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Everything posted by Drake

  1. Justin will win by knockout. He established too many new records at the most visible position in football.
  2. The PAC 12 has major issues way beyond football. The PAC 12 is trying to hold on by its financial fingertips for two major events. The expiration of Larry Scott’s contract, and the expiration of the broadcasting rights deals with ESPN and Fox. I don’t pretend that I understand all of the intricate problems of the PAC 12. However, I do know that when you distribute revenues half of what other conferences distribute, there will quickly be financial problems trying to stay competitive. We aren’t playing on a level financial playing field, and for the next few years we are stuck. Oregon is blessed (Phil Knight comes to mind) to be as competitive as we are in various sports.
  3. Well said. Cristobal is rebuilding a foundation that had fallen into disrepair.
  4. This year the combination of poor defensive play, questionable QB play, and dumb turnovers ended with a PAC 12 Championship. Funny in a way. Expectations were high at the beginning of the season, then sank, and rose again when we beat USC. However, by then, most of us knew that we weren’t that good. My expectation was that Shough would settle into the starting role and get better as the shortened season progressed. That obviously didn’t happen. Unfortunately, Shough melted when all that was needed to beat OSU, and Cal was good decision making and solid play. However, this is a team sport so Shough can’t shoulder all the blame. In the past the Ducks generally perform well when we have three things. Solid QB play, a featured running back that ends up in the NFL, and a decent defense. This year we had questionable QB play, running backs that don’t necessarily look like NFL guys, and defensive problems. Ultimately, if we can find our QB/running back combo...we solve a lot of the offensive issues. I think the defense takes care of itself with the players we already have.
  5. Sometimes you just need to have fun and play ball.
  6. Watching Herbert in college we all knew he had raw talent. Never thought he would be a bust like some “intelligent analysts” projected, but also never thought he would have a ROTY season, and be breaking rookie records in the NFL... Fun to watch him play. The Chargers are now on my list of teams to watch. I will definitely fly to LA to watch a few games. Congrats to you Justin.
  7. The puppy fans biggest celebrations are when we lose to someone else. Since their football team can rarely do it...we will get back to the business of crushing them again soon....lol
  8. This year the turnover/takeaway numbers we had were abysmal. I am sure some of the conservative play calling revolved around a starting QB that had confidence issues. We see glimpses of what Moorehead’s offense can do, and looks good to me. If you put Herbert in Moorehead’s scheme I am pretty sure we score a lot of points. However, I agree that the pistol has to be thrown out, or completely revamped. One year removed from a National Championship, LSU was in melt down mode. Two of their coordinators were let go and the OC is now an analyst for the team. Losing NFL talent greatly impacts how good teams are...who knew? LSU, an offensive machine last year, is now looking for a new OC. My point is that we had to replace a lot of NFL caliber talent with Freshman and Sophomores. While I agree that we have some play calling issues, there are more problems trying to replace some of the best players we have ever had as well. Just ask LSU.
  9. My experience with hope and optimism has been positive. HOPE is wanting something good to happen. Failing on the way to a goal is certainly not uncommon. Using failure as the only evidence that something can’t be done, or evidence that a person is incapable of a task may be somewhat short-sighted. Never let failure defeat you. That may be hopeful, or optimistic, but it works for me. I hope something good happens seems like a great attitude when faced with negative reality.
  10. Kind of looked like Clemson didn’t show up for the game last night. OSU made Clemson look like they didn’t belong in that game. It happens to everyone. Who knows, Alabama may make OSU look like they don’t belong in the title game. It will take another MVP performance from Justin Fields and Trey Sermon to beat Alabama. You can be an excellent X’s and O’s guy and be competitive. However, you still need outstanding players to win...if you can’t recruit,...you are doomed. Just ask Chip Kelly. Cristobal, even with his coaching faults, has more upside potential than most coaches, no matter what team shows up today.
  11. Leadership that spends money unwisely, and makes questionable decisions...sounds familiar. Does the leader of the PAC 12 conference do anything well? Seems like the highest paid commissioner should be good at something, but I have no idea what that is...???
  12. My expectations are simple and expecting to win doesn’t change the losses to wins. I expect the Ducks to be favored in most games. I know a winner when I see one, and what I saw was a young team making mistakes that they couldn’t overcome. In my opinion, that doesn’t make the coaches incompetent? We have a good team that is missing a few components to have a shot. We need a QB that can carry the team, a RB that can go to the house anytime he touches the ball, healthy TE’s, and depth on the defensive line. We are recruiting talent that is improving our chances at a title shot. Been attending games consistently for over 40 years. That is a lot of tailgaters. I want to see them win a title as much as anyone. This coaching staff has the team on an uptick, and a few losses along the way does not spoil my journey. Win, or lose I know when we have a legit chance at a title...this year was not one of those years.
  13. I am not surprised that a young Oregon team got beat. New QB, new O line, young LB’s and DB’s with little game experience and limited practice together is a recipe for upsets. Not an excuse, but reality. Using Alabama’s success as an example may be a stretch. Based on their recruiting class results they underperform every year they don’t win a National Championship. They had a stretch of 7 years where their recruiting classes were ranked #1. Their worst class recently is equal to our best class ever. Expectations are rising once again, and most fans expect to compete for a National Championship. But, most fans realize we aren’t there yet.
  14. Fields is a warrior. Much respect for that guy. That helmet to the ribs was brutal to watch. Have to say I want OSU to continue to put the hurt on Clemson.
  15. Shough, Brown, Butterfield, Ashford, Millen, Thompson...the depth chart will be a free for all...Play hard and have fun gentlemen.
  16. The kid needs to relax and play football. I don’t have any brilliant answers on how you make that happen. Shough does need help from his linemen and receivers. The QB can’t win this game by himself. Shough will face pressure because he hasn’t handled it that well, and other teams know it. This will definitely be Shough’s make, or break game. With the talent we have is Shough the best game day QB? As a QB on the roster, I wouldn’t be looking at the transfer portal.
  17. Playing one more game for the fans seems reasonable. However, the possibility of playing all out and getting injured is real. The chance at a National Championship run keeps most players from opting out, but an injury to a player does impact their value. As a fan, I want to see my team at full strength, but I can’t blame players that are making a business decision. There is no protection from the downside risk of an injury, and with most of these guys this is their shot at financial success. I really can’t fault someone for opting out even though I am disappointed as a fan.
  18. Puppy fans believe they have a great football team and superior academic programs at Washington. Just ask them. They hate seeing Oregon having success. They are always a few good years away from having a football dynasty. Laughable.
  19. I will post on both sites. Mariota running this offense would simply outscore opponents. That allows Avalos to be more aggressive with his defense. Watching one of the best college QB’s to ever play the game was always worth the price of admission.
  20. Always tough to name one player. So I will name three...Mariota, LaMike, Herbert. Mariota for obvious reasons...have to pick a guy that had a building named to honor his achievements. LaMike was such a warrior for his size and played a significant role during the Chip Kelly years. Herbert is just a class act and is starting to make me a Charger fan. Never watched Phil Knight run, but.....I am a huge fan. Go Ducks
  21. Shough will need to relax and compete. He needs to play like he knows how and not seem so worried about making a mistake. Trust the receivers to make some plays and know what to do if pressured. This will be a tough game, but we are far from being overmatched.
  22. The game has not slowed down for Shough. He is struggling trying to run our offense. I don’t have a lot of confidence in his abilities right now, and would like to see Brown. Tough coaching decision to replace your starting QB for the Fiesta Bowl.
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