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Log Haulin

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Everything posted by Log Haulin

  1. If ND joins, that could definitely be how this shakes out. I would hate to lose a favorite pastime of hating the hunch backs of Pungent Sound. If Ducks go the Pups must go with them.
  2. tOSU, Mich, Penn St, ND(?), Wisky and UCLA. That is a steep mountain to climb. Say the Pac and Big 12 combine to make a super conference. Add in SEC (2 spots right there) and the ACC. Then Cinderella shows up to the dance like Cincinnati did last year. Thats Everest. Would Oregon be better off in a Pac/Big 12 super conference. I think it might, not positive, give Oregon a better shot than joining the B?G. Ducks would definitely be the big man on campus over time. Glad I am not the comish or AD at a Pac 12 school. Yikes!
  3. In the Pac12, USC struggled to get to a bowl game. They haven't been competitive in 2 decades. What makes the B?G think USC is a golden ticket. Just a ploy to suck ND into the B?G. After ND joins, the scarlet carpet will be pulled out from under USC. Riley has proven nothing yet. He has 2 years to show USC is the cream of the west coast. Right now, they are not. USC will be Wisconsin 2.0. But that is still better than what they have been able to accomplish in the Pac for years.
  4. Where ever Oregon lands they add a ton of value. Where Pac-12 teams rank on Forbes’ list of most valuable teams DUCKSWIRE.USATODAY.COM Like it or not, conference realignment is directly related to team value. So which Pac-12 teams have the highest value in...
  5. That is plausible as well. It's why I called it scuttlebutt. We might never know how it kicked off. USC has always been shady. They are still trying to be resurrected after the Carroll death blow. . You don't really seem like a "roaming the streets" kinda guy, but while you are out there, keep your ear to the pavement and let us know if you hear anymore scuttlebutt.
  6. Word on the street us the LA schools approached the B1G first. Kept it secret till they announced the other day. Word on the street is USC did it to hurt Oregon. Shady!
  7. Mariø performs at the U at the level he performed at Oregon? He will get ran out of town.
  8. Mariø went so visit his sick mother in Miami about the same time. I suspect he had a visit with his brother in law in the hospital Chappell where they had a "come to Jesus" moment.
  9. Right now its every man for himself. Oregon needs to secure Oregon. I trust that leadership will get the Ducks in position to rise to another level. I expect it. If the deal falls through with the LA schools, how do you welcome them back into the Pac. I doubt you can. Oregon needs to move on from the Pac 12. If the LA deal falls through... all the better.
  10. I believe coach quit on this team long before Ducks showed up in Salt Lake. He had full knowledge of the Miami opportunities. Throw in injury bug and Ducks didn't stand a chance.
  11. USC fear of competing with Oregon, in recruiting and on the field, tells me the USC hype is all smoke. Fear makes people take extreme action a lot of times. Resentment? Makes more sense than the fear theory, but the reaction is the same. What Do they say about resentment? "Like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die." Why would UCLA and USC blow up the entire Athletic department because they are sucked up over Oregon laying the wood to them the past 2 decades? They want to bounce? Fine. The Pac needs to be clear that both schools need to take their entire athletic department with them. No exceptions. I have faith in Oregon and PK. They have brought this athletic department to places few ever dreamed of. End of the day, Oregon comes out on top and USC crumbles under the weight of their own ego.
  12. Bama isn't the Champs. We want Georgia and we get them. After Ducks beat Georgia the SEC can spit excuses just like the talking heads did last year after UO slapped around Buckey in the Shoe.
  13. Agree, grab Oregon and Washington out of the Pac and Clemson and either FSU or Miami out of the ACC. That would round it out to 20. Create 4 divisions of 5. That would make 4 divisional games plus 4 from out of division. Three OCC games. That brings you to 11. Play a division winner playoff for conference championship game. Let the CFP decide the national playoff. That puts you at 15 games played for the championship game representative. Bowl season is probably done. A conference playoff could salvage that partially and fill out December. Plus that would stick it to USC in recruiting. If Oregon remains in Pac or joins Big12, USC will own the west coast in recruiting. If Oregon and Wash join SEC the scenario flips. But what do I know, I was on the Lane Train.
  14. Pac 12 is the first conference to be dismantled and absorbed into other conferences. Pac is the weakest conference due to USC not getting their sh*# together for 2 decades. Some will be absorbed into one of 3. Others will be mid major. Impossible to turn this ship around
  15. You lost me at 200,000 Duck market. Only 6 other teams have more fans. #1 in the Pac. There is Duck swag from sea to shining sea. Fan or not, Facts! If the Ducks were SEC? A ton of SEC recruits would love to play in Eugene IN the SEC. Eugene would be loaded with Dudes.
  16. And the LA school approached the B1G first. Everyone finds out when the deal is done. Shady as... nevermind! UCLA is not a private school. There is a link in OBDF.
  17. I can put on Am blues track and jam along. One of the funnest things I have ever done. I'm 53, better to start at 53 than never at all.
  18. I haven't been playing very long. 6 month. I have all positions of blues and pentatonic scales pretty well. I am better than I thought I would be at this point. Everyone should play
  19. I don't drink... you can thank me later. Trust me, the world is a safer place. I do play guitar and chugging gets out a lot of aggression.
  20. Dave Depper: The Oregon Duck in Death Cab for Cutie AROUND.UOREGON.EDU The Duck in Death Cab By Damian FoleyConcert photos and video footage courtesy of Lightbox Filmworks How... I know it's not athletics, I just need something a little lighter. Hope some of you enjoy this.
  21. Yikes! I will leave my comment there. Going to be tough to stay out of politics on this one Charles. Thanks for the info but I am going to try and leave it alone for now. Be interesting to see how this shakes out.
  22. Any word on a public statement from the Ducks?
  23. Oregon could end up in the B1G, SEC or independent. Ducks are a solid brand with a ton of fans and interest globally. I am not a pessimist, I believe the Ducks are a huge value to Any conference. They will be in a position to compete with the best for years to come. What a great opportunity to better your position. Duck fans have complained about Pac being weak and getting no respect for years now. Seems like some don't believe in OBD or that OBD is capable of positioning themselves to thrive for years to come. I am not one of those people. Oregon went from a nobody with a bunch 2* guys to an international brand competing with the best for recruits and playing in championship games. Oregon athletics is respected across the board from golf to football. So yea... I figure Oregon will thrive in this environment. They are winners. I relate to those that started in the gutter and climbed to the top of the mountain. Neither I or the Ducks have made it to the top...YET! Mark my words, I will plant my flag at the top before its over, so will Our Beloved Ducks!
  24. Oregon v. Michigan: 39-7 all time 2W 3L Oregon v. Mich St: 7-6 all time 4W 3L Oregon v. tOSU: 35-28 1W 9L Oregon v. Wis: 28-27. 3W 3L Oregon v. Neb. 42-35 2W 6L Last time Oregon played these teams Oregon won. Oregon has done well against the B1G over the past 2 decades. Oregon can compete against anyone in the country. On the gridiron, in marketing and now on the recruiting trail. Go Ducks!
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