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Time to Bump Black Uniforms and Stick to Official Oregon Colors?

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This is not going to be a popular article, but it is the way I feel.  What are your thoughts about my assertions and suggestions in the article?


Is it time to bump black from our uniform colors in all sports, and stick to what Oregon school colors actually are? I was having some NBA gaming fun on expert...
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As someone who was required to take years of four-hour Color Theory classes, I couldn’t concur more.  During my time in the arts, black was considered by my instructors to be an unimaginative “cop-out”, and at times when used extensively on graded works, considered not worthy of a grade.   


From the technical aspect, there’s always the debate if black is even a color since color is the reflection of portions of the light spectrum that are analyzed by the optic nerve and translated by our gray matter as a color.  Black is the reflection of nothing.  I digress, as this inconsequential debate can be argued from an artistic or scientific perspective.  Besides, the only fond memories I have from my artsy days are those of drinking way too much cheap beer, and the Robinson twins.


I may be jaded by my past experiences, and from spending too much time in a small apartment being engulfed by the pleasing smell of a cool gray #5 marker, but I side with my old headmasters and view black as counter to how I view OBD.  I consider Oregon to be the bastion of creativity regarding sports attire, and to me, a black uniform reeks of a PTO week for an entire fashion department.  


But…I think the players like it, and that trumps any argument made by the rest of us.  Charles, you & I just may ride solo on this one.  👍 

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I'm not a fan of the black uniforms for Duck teams. Replace the black with a really, really dark green, at least.

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I think you can make a decent argument that black and white are neutral colors, so I guess I'm OK with it.  Still prefer green/yellow combinations though.  Love the recent "Nightmare Green" color, very dark but still in duck color spectrum at least.


Just glad we're not seeing the gray/white schemes we saw during the Chip years.

Edited by noDucknewby
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Totally disagree. As long as uniform design, with off-brand colors, is a major cool factor that attracts players and fans, why mess with it?


And FWIW, I like the black, grey and white combos.

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On 5/12/2022 at 7:13 AM, Jester said:

As someone who was required to take years of four-hour Color Theory classes, I couldn’t concur more.  During my time in the arts, black was considered by my instructors to be an unimaginative “cop-out”, and at times when used extensively on graded works, considered not worthy of a grade.   


From the technical aspect, there’s always the debate if black is even a color since color is the reflection of portions of the light spectrum that are analyzed by the optic nerve and translated by our gray matter as a color.  Black is the reflection of nothing.  I digress, as this inconsequential debate can be argued from an artistic or scientific perspective.  Besides, the only fond memories I have from my artsy days are those of drinking way too much cheap beer, and the Robinson twins.


I may be jaded by my past experiences, and from spending too much time in a small apartment being engulfed by the pleasing smell of a cool gray #5 marker, but I side with my old headmasters and view black as counter to how I view OBD.  I consider Oregon to be the bastion of creativity regarding sports attire, and to me, a black uniform reeks of a PTO week for an entire fashion department.  


But…I think the players like it, and that trumps any argument made by the rest of us.  Charles, you & I just may ride solo on this one.  👍 

“The players like it and that trumps any argument.”


I definitely agree, but it’s not just the players.


People from all over the country would talk about the Ducks’ uniforms and the uniforms became perhaps the catalyst in Oregon becoming a “cool” school, which of course attracts recruits as well as non athletes.


Even now there are press releases prior to games telling us what the Ducks will be wearing on Saturday.  Cool uniforms have become part of Oregon’s identity.


Having said that, I have to admit that sometimes the uniforms make me shake my head, as in “What were they thinking?”

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I've posted this on this forum for years.  I want to see GREEN and YELLOW in EVERY uniform.  


1.  I love black unis, just don't do the chrome lids and silver numbers.  Make GREEN and YELLOW part of the numbers, facemask, the "O", something.  Mostly all black but both GREEN and YELLOW trim, both, somewhere in the system.  The swoosh on the shoes, the facemask, the numerals, little stripes or just an O on the upper thigh football pants or basketball shorts.


2. All green or All yellow, with the other color incorporated, and then black/silver/white accents or piping.  In football, the yellow/green/yellow or green/yellow/green looks are awesome.  White/green/white is fine, or Green/white/Green on the road, etc. just throw a little yellow in somewhere.


3.  Baseball/Softball:  Grey road unis are fine, but put both green AND yellow piping, numbers, the O, yellow numbers with green piping, whatever, both colors.  Same on the all whites or even an all black.


4.  Speaking of the all whites, I love it, the storm trooper blowing out USuC in the Coliseum I think when Kenjon ran for 335 yard and 5 TDs that was cool, but...find a bit of BOTH green and yellow balanced nicely, somehow.  Same with silver/chrome/gray, not opposed but gotta have both school colors somehow


5.  The funky one-offs like the cookies and cream at sucLA last fall were weird, but if it's another little deal breaker to get top talent to come to Eugene, along with facilities, well ok then.  (I want coaching that develops the players, scheme that scores 48 ppg and a D that rivals Georgia's last year...and kids that see that as the main selling point, but if these other things are the icing on the cake to pick us over Bama why not?)  Is there a way to get a little more green and yellow on those, even just a bit?  The dysentery uniforms were a cool State of Oregon one-off, and had we won that stupid game they would be forever a cool memory instead of a "WTH don't do that again!!!"


6. Green variants.  The bright apple, or the darker...I'm good with both, as long as they look GREEN and there is lightning yellow.  BTW I love lightning yellow, only use the old golden yellow if it's a throw-back uni, which once in a while is fine too.  I did NOT care for the super dark olive green/brown looking weird one we wore last fall, can't even remember which game now, looked like a black uni the equipment manager accidentally washed with the  jock strap bleach load and the color came out weird.

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     Don’t necessarily see this as an ‘either or’ thing. While I basically side with Charles on this, I don’t see why  wardrobe couldn’t pull the Darth Vader uni  out of the closet on a very limited basis — once a year, once every two years? Gives it a better focus that way.

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I imagine almost every school has a black uniform by now.  How many have green and yellow?


The only black outfit I enjoy seeing is that of the slimming mini-skirt worn by a woman who makes questionable post-dinner decisions.


Sorry.  Not a hint of "Get off my lawn!" here".  




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     Added thought — the beauty of green and yellow is that both colors seem to lend themselves to a variety of hues that red and blue don’t. We’re very fortunate in that way.

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Oregon is kind of the testing ground for Nike for sports uniforms of different sports. If the players think it’s cool, then I am not going to complain.

No Purple, or Orange though.

Edited by Drake
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On 5/12/2022 at 7:59 AM, Wrathis said:

It's not been often during my short stint here that I vehemently disagree with you Mr. FishDuck, but this is that hill.

And that is the beauty of this forum, that can disagree in a big way, share our thoughts and no feelings are hurt.  Not only is it "no-sweat" that you and others disagree, it is great that people disagree and I see their views.  It is the only venue to do so in a safe way!


On 5/12/2022 at 7:59 AM, Wrathis said:

This seems to be one of those "get off my lawn" moments that the old timers occasionally succumb to, and while I understand it,

Not really.  It is just my opinion is all, and you have to remember that I was a fan for the last 14 years of it.  So it is not like I've been fighting against Black Uniforms all these years...I just feel it is time to no longer be one of the "Black-Sheep" with the uniforms. Let's break new ground again!

Mr. FishDuck

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On 5/12/2022 at 8:12 AM, DUCKED said:

Having said that, I have to admit that sometimes the uniforms make me shake my head, as in “What were they thinking?”

There have been quite a few of those moments for me in recent years, and again--why can't we start a new tread AWAY from the Black Uniforms?

Mr. FishDuck

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On 5/12/2022 at 8:12 AM, DUCKED said:

Even now there are press releases prior to games telling us what the Ducks will be wearing on Saturday.  Cool uniforms have become part of Oregon’s identity.

I wait for it every week. Penn State is a big hold out, they look to have the same uniforms, they don't have names on the back either, that they had back in the 70's. There have been a few uniform combo's that didn't work, but overall, I've liked them.


When I think of Marcus the first image, I get is the all yellow against Michigan State, LMJ I see in green. 


The softball team looks great when they wear yellow


Delgado Baserunning


But it seems like traditional jersey colors have gone away where sports are concerned. You never know what color either team will be wearing now. 

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I will agree with Drake and raise it one more, no purple or orange ever, and no blue either! Let the student athletes get creative, but certainly put limits on what is acceptable. Nobody should ever wear purple or orange in public!


I mean if you really like those colors there are only certain places it is acceptable to wear them, and maybe certain days of the year, like halloween.

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TBH I couldn't care less about what the uniforms are worn on the field as long as the other team poops their pants every time Oregon walks onto it.

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On 5/12/2022 at 7:13 AM, Jester said:

I think the players like it, and that trumps any argument made by the rest of us.

This really is the only vote that counts.  Well, that and Nike'$.

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On 5/12/2022 at 12:48 PM, kirklandduck said:

TBH I couldn't care less about what the uniforms are worn on the field as long as the other team poops their pants every time Oregon walks onto it.

I'll take it!

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I prefer predominantly green and yellow. Black and white both look great trimmed with green and/or yellow.

Personally, I thought the grey and "eggshell" unis were horrid.

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Charles, I appreciate your opinion and your passion for all things green and yellow.


I do feel green and yellow are the school colors and should be well represented in all uniform combinations. Since black and white are not even "colors" their use within the uniform design does not bother me. When used correctly they can enhance the feel and promote emotion. Black strikes fear. White suggests superiority. These are both emotions that should be felt by all of the Ducks competition.


Nike infused these shades into the uniforms knowing this. The recruits love it. Nike also realized that adding these multiplies the possible combinations to a near infinite number. This set our Ducks apart from every other school for years. Yes, others are catching up and it may be time to up the ante. This may lead to some failures (like the eggshell uni's). but may lead to the next great idea. I feel the blue bloods can afford to stay classic and Oregon needs to stay innovative.


At least we all love our Ducks regardless of what they are wearing. 

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Black signifies strength, power, confidence, and authority. It's easily the most elegant color. Well, I guess it's not technically a color, but that's just nit picking. Suits are black. Tuxedos are black. It makes women appear more beautiful and men more handsome. Black goes with any accent color, such as lightning yellow or lime green. Black is fantastic. Black clothing, above all, sells like hotcakes. That's the color Nike will sell the most jerseys and the most shoes to the general public. The only color that's almost as good as black is chrome, and the chrome helmets for the 2012 Rose Bowl were Oregon's finest version to date.


Needless to say, 85% of what I wear is black, gray, or charcoal- including the requisite black Wayfarer Ray Bans. 

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I always liked the look of a stadium filled with fans wearing the same colors. Even though Oregon has designated colors for each game it still looks like a kaleidoscope in the stands. There's so many options that people seem to just wear what they feel like. All subjective of course. 


On the other side I have no problem with most styles/color combos and really like the white/grey/chrome look which is not even close to school colors. I can handle the black look as well. 


The uni choices are so far ingrained as part of who the Ducks are that there's probably no turning back at this point.



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Long ago, Oregon’s official colors were lime green & lemon yellow, about when we were Webfoots, not Ducks.  Those strictly adhered to colors made striking uniforms, not like the pedestrian green & yellow combos we see today.


Is it so difficult to come up with those exact colors today? I recently called Prince Pucklers and asked why they no longer served lemon custard ice cream and the lady said they lost the starter - whatever that is. Maybe we lost the starter for lime green & lemon yellow uniforms.

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I don't know Charles I still like the black (I believe it's a really dark green if I remember correctly) extremely well, with the yellow and all yellow.  There just hasn't been any uniforms that have looked bad. We are still rated as the best.

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On 5/12/2022 at 12:32 PM, GODUCKS15 said:

The uni choices are so far ingrained as part of who the Ducks are that there's probably no turning back at this point.

That is probably true....



Mr. FishDuck

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Guest Axel

Uniforms, schmuniforms. I want more Star Wars helmets. And can our safeties use light sabers?

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I’m a green and yellow guy myself. I’m also on the north side of fifty and understand that I’m not the target audience.

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I like the idea of the occasional throwback uniform. My only question is why haven’t the Ducks gone back to the uniforms that started the insanity? I also want to know what happened to the “mallard head” helmets that were specially painted. They were the talk of college football back in the day and I haven’t seen them in over a decade. Word on the street is there was a “disagreement” with the company that painted them. 


Edited by DrJacksPlaidPants
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On 5/12/2022 at 11:01 AM, Charles Fischer said:

There have been quite a few of those moments for me in recent years, and again--why can't we start a new tread AWAY from the Black Uniforms?

Gotta disagree champ...Our black uni's are the hottest out there and love the combo's. That said, I don't ever want to see pink or gray in any of our uni's. You can at least justify Black as it's on helmets been on the numbers, etc. Gray, besides being drab, is arguably our achilles heel as it seems we lose a signficant portion of our games in those. Never, ever want to see gray!


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Charles, you are RIGHT ON! 


The black uni's for football are OK once and awhile, but NEVER for the other sports.

I do not like the black in hoops, softball, baseball, volleyball, or any other sports.

(And while I'm here, I really loathe the pink.)


It seems to me we lose too many big games wearing black (in all non-football sports).


The storm trooper look is pretty sweet though...


Great point about us being one of very few teams that wear green (and we do make that color look good!) so we should really emphasize it, ALL the time.

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Storm trooper white, Death Star black, mallard green, yellow hi-lite marker, dogs and cats living together..........


defensive team - rich brooks field green (hiding in plain sight)

offensive team - blur (whatever color that is)



Edited by Flyin Vee
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Whatever wins games and recruits is my favorite uniform. (Ok I'm partial to the stormtrooper, Lightning, & anything in dark greens). Win Ducks WIN! 

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Any color is fine with me as long as green and gold are present.

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I think the black unis make our players look smaller. In fashion, the color black is supposed to make one look "slimmer." 


Don't we want our football guys to look big and imposing? I like the yellow and green. It is so identifiable with our Oregon Ducks. 

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