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Everything posted by Drake

  1. Shough, Brown, Butterfield, Ashford, Millen, Thompson...the depth chart will be a free for all...Play hard and have fun gentlemen.
  2. The kid needs to relax and play football. I don’t have any brilliant answers on how you make that happen. Shough does need help from his linemen and receivers. The QB can’t win this game by himself. Shough will face pressure because he hasn’t handled it that well, and other teams know it. This will definitely be Shough’s make, or break game. With the talent we have is Shough the best game day QB? As a QB on the roster, I wouldn’t be looking at the transfer portal.
  3. Playing one more game for the fans seems reasonable. However, the possibility of playing all out and getting injured is real. The chance at a National Championship run keeps most players from opting out, but an injury to a player does impact their value. As a fan, I want to see my team at full strength, but I can’t blame players that are making a business decision. There is no protection from the downside risk of an injury, and with most of these guys this is their shot at financial success. I really can’t fault someone for opting out even though I am disappointed as a fan.
  4. Puppy fans believe they have a great football team and superior academic programs at Washington. Just ask them. They hate seeing Oregon having success. They are always a few good years away from having a football dynasty. Laughable.
  5. I will post on both sites. Mariota running this offense would simply outscore opponents. That allows Avalos to be more aggressive with his defense. Watching one of the best college QB’s to ever play the game was always worth the price of admission.
  6. Always tough to name one player. So I will name three...Mariota, LaMike, Herbert. Mariota for obvious reasons...have to pick a guy that had a building named to honor his achievements. LaMike was such a warrior for his size and played a significant role during the Chip Kelly years. Herbert is just a class act and is starting to make me a Charger fan. Never watched Phil Knight run, but.....I am a huge fan. Go Ducks
  7. Shough will need to relax and compete. He needs to play like he knows how and not seem so worried about making a mistake. Trust the receivers to make some plays and know what to do if pressured. This will be a tough game, but we are far from being overmatched.
  8. The game has not slowed down for Shough. He is struggling trying to run our offense. I don’t have a lot of confidence in his abilities right now, and would like to see Brown. Tough coaching decision to replace your starting QB for the Fiesta Bowl.
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