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Log Haulin

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Everything posted by Log Haulin

  1. Mariø's team last year was horrible defensively. Especially on 3rd and long. I have never seen a defense so badly out of position in my life. I figure some of that had to do with the patchwork defense fielded due to injury. Hopefully the injuries will not be a factor this year. If Oregons defense plays out of position v. UGA then Lanning isn't the coach we think he is. I suspect that part of the game will be fixed.
  2. Not sure how many passing attempts JB or TT have had against "real" competition. I do know it's very minimal. Doesn't mean that one of them isn't our best chance to win, probable that Nix gives Ducks best chance at being successful. Fortunately for whomever starts, they won't be going up against the best D line in nation alone. Been hearing that the Duck O line could be one of the best in the country. That should be super helpful, ya think? I want the guy who is going to trust the pocket, go through his progressions, and deliver the ball with accuracy. Minimize mistakes and lead this team. The guy who is going to stay cool under pressure. Thats not always Nix. There are some absolute dudes in the Oregon WR room. It's their job to create separation. That should help. On top of that, Ducks have guys like Cota that can make difficult catches in traffic or poorly thrown balls. Oregon has some blue chippers who, I hope, can match UGA secondary. College football is the ultimate team game. It takes all 11 and Oregon has some studs almost 2 deep across the board. Most talent Ducks have ever fielded. So yea, if TT or JB are the best we can field, I want them going against UGA defensive line, linebackers and secondary. And I want them to win.
  3. The leash of Bo depends on the ability of the underclassmen. I am not convinced Bo is day 1 starter. It's probable but I wouldn't be surprised if JB or TT win the job.
  4. Jordon Riley transferred to Oregon with aspirations of contending for big things 247SPORTS.COM Jordon Riley transferred to Oregon with aspirations of contending for big things
  5. Most of the roster has played a lot of football. A ton of guys saw the field last year due to injury. MC loaded this team with top 10 talent and DL picked up some dudes in the portal. I doubt it will take much to get the foundation set. Agree they had most of it done by the end of spring. Oregon will be ready defensively come Sept 3. Between Lanning and Lupoi, I am sure there will be some twists but close to UGA as far as scheme. Looking for outside the box, "Why didn't I think of that", stuff from these two.
  6. Here is to hopping DL can push KS off his pocket Aces. Kirby has the stronger hand and It will be something to see if DL can draw his K on the turn and come out with a W.
  7. I like the approach of general disclosure. If I were the hc I would give very limited information on injuries, upcoming contest, QB battles and the such. After official depth chart, past contest played or full diagnosis of injuries, I don't see a problem with more in depth discussion and disclosure from DL. As each contest is played, we as fans will discuss what we see. No rock will go unturned. It's part of the fun of being a fan and OBDF is a great place (the best) to do that. I would like to see a little more media access to practice as we get deeper into fall camp. We probably won't. Duck fans have a very high football IQ. Many of us had MC pegged after that first game in Vegas. Wasn't a good look. What I hoped wasn't true ended up to be accurate about MC coaching chops. So general disclosure I am fine with, I get it. Won't take us long to figure out who the Ducks and Dan Lanning will be. Probably by the conference opener. It's going to be a blast discussing it on OBDF. Go Ducks!
  8. Makes sense, it's first scrimmage. The fact that he said we have multiple QB's he feels confident he can win with is super encouraging. In the live interview it was said with conviction. Good to hear we might be further along with the underclassmen then we thought. Wouldn't say who threw the INT's. All in all, sounds like it was a productive scrimage.
  9. Defense, Offense and special teams. Mostly defense. The talent and coaching in Eugene could put together a season that eclipses Gang Green. End of the year, top 5 D in the country.
  10. Why does this make me a little angry. 40 yards in the air on third down. Are you kidding me. Cains have no idea what they got themselves into.
  11. Sewell, Flowe and KT would have been amazing to watch if they all could have played together. Wasn't to be. Mariø knocked it out of the park signing those three in 2 years. Flowe will be the most productive player on the defensive side of the ball, if he stays healthy. His presence on the field will enable everyone around him to make plays. All boats rise. Lanning has to feel like the luckiest man on the planet inheriting the talent Mariø left behind. Going to be a huge year defensively. Great defense is a beautiful thing to behold.
  12. Dang it, super busy today. Couldn't get in on this conversation. What a great thread. Yes to everything thats been said. It wasn't very long ago that most of us had concern about every position group except LB and O-line. Oh how the tide has changed from the beginning of the off season to the end. Seems the only group of concern now is QB. It's not really a concern, more about differing opinion on how the room should line out 1-3. Pretty good problem to have. Think about it. Maybe, just maybe we can retire the 15 year stretch of bend don't break defense. It would be nice to be in top five in 3rd down, 3 and out and starting field position. Give the offense the short field. Amazing the shift in 8 short months. Good to be a Duck fan.
  13. If Oregon had two QB of equal talent? Like Bryant/Lawrence at Clemson, I could see a possibility. Definitely an exception to the rule though. It's highly improbable that Oregon has a situation in their QB room where two of these guys deserve PT due to equal talent. If they do, one will surely transfer. I don't know who our best option as a starter is. Rooting for Butters. I trust the coaches to put in whoever gives us the best chance to win. I don't have a problem with any of these guys starting. The stakes are high with all the upheaval in college football. Win now must be the priority. Just win! I don't have an ax to grind with Nix because I want Oregon to play a talented youngster Oregon recruited. The window of success is now. Seize it. Play the guy that can get us to the highest level now. I feel bad for TT and Butters. The previous staff was incompetent in developing these two as far as I understand it. I could be wrong though. Thats for Lanning and KD to decide. They will let us know, I will just have to trust them on whoever they put in the 1 spot. Let's go Butterfield, win the job. If it is Nix I will root just as hard for him. The boo birds last were for Mariø not Anthony Brown. Bo deserves a fair shot just as Brown did. Just as TT and Butterfield do.
  14. Oregon has a ton of talent on this team. One of the most talented teams in the nation. If this team is well coached they can find themselves in CFP year one of the Lanning era. IMO, alternating QB system, though sounds good on paper when talking about development, will do more to harm our chance at a shot to play in CFP. The talent is there. Lanning is chomping at the bit. With the conference upheavals, the time is now to make your claim. 2 QB system hurts those efforts, imo. The time to find your guy is in fall camp. I don't care who plays QB as long as its the best available option. If guys transfer, so be it. I want the best on the field until the game is secured.
  15. The problem many have when evaluating Oregon talent is what I call the Mariø effect. MC had a special gift of doing less with more than anyone I have ever seen. This is the same problem UGA is going to run into. The Mariø effect and injuries last year makes it tough to get a bead on this team. Until a few games are played and game film becomes available, nobody really knows who Oregon is.
  16. What's the popular belief on 2 QB system? "If you have two QB's, you have none" . Play the guy that gives you the best chance to win. Hand him the key and show you have confidence in him. If he shows he can't... next. Playing a two QB system just says you have no confidence in any of your guys. IMO, that shows the coach is weak and indecisive. Maybe you should find a new coach first.
  17. Did anyone proof read this before it was put out there? Where are this guys friends at Wareagle.com. What an embarrassing article for Auburn fan. Pathetic.
  18. I have mad respect for UGA. When I first started liking to "watch" football Bulldogs were champs that first year. So I have always liked UGA. They are the champs again and playing my Ducks. It's perfect. Say what they will about UGA, Bama, Utes or USC, the Mighty Ducks of Oregon are going to surprise. Some of the best players in the country play in Eugene. Georgia fan has done nothing but praise lanning for his coaching chops. Lanning staff is stacked. Perfect storm. When Ducks went into the Shoe and slapped around Bucky, all I heard was how tOSU is having a down year. Many say Oregon's success comes from USC failure and all around poor conference. Time to silence that garbage. Georgia is the defending champs, period. The Ducks have them first. "If"... scratch that... WHEN Oregon goes into Atlanta and beats the Dawgs, there will be no plausible excuse. Sept. 3 is the day Oregon will leave a mark on the nation. After that I will continue to root for Dawgs to win the SEC. One lose to Oregon will still get you into the CFP. Maybe we can be blessed to meet in the last game too.
  19. If 68k people are telling you something, maybe you should listen.
  20. I love it! Dawgs slip out of the gate and its an up hill battle from there. Oregon has one of the best starting lineups in the country. Not as much depth but some ballers behind them that will make plays. I agree it's not game week yet but I call out Smart on his claim he isn't thinking about Oregon. Of course he is. To many Dudes on this Oregon team not to be. Smart is very familiar with the young talent, Dan Lanning. Going to be a blast. Dawg fan knows, the players and coaches know. This is going to be a battle and they are doing everything they can to prepare. No pressure Dawg, it's not like we are Clemson...
  21. Georgia football not focused on Oregon to start fall camp: ‘We got so much to worry about here’ WWW.DAWGNATION.COM Georgia football has started fall camp, but it's not too concerned about Oregon at this point.
  22. O-line at Oregon should be on the Heisman watch list. I know it's an individual recognition. The hype is huge, fingers crossed it's lived up to.
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