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Could Jay Butterfield Thrive in Oregon’s New Offense?

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My FishDuck Friends....do welcome new FishDuck writer LaMarr Fields, as he is a big Pac-12 fan, and has CFB passions as we do!



Jay Butterfield was a four-star recruit out of Liberty High School in Brentwood, California. He was an early enrollee in the 2020 Oregon signing class.


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It will be interesting to see how it plays out. What a great position to be in where we have 3 quality QBs. I know it won't be to long though. Just can't imagine both Thompson and Butterfield staying with Oregon after fall camp.

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I'm not sleeping on Butters, and I haven't written Ty off yet. I rate the QB's as Bo QB1, Butters QB2, Ty QB3. 

But we have lots of summer camp coming and Butters and Ty will be getting more time in the new offense. 


I think Butters gets through all his progressions as well as Bo if not better and was the best QB in the Spring Game checking the ball down by far. 

My worry with Bo is if he will be to aggressive throwing balls into coverage shooting for big plays and turn the ball over. I also worry about his random BONEHEAD picks. 


If the pressure to be The GUY causes Bad Bo shows up, I can see Butters getting his shot. Butters doesn't have the pressure to be a game changer QB that I feel Bo will have on himself. 


Butters is the guy who if he gets through his progressions and get the ball to the guy the defense is giving him, well he is excelling then. Sometimes offenses go better when the QB just takes what the Defense gives him and lets his skill guys make plays. Butter's ability to get all the way to his check down tends to create fewer negative plays. 


I see Bo as the Gun Slinger type and Butters as more Field General type

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Thanks for the article LaMarr, as I think Butterfield can run our offense, and he might just be the survivor a year from now of recruitments, portal moves, etc.  Thanks for the article!

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Mr. FishDuck

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Check out what Donte Thornton has to say about Butterfield.  
Skip to 5:20 of the video link -



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Great to have your content on the site, LaMarr - thanks for the article!

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LaMarr thanks for taking the time to organize and present your article. I really appreciate it 


Butters definitely showed well in the spring game. He systematically moved thru his progressions.  TT struggled at times with that within the snaps he took 


The forum members on this site and Duck fans have been starved for any pass play over 20 yards. So the QBS in the spring gave us a treat. How it plays out..... only time will tell.


Looking foward to your future articles. Go Ducks.....

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I don't know

Neither TT or Butters really blew me away. In time, one or both might be fine


NOTHING like Mariota's first real Spring Game. 


That bar is high, but it should be 


Bo Nix is clearly ahead and he's available for 2 seasons. I give him  B+ currently. 


I want an A starter

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Guest Axel

Thanks, LaMarr, for your well-written and highly informative article. Welcome to the FishDuck community. We look forward to more!

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According to the wr group, Butters throws the best ball.

Does he get a chance to show his stuff? Only time will tell, but I doubt it.


I think all 3 guys can play, but Ty and Jay need to play to get that all important experience. Unlike TE's, we can only play one at a time. I fear that the only way they play will be due to injury. 

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While I can understand the reasons why fans are no longer allowed to attend practices, I do miss the olden days when we could see for ourselves how the players are doing.

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Very nice article! Welcome to the site!

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Thanks for the article and welcome!  


I had a gut feeling that Jay was flying a bit under the radar and it showed in the Spring game, I thought he was really solid and edged out TT for QB2.  I share Wrathis' opinion that Butters has a somewhat lower ceiling but a higher floor than TT, primarily because I think he's just more polished coming from a football family growing up.

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Butter has gotten a bad rap, and it is actually amazing. I mean Butterfield seemed to get a bad rap and is actually an amazing talent, thanks for bringing this to our attention!


It seems we have decent talent at the qb position, and all seem to know they need to take it to the next level in order to be a starter at Oregon.


I was actually shocked AB didn't get hurt last season, and we didn't see one or more of the backups more. This season may be another season where we need a few back-ups and hope they all stick around. 


I agree Butters seems to have the nicest ball out of his hand. What we need is somebody who can distribute, and decision make and it will be interesting to see who that is this fall.


Both these guys now look like college qb's, not just elite high school.


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I do feel Butterfield has a better chance of starting some day over Thompson. Just from a physicality stand point Butterfield is a bigger guy whole Thompson still looks like he has a lot of filling out to do. 


At this point ... I think Nix starts this year. 


Butterfield gets next year and maybe the year after. 


Then Moore, assuming of course Oregon lands Moore. 


Thompson feels like he was recruited for an offense that doesn't exist at Oregon anymore. In much the same way like how Butterfield felt like he was recruited for an offense that didnt exsist when he reached Oregon. 


That is the biggest problem with coaching turnover. Some layers just don't translate to the new scheme. 

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Thanks LaMarr. I think Butters is a step in front of TT at this point. Seemed to move through his progressions fluidly in spring game. Nice accuracy. Would like to see a little more zip on the 10 to 20 yrd range.


 Both Butterfield and TT are young. Neither was needed early in their college careers.  Poor player development with the last staff really hurt these guys. BB wasn't ready and was thrown to the wolves early. Might be a blessing AB stayed healthy.


  I fall in to the MM/JH trap. It's hard not to compare these guys against past players. MM won a Heisman and Herbert is an absolute Dude. He should have been put in position to grab Oregon a second trophy. Ø is the common denominator between JH and these kids. What a shame.

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Nice article Lamarr. This topic always is on our mind. Bo Nix gets the start against Georgia but Butterfield should be #2. I hope all three stay healthy and we get to see them all play but that is probably a pipe dream. We will probably see a transfer at some point.

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Great topic and article Lamar!  Welcome to FishDuck!  


I liked all 3 quarterbacks in the spring game.  Each QB made some very positive plays.  I agree with other posters that Jay Butterfield has a calm manner about him like a field general in control.


Overall I thought JB has a nice touch on his passes.


After summer workouts and then preseason camp it will be interesting to see which QB has made improvements.  I'll be happy with anyone of the three.


Lot's to ponder on during this summer.  The future looks promising.  Thanks again, Lamar, for your excellent writing!

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Thank you for the article LaMarr! Welcome to the FishDuck Family! I'm looking forward to reading more of your articles as the year progresses!


Go Ducks!!

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Nice article, thank you.  From the spring game, I was much more impressed with Butterfied than Thompson.  While he made mistakes, he seemed much calmer and in control, and for the most part, his passes were accurate.  His mobility is the biggest issue.

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Am I correct that Thompson and Butters have both used their redshirts now and since the May 1st deadline has passed, if either leave between now and the end of next season, they will not be eligible until the following season?


If so, it makes no sense for either to transfer until the completion of next season.   

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Thanks for the article LaMarr.  Welcome to the OBD forum!

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