussions and cte. The most popular sports are gladiator and combat related. KO's are going to happen. In some, KO's are the point. I loved watching Tyson in his prime, put dudes to sleep. For me, I love that Oregon is a brutal, nasty, violent, physical team. I want more of that played within the rules of the game. I don't like dirty pool at any level. I want every team that steps out on the field with Oregon to know that it is going to be violent. Grab your blanky and a carpet mat because it could be nap time. These are just my opinions and are in now way a challenge to others opinions.
  23. 2 plays in the Cal game that stood out and makes Cowherds statment legit IMO. I am going off of memory from Saturday so I don't remember all the details. 1. The play Bo was working out to the right, ducked under the rusher and threw a dime to Holden(?). That one got me out of my seat. What a great play. 2. Bo was droped back in the pocket. Pocket started to collapse on the backside. Bo intelligently and patiently worked his back into and through the pocket as it was tightening around him. These are two of the best QB plays I have seen Bo make. The way he worked that pocket on #2 is a play very few QBs can make. Caleb made the same play later that night v. Fusky. Add in his ability to OC from the LOS and Bo is the best QB in the country right now.
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