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No Travis Hunter This Week

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He’s apparently out for a few weeks due to a dirty hit against CSU. I would’ve like to see how Oregon did against him.


Colorado's Travis Hunter will likely miss "a few weeks" after leaving Saturday night's win over...


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What an uncalled-for cheap shot. One of 17 penalties against the gutty but undisciplined Rams that cost CSU 187 lost yards and the football game. 


The last one was a stupid blindside block that cost CSU an OT TD. 


The Buffs mascot is named Chip. The game was more than chippy.

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On 9/17/2023 at 7:56 AM, Jon Joseph said:

What an uncalled-for cheap shot. One of 17 penalties against the gutty but undisciplined Rams that cost CSU 187 lost yards and the football game. 


The last one was a stupid blindside block that cost CSU an OT TD. 


The Buffs mascot is named Chip. The game was more than chippy.

In my opinion, this is what can happen to teams that play Colorado - all because of the publicity hype of the Colorado coach motivating his team.  The shades, the trash talk, the flash & bling, the disrespect back and forth between the two coaches.  I blame Deion for a lot of the bad feelings generated between the two teams. All done to motivate his own team and inflate his own immense ego.


Oregon beware!  The hype is about to really begin because for the first time since TCU Colorado is going to be facing a team that has the ability to curb-stop them.  Deion will be looking for all the motivation he can find.  Oregon has got to play a disciplined and perfectly executed game to hand the Buffalos the loss they sorely need to humble them.  Don't give them a single inch or a single first down with stupid penalties.



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Both coaches lost out in that awful event.

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On 9/17/2023 at 9:29 AM, 1Ducker1 said:

Both coaches lost out in that awful event.

I don't know.  The 'showman' will somehow turn it to motivation for his team, count on it.  It's what he really does well.  Even distractors like myself have to admit Deion is a master of the publicity stunt and motivation techniques which has Colorado playing way above they're level.

Tomorrow they'll probably climb even higher in the AP.

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On 9/17/2023 at 7:56 AM, Jon Joseph said:

One of 17 penalties against the gutty but undisciplined Rams that cost CSU 187 lost yards and the football game. 


The last one was a stupid blindside block that cost CSU an OT TD. 


Sory... but I believe Travis Hunter plays for the Buffs. 

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On 9/17/2023 at 1:08 PM, Desert Duck said:

Sory... but I believe Travis Hunter plays for the Buffs. 

HUH? No comprende. Of course, Hunter plays for the Buffs. Where did I indicate otherwise?


The last CSU penalty, in OT, had nothing to do with Hunter who at the time was in the hospital. 

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Love them, or hate them, but Colorado’s come from behind victory last night was one of the most amazing I’ve ever seen. 

The coin toss going into overtime seemed mismanaged and confusing, but I’m pretty sure Colorado won the toss and decided to take the ball first. They then went for 2 points to help seal the win before they had to. Gutsy stuff, but it worked for them.


Colorado State demonstrated how undisciplined play leads to penalties that can cost you a game you should have won. That said, they exposed several Colorado weaknesses that Oregon should be able to take advantage of.


As was mentioned last night, losing Travis Hunter is like losing 2 of Colorado’s best players and they are a different team without him. Still, Oregon will need its best game yet to beat them. I believe we are in for a great game next Saturday.

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On 9/17/2023 at 10:22 AM, Jon Joseph said:

HUH? No comprende. Of course, Hunter plays for the Buffs. Where did I indicate otherwise?


The last CSU penalty, in OT, had nothing to do with Hunter who at the time was in the hospital. 

Admittedly, I am a bit slow and completely misread your comment. 


Must have more koffee.

Edited by Desert Duck
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On 9/17/2023 at 10:25 AM, latracey said:

The coin toss going into overtime seemed mismanaged and confusing, but I’m pretty sure Colorado won the toss and decided to take the ball first. They then went for 2 points to help seal the win before they had to. Gutsy stuff, but it worked for them.

Not a good idea in my opinion to take the ball first in OT.  But under the new rules, a team has to go for 2 in the second OT.  Starting with third OT, the teams only attempt 2 point conversions.  

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I don't know, but that hit didn't look that egregious to me.   It shouldn't have sent someone to the hospital unless that someone is tired or weak.   There's a lot to say about paying both sides of the ball and 100 snaps a game.   He would've been a real stub if he could stay upright all season...  Too bad for the Buffs.

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This snippet from the DuckWire article in the Pre-game thread earlier.: "My early lean is toward Oregon in a comfortable victory."  It goes on to cite an early -17.5 points for Oregon.


The article based this on several things, not the least of which was the possible loss of Travis Hunter.  Remember, we just have it on the word of the Master Manipulator himself (Deion) that this is so.  The shot Travis took didn't look like a shot to sit him for 2 weeks but even it it was, there are other compelling reasons the Buffs may struggle.


Even if the odds go to -21 I hope the Ducks come out of the tunnel thinking it's even-steven or worse.  I hope they bring a controlled intensity and maintain it for 4 full quarter regardless of the score.  I hope Oregon wins by 3+ touchdowns or higher.  I probably won't make any prediction though.  I don't have the best feeling for this game given just the 6 game comparison so far.  GO DUCKS.!


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On 9/17/2023 at 2:36 PM, DuckFan93 said:

I don't know, but that hit didn't look that egregious to me. 

"Egregious" as in blatant or damaging?  I didn't think it was that damaging either but then I saw it from my couch and not from the field right in front of the young man.  Regardless, forget ever getting the truth of it out of Coach Sanders.  He'll spin this to his advantage, motivation-wise, if he can.  It's never to be condoned.  It's ever to be understood when you build a team on Hype and foster resentment between the players and their coaches.  For that I mostly blame Deion.

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Here is a youtube video by a MD...  Take it for what it's worth.  Of course a hit on the football field is not good for overall heath.   The game is inherently dangerous.   But the question how bad/dirty of a hit this was.  I don't see it as that excessive or unnecessary.   He was running down the sideline and could have still made a play.   So was the CSU guy supposed to just avoid him and let him run by?



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On 9/17/2023 at 12:32 PM, Mic said:

I don't know.  The 'showman' will somehow turn it to motivation for his team, count on it.  It's what he really does well.  Even distractors like myself have to admit Deion is a master of the publicity stunt and motivation techniques which has Colorado playing way above they're level.

Tomorrow they'll probably climb even higher in the AP.

Dropped one spot from 18 to 19.


How about Bama being ranked behind the Ducks!

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On 9/17/2023 at 5:59 PM, DuckFan93 said:

Here is a youtube video by a MD...  Take it for what it's worth.  Of course a hit on the football field is not good for overall heath.   The game is inherently dangerous.   But the question how bad/dirty of a hit this was.  I don't see it as that excessive or unnecessary.   He was running down the sideline and could have still made a play.   So was the CSU guy supposed to just avoid him and let him run by?



Thanks for the post. I respectfully disagree. The play was over and the hit was well after the fact.

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On 9/17/2023 at 2:41 PM, Mic said:

The article based this on several things, not the least of which was the possible loss of Travis Hunter.  Remember, we just have it on the word of the Master Manipulator himself (Deion) that this is so.  


If this is true then I hope that Oregon prepares as if Travis Hunter is going to play on Saturday and adjust if he’s unable to go.

Personally I was looking forward to seeing this extremely talented, young man at Autzen on Saturday. 

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On 9/17/2023 at 3:12 PM, OregonDucks said:

If this is true then I hope that Oregon prepares as if Travis Hunter is going to play on Saturday and adjust if he’s unable to go.

Personally I was looking forward to seeing this extremely talented, young man at Autzen on Saturday. 

Agreed.  It would mean a little more if the Buffs were at full-strength when O plays them. Otherwise, the Buffs have an "yeah.. but..." for the loss, should they lose - which I'm thinking they will.  And, I hope the young man's career isn't jeopardized because of the un-necessary injury.

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I agree with the vast majority here that the Travis Hunter hit was late. It looked intentional and egregious, much more so than some of the 'targeting' calls that are made. An ejection would not have been out of order. Colorado State killed themselves with penalties in what should have been a win.


I spent 30+ years as a general and trauma surgeon. Dr. YouTube was pretty accurate in his take on both mechanism of action and potential injuries related to the impact. 


If the 2-3 week estimate for return is to be believed, the injury is not head (contusion), neck or internal organ (spleen) as those have a much longer recovery. The character of the hit and the way he went down implies torso trauma to me, likely rib fractures and/or an underlying lung contusion, and that fits the timeline better. 


Best of luck to him for a speedy recovery but I highly doubt Hunter will be available for the Oregon game.

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It was certainly an unnecessary hit.  The YouTube doc didn't notice the awkward landing of the knee.  There looks to be possible tendon damage.  Also, having suffered broken ribs and organ damage in a similar fashion, that hit under the pads on the right side appear to be a possible problem for Hunter.

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Brings back memories of the intentional hit on Vernon Adams by an EWU player. I think both hits were intended to do damage.

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I love ribs, especially slow cooked, low heat for about 10 hrs, but few injuries are as painful as broken ribs.


Best of luck to the young man, and hopefully it is just his ribs. They are painful, but you recover pretty well from that injury.

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According to The Athletic, Hunter will miss the next 3 weeks. Without Hunter at DB, the CSU QB found a lot of open receivers.


Bo should go off. But -19,5? I am pondering a bet on the game and I never bet against the Ducks.

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On 9/18/2023 at 9:14 AM, Jon Joseph said:

 But -19,5? I am pondering a bet on the game and I never bet against the Ducks.

I'm seeing anywhere from that to -23.5.  Figure -3 for home field (a general given) and it's not too much out of line.  But I'm sitting this prediction round out.  Emotions on both sides are gonna be thru the roof.

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Skip Bayless has reported that Hunter has a 'fractured' liver. Coach Neon saying nothing and no other media reports of this. It is not the kind of information that gets released on college players and if true would have had to have come through some underhanded channel. Given the fact that Hunter was observed overnight in the hospital, whatever the injury was, it was serious enough to keep a close eye on him. So, yeah, a small liver injury would fit that bill, as would rib fractures with a lung contusion.


Taking what that blowhard says with a grain of salt, no thinking team doctor would release a player for full contact 3 weeks after a liver injury. Six weeks would be the minimum. While Sanders said Hunter would be out a "few" weeks, that could be as long as six.


Hoping for Hunter's sake that he is given adequate healing time. Crappy situation all around and tools like Bayless don't help.

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I agree with Saturday Out West's Jon Gold.


That was a cheap shot against Hunter with the intent to injure. The CSU guy should have been kicked out of the game. Guys are kicked for far less vicious targeting.


The hit on Hunter cannot be explained away or excused. If a player put a late hit like that on Troy Franklin, Ducks fans would be righteously upset.



How can you not overreact to the top conference in college ball? Washington is streaking, the Heisman is a 2-man Pac-12 race and Colorado is 3-0.


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Everyone seems shocked about this. There is no room for dirty play. Nobody who is a true fan of football is ok with this.


You could see an incident like this coming a mile away though. Football is a mutual combat sport. If you spend a week lathering guys up, don't be surprised when this stuff happens. 


Us older guys remember mutual combat laws in Society. Not saying they were right but a lot less people ran their mouths. 


So unfortunate and unnecessary. Hope hunter heals up and can coninue his career. Good luck young man.


Hope the adults in the room learned their lesson. Two coaches lathered up their player to max pressure. Shame on the both of them.

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On 9/17/2023 at 11:46 AM, Mic said:

In my opinion, this is what can happen to teams that play Colorado - all because of the publicity hype of the Colorado coach motivating his team.  The shades, the trash talk, the flash & bling, the disrespect back and forth between the two coaches.  I blame Deion for a lot of the bad feelings generated between the two teams. All done to motivate his own team and inflate his own immense ego.


Oregon beware!  The hype is about to really begin because for the first time since TCU Colorado is going to be facing a team that has the ability to curb-stop them.  Deion will be looking for all the motivation he can find.  Oregon has got to play a disciplined and perfectly executed game to hand the Buffalos the loss they sorely need to humble them.  Don't give them a single inch or a single first down with stupid penalties.



Great take. But did Deion go after Jay Norvell's attire or vice versa?

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On 9/17/2023 at 8:46 AM, Mic said:

In my opinion, this is what can happen to teams that play Colorado - all because of the publicity hype of the Colorado coach motivating his team

     It helps to remember that the Rocky Mountain Showdown started in 1893, and has always been an intense, instate rivalry - with or without Dion Sanders.

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On 9/18/2023 at 10:27 AM, Jon Joseph said:

Great take. But did Deion go after Jay Norvell's attire or vice versa?

Not entirely certain how it all went down but probably Norvell 1st.  Bad decision: talk about giving ammunition to the enemy.  Norvell gave Sanders an armored tank.  The rest of the CFB better take note: there isn't a microphone or camera in the CFB media conglomerate not pointed at Coach Sanders whenever he opens his mouth.  


I'd love to see this week be an exception but it's only Monday.  Maybe the unfortunate injury to Hunter will cool things down a bit.

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On 9/18/2023 at 10:30 AM, Washington Waddler said:

     It helps to remember that the Rocky Mountain Showdown started in 1893, and has always been an intense, instate rivalry - with or without Dion Sanders.

True.  See my post above to Jon.

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On 9/17/2023 at 3:03 PM, Jon Joseph said:

Dropped one spot from 18 to 19.


How about Bama being ranked behind the Ducks!

I am definitely surprised by CU's drop.  I am also puzzled, but lots happier, by the Duck's rise to 10 (from 13).  Beating Hawaii at home didn't seem to me to have that much push.  Beating CSU in double-overtime at home cost Colorado and I'm wondering: is this because the game was so close, or because of the loss of Travis Hunter, or both?  I'm thinking probably both.  


But I should also say I think Colorado should never have been in the top 20 in the first place. That had to be (at least partly) wishful thinking.


Alabama behind the Ducks?  Yes, that another surprise.  A pleasant one, but still a surprise.

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On 9/18/2023 at 10:27 AM, Jon Joseph said:

Great take. But did Deion go after Jay Norvell's attire or vice versa?

But mom.....he started it!

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Report: Colorado's two-way star Travis Hunter out for three weeks


This was not how Colorado wanted to begin the week with a date with No. 11 Oregon coming up in six days.


Buffaloes head coach Deion Sanders says his two-way star Travis Hunter would miss three weeks with a rib injury he suffered in the 43-35 double overtime win over Colorado State.


I saw in another posting that it was possible he had a lacerated liver. Maybe he has both!



Head coach Deion Sanders has announced that his two-way star Travis Hunter will be out for three weeks.



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On 9/18/2023 at 7:40 AM, EastBayDuckDad said:

If the 2-3 week estimate for return is to be believed, the injury is not head (contusion), neck or internal organ (spleen) as those have a much longer recovery. The character of the hit and the way he went down implies torso trauma to me, likely rib fractures and/or an underlying lung contusion, and that fits the timeline better. 



My two broken ribs and the sequelae liver damage took 6 weeks before I was able to carry out normal tasks.  (Included were 4 weeks of sleeping in a recliner chair.)  Ouch.


I, too, feel for the young man.  I hope he has a brilliant football career.  

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There is a part of me that thinks this was bound to happen with him playing so many snaps.  It was bad late hit, but you have to think that at some point a player is going to get injured if they are playing over a 120 snaps per game.  It's same with any sport, you can only play so much before your body is going to take a blow or simply break down, same thing has occurred for Ohtani, and while he is amazing it's not surprising that he has also broken down over time.

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On 9/18/2023 at 12:05 PM, spartan2785 said:

There is a part of me that thinks this was bound to happen with him playing so many snaps... playing over a 120 snaps per game. 

I have this sneaking little hunch that Coach Prime was 'priming' (pun intended) Travis Hunter for Heisman consideration.  A 2-way star.  The stuff of Heisman's from the past.  I hope it wasn't done for Coach Prime's ego.  It could have been a season-ending injury or worse, a career-ending one. Thank Good Gosh it wasn't.

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On 9/18/2023 at 12:11 PM, Mic said:

I have this sneaking little hunch that Coach Prime was 'priming' (pun intended) Travis Hunter for Heisman consideration.  A 2-way star.  The stuff of Heisman's from the past.  I hope it wasn't done for Coach Prime's ego.  It could have been a season-ending injury or worse, a career-ending one. Thank Good Gosh it wasn't.

I actually don't think it was Deion trying to do something for his own ego, it's that they are very thin when it comes to elite players and he was using Hunter in order to win games, you could make an argument that they lose against TCU if he doesn't play so much offense in that game.  If he had more depth I think he would have used Hunter more sparingly on offense.

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Deion Sanders has said that Hunter will be out for the next three weeks. With Hunter out for an extended period, does this spell doom for Colorado?


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On 9/17/2023 at 1:08 PM, Desert Duck said:

Sory... but I believe Travis Hunter plays for the Buffs. 

Hunter is out for the next 3 games: Ducks, USC, and ASU.

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Guys who have played the game agree that the CSU player who put the cheap shot on Hunter should have been tossed.



The University of Colorado will be without one of their best players for three weeks due to injury, as the Buffaloes prepare for one of their toughest stretch of games on the schedule.


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On 9/19/2023 at 8:02 AM, Jon Joseph said:

Hunter is out for the next 3 games: Ducks, USC, and ASU.

It's a shame he's out - for several reasons - but I think Oregon beats CSU with or without him.  Would have been fun to see how the Ducks played against him.  We should never be happy to see a key player (or players) out for a game just so we can win it, tho I know we sometimes are.  But not because of a cheap, late hit.


I heard on FOX radio this morning the CSU kid who hit Hunter is receiving death threats.  Two wrongs never make a right.

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And now this.  Sad state of fandom.



Colorado State's Henry Blackburn and his family have received death threats after his late hit to Colorado star Travis Hunter, AD Joe Parker said.


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Yep. I heard this on Fox radio news this morning.  Predictable in these sad times we live in.  I wonder how soon it'll be before we hear the young man's been "removed" from the team?  I hope not.

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Travis Hunter update: Colorado star speaks out on Colorado State DB Henry Blackburn's late hit


Colorado two-way star Travis Hunter sustained an injury during the Buffaloes’ 43-35 double-overtime win against rival Colorado State last Saturday, and the defensive back and wide receiver is set to miss three weeks of action, head coach Deion Sanders told 247Sports’ Carl Reed.


Hunter, who was transported to a local hospital midway through the game, returned to his home Sunday and spoke about the injury.


“It’s football at the end of the day,” Hunter said on a live stream. “Stuff like that is going to happen, so I just stay humble. He (Colorado State safety Henry Blackburn) did what he was supposed to do. It’s football.


Something bad is going to happen on the field sooner or later. You’ve just gotta get up and fight again. That’s what I try to do, get up and fight. Good thing the doctors stopped me, because if there was no doctors there, I would have still been out there playing.


But I’m thankful for everybody that helped me.”


I am impressed with the mature comments from Hunter.  Read article for more details...



The Buffaloes' two-way standout was hospitalized after a questionable play.



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Travis Hunter injury: Deion Sanders says Colorado two-way star resting at home, 'can't wait to get back'

Hunter was released from the hospital on Monday and is expected to miss at least three weeks of action



Hunter was released from the hospital on Monday and is expected to miss at least three weeks of action


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Deion Sanders addresses Henry Blackburn's hit on Travis Hunter


There was a lot of chatter leading up to Colorado taking on Colorado State in Week 3, but Deion Sanders is attempting to take the high road after the Buffaloes' overtime win. 


Sanders made it a point to address the ongoing discussion regarding Colorado State defensive back Henry Blackburn's hit on Colorado star Travis Hunter. Coach Prime encouraged fans to move on from calling out Blackburn for what appeared to be a cheap shot on Hunter. 


"Henry Blackburn is a good player who played a phenomenal game," Sanders told reporters on Sept. 19. "This is a still young man trying to make it in life. He does not deserve a death threat over a game. I forgive him. Our team forgives him. Travis Hunter has forgiven him. Let's move on. That kid does not deserve that."


See article for more details...



There was a lot of chatter leading up to Colorado taking on Colorado State in Week 3, but Deion Sanders is attempting to...
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